pip install hre
API to make it easier to use regex
RE('your regex here')
Returns a Callable object that facilitates verification of matches
It allows the combination of regex to form new regex using the operators & and |
Flags Support
It has a verbose api to create regex and with shortcuts, both supported the combinations
from hre import RE
my_re = RE('[0-9]+')
if bool(my_re('number: 25')):
print('Regex Ok')
# >> Regex Ok
my_match = my_re('number: 25')
if my_match[0] == '25':
# >> 25
if RE('(?P<number>[0-9]+)')('number: 25')['number'] == '25':
print('number 25')
# >> number 25
my_re = RE(r'(?P<account>[A-Za-z0-9+_.]+)\@(?P<provider>[A-Za-z0-9]+)\..+')
my_match = my_re('[email protected]')
print my_match['account']
# >> my_email.1+github
print my_match['provider']
# >> Provider
from hre import RE
print RE('(?:red)').replace("violets are red", 'blue')
# >> violets are blue
from hre import HumanRegex as HR
my_re = HR().digits()
if bool(my_re('number: 25')):
print('Regex Ok')
# >> Regex Ok
my_match = my_re('number: 25')
if my_match[0] == '25':
# >> 25
if HR().digits(name='number')('number: 25')['number'] == '25':
print('number 25')
# >> number 25
from hre import HumanRegex as HR
az = ['a', 'z']
AZ = ['A', 'Z']
_09 = ['0', '9']
special = '_.+'
my_re = HR().ranges(
AZ, az,
_09, special,
AZ, az, _09,
my_match = my_re('[email protected]')
print my_re
# >> (?P<account>([A-Za-z0-9\_\.\+]+))(?:\@)(?P<provider>([A-Za-z0-9]+))(?:\.)(?:.*)
print my_match['account']
# >> my_email.1+github
print my_match['provider']
# >> Provider
from hre import HR
print HR().find('red').replace("violets are red", 'blue')
# >> violets are blue
from hre import HR
valids = ['abacate', '42', 'tomate', '25']
valid_comb = HR().then(valids[0])
# same as valid_comb = T(valids[0])
for valid in valids[1:]:
valid_comb |= HR().then(valid)
# same as valid_comb |= T(valid)
valids = ADD(valid_comb, name='valid')
my_comb = HR().then('{').start_of_line() & valids & HR().then('}').end_of_line()
# same as my_comb = SOL() & T('{') & valids & T('}') & EOL()
print my_comb
# >> ^(?:\{)(?P<valid>(?:abacate)|(?:42)|(?:tomate)|(?:25))(?:\})$
print my_comb('{42}')['valid']
# >> 42
print my_comb('{abacate}')['valid']
# >> abacate
print my_comb('{invalid}')['valid']
# >> None
x = HR().then('@').word(name='p')
y = HR().char(name='c').then('.')
my_combination = y & x
my_match = my_combination('x.@zokis')
print "regex: ", my_combination
# >> regex: (?P<c>\w)(?:\.)(?:\@)(?P<p>\w+)
print "c: ", my_match['c']
# >> c: x
print "p: ", my_match['p']
# >> p: zokis
from hre import DS
my_re = DS()
print my_re
# >> \d+
if bool(my_re('number: 25')):
print('Regex Ok')
# >> Regex Ok
my_match = my_re('number: 25')
if my_match[0] == '25':
# >> 25
my_named_regex = DS(name='number')
print my_named_regex
# >> (?P<number>\d+)
if my_named_regex('number: 25')['number'] == '25':
print('number 25')
# >> number 25
from hre import RS, T, AT
az = ['a', 'z']
AZ = ['A', 'Z']
_09 = ['0', '9']
special = '_.+'
my_re = RS(
AZ, az, _09, special,
) & T('@') & RS(
AZ, az, _09,
) & AT()
my_match = my_re('[email protected]')
print my_re
# >> (?P<account>([A-Za-z0-9\_\.\+]+))(?:\@)(?P<provider>([A-Za-z0-9]+))(?:.*)
print my_match['account']
# >> my_email.1+github
print my_match['provider']
# >> Provider
from hre import F
print F('red').replace("violets are red", 'blue')
# >> violets are blue
d3 = D(quantifier=3)
d2 = D() * 2
t = T('-')
p = T('.')
