Refer to the following document to install aqua CLI.
Install tools with aqua.
$ aqua install
Install teleport CLI
$ wget
$ tar xvf teleport-v16.3.0-linux-amd64-bin.tar.gz
$ kind create cluster --name teleport-demo --config cluster.yaml
$ helm repo add teleport
$ helm repo update
helm template teleport --namespace teleport teleport/teleport-cluster \
--create-namespace \
--version 16.3.0 \
--values teleport-cluster-values.yaml \
> manifests/teleport-cluster.yaml
$ kubectl create namespace teleport
$ kustomize build ./manifests/ | kubectl apply -f -
$ kubectl exec -i -n teleport deployment/teleport-auth -- tctl create -f < member.yaml
$ kubectl exec -ti -n teleport deployment/teleport-auth -- tctl users add myuser --roles=member,access,editor
$ tsh login --proxy=localhost:3080 --user=myuser --insecure
$ tsh ssh --proxy=localhost:3080 --insecure cybozu@node-demo-0
Generate a token to join the cluster for a teleport node.
$ kubectl exec -ti -n teleport deployment/teleport-auth -- tctl tokens add --type=node
Put the token to teleport.auth_token
in ./manifests/teleport-node.yaml
Deploy a teleport node.
$ kubectl apply -f ./manifests/teleport-node.yaml
Create a user for API access.
$ kubectl exec -i -n teleport deployment/teleport-auth -- tctl create -f < api-access.yaml
$ kubectl exec -ti -n teleport deployment/teleport-auth -- tctl users add api-access --roles=api-access
Generate a token for API access.
$ tsh login --proxy=localhost:3080 --user=api-access --insecure --ttl=5256000
$ tctl --auth-server=localhost:3025 auth sign --ttl=87500h --user=api-access --out=client-demo/api-access.pem
Run a program to access the API.
$ cd client-demo
$ go run main.go