- Run
npm install
to install all dependencies - Run the docker-compose by running:
docker-compose -p otel-workshop -f docker/docker-compose.yml up -d
- Prepare the database:
npm run db:prepare
- Run all apps:
npm run all
- Go to the API: http://localhost:3001/api
Get battery info
actor m as Me
participant C as ControlApi
participant BA as BatteryApi
participant K as Kafka
participant B as Battery
loop Every 5 seconds
Note over B, BA: This loops runs constantly in the background
B ->> K: Publish Measurements
BA ->> K: Consume Measurements
BA ->> BA: Cache latest info
m ->> C: Get battery info
C ->> BA: GetBatteryInfo()
BA ->> BA: Get latest info
BA ->> C: Return latest info
C -->> m: Return latest info
# battery constantantly listens via kafka for new info on Measurements topic
Dis(charge) battery
actor m as Me
participant C as ControlApi
participant BA as BatteryApi
participant K as Kafka
participant B as Battery
participant P as Postgres
m ->> C: Charge battery
C ->> BA: ChargeBattery()
BA ->> K: Publish charge instruction
Note right of BA: Battery listens to charge instructions via Kafka and acts upon it<br/>We can only say that the message was sent, not that it is handled
BA --> C: Return success
C -->> m: Return success
K ->> B: Consume Charge instruction
B ->> B: Charge battery
B ->> K: Publish instruction success
C ->> K: Consume instruction success
C ->> P: Set instruction handled
Track instruction
actor m as Me
participant C as ControlApi
participant P as Postgres
m ->> C: Track instruction
C ->> P: Get instruction status
P ->> C: Return instruction status
C -->> m: Return instruction status