cpf_re = d3 & p & d3 & p & d3 & t & d2
print cpf_re
# >> \d{3}(?:\.)\d{3}(?:\.)\d{3}(?:\-)\d\d
print bool(cpf_re('412.459.786-08'))
# >> True
cnpj_re = d2 & p & d3 & p & d3 & T('/') & D(quantifier=4) & t & d2
print cnpj_re
# >> \d\d(?:\.)\d{3}(?:\.)\d{3}(?:\/)\d{4}(?:\-)\d\d
print bool(cnpj_re('76.612.217/0001-14'))
# >> True
cpf_cnpj_re = G(cpf_re) | G(cnpj_re)
print cpf_cnpj_re
# >> (\d{3}(?:\.)\d{3}(?:\.)\d{3}(?:\-)\d\d)|(\d\d(?:\.)\d{3}(?:\.)\d{3}(?:\/)\d{4}(?:\-)\d\d)
print bool(cpf_cnpj_re('856.324.440-07'))
# >> True
print bool(cpf_cnpj_re('49.347.475/0001-48'))
# >> True
my_re = HR().find('cat')
my_match = my_re('CAT or dog')
print bool(my_match)
# >> False
my_re = my_re.ignorecase()
my_match = my_re('CAT or dog')
print bool(my_match)
# >> True
my_re = SOL() & F('DOG')
my_match = my_re('CAT or \ndog')
print bool(my_match)
# >> False
my_re = my_re & FI() | FM()
my_match = my_re('CAT or \ndog')
print bool(my_match)
# >> True
- column Shortcut: Shortcut Function or Flag Class
- column Verbose: Verbose method => HR().x
- column Example Shortcut: Example using the shortcut functions
- column Resulting: resulting regex
- column V: receives "value" as a parameter
- column N: receives "name" as named parameter => Named groups
- column Q: receives "quantifier" => {x};{x,};{x,y}
Shortcut | Verbose | Example Shortcut | Resulting | V | N | Q |
ADD | .add | ADD('[0-9]+') | [0-9]+ |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
RE | .add | RE('[0-9]+') | [0-9]+ |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
T | .then | T('@') | (?:\@) |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
F | .find | F('blue') | (?:blue) |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
G | .group | G(T('A')|T('B')) | ((?:A) |(?:B)) |
✓ | ✓ | ✗ |
A | .any | A('0258qaz') | [0258qaz] |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
AT | .anything | AT() | (?:.*) |
✗ | ✓ | ✗ |
ATB | .anything_but | ATB('0258zaq') | (?:[^0258zaq]*) |
✓ | ✓ | ✗ |
EOL | .end_of_line | EOL() | $ |
✗ | ✗ | ✗ |
MB | .maybe | MB('s') | (?:s)? |
✓ | ✓ | ✗ |
MTP | .multiple | MTP() | + |
✗ | ✗ | ✗ |
R | .range | R(['a', 'z']) | [a-z] |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
RS | .ranges | RS(['a', 'z']) | [a-z]+ |
✓ | ✓ | ✗ |
ST | .something | ST() | (?:.+) |
✗ | ✓ | ✗ |
STB | .something_but | STB('0258qaz') | (?:[^0258qaz]+) |
✓ | ✓ | ✗ |
SOL | .start_of_line | SOL() | ^ |
✗ | ✗ | ✗ |
BR | .br | BR() | (?:\n |\r\n) |
✗ | ✗ | ✗ |
D | .digit | D() | \d |
✗ | ✓ | ✓ |
DS | .digits | DS() | \d+ |
✗ | ✓ | ✗ |
DS | .int_or_decimal | ID() | (?:\d*\.)?\d+ |
✗ | ✓ | ✗ |
ND | .non_digit | ND() | \D |
✗ | ✓ | ✓ |
NDS | .non_digits | NDS() | \D+ |
✗ | ✓ | ✗ |
TAB | .tab | TAB() | \t |
✗ | ✗ | ✓ |
WS | .whitespace | WS() | \s |
✗ | ✗ | ✓ |
NWS | .non_whitespace | NWS() | \S |
✗ | ✗ | ✓ |
W | .word | W() | \w+ |
✗ | ✓ | ✗ |
NW | .non_word | NW() | \W+ |
✗ | ✓ | ✗ |
C | .char | C() | \w |
✗ | ✓ | ✓ |
NC | .non_char | NC() | \W |
✗ | ✓ | ✓ |
FS | .dotall/.S | FS() | Flag dotall enabled | ✗ | ✗ | ✗ |
FI | .ignorecase/.I | FI() | Flag ignorecase enabled | ✗ | ✗ | ✗ |
FL | .locale/.L | FL() | Flag locale enabled | ✗ | ✗ | ✗ |
FM | .multiline/.M | FM() | Flag multiline enabled | ✗ | ✗ | ✗ |
FU | .unicode/.U | FU() | Flag unicode enabled | ✗ | ✗ | ✗ |
FX | .verbose/.X | FX() | Flag verbose enabled | ✗ | ✗ | ✗ |
Other methods of regex object
Method | Description |
.get_flags | returns an integer with the value of the flags |
.compile | same as re.compile |
.findall | same as re.findall |
.groups | same as re.groups |
.groupdict | return a match object => a defaultdict(None) Like that contains all the results of a match |
.match | same as re.match |
.replace | return the string obtained by replacing |
.search | same as re.search |
.split | same as re.split |
.test | returns true if the result of .findall have size greater than 0 |