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antigen bundle

This command tells Antigen to install (if not already installed) and load the given plugin. The simplest usage follows the following syntax.

antigen bundle <plugin-name>

This will install and load the plugins/<name> directory from [robbyrussell's oh-my-zsh][oh-my-zsh] (can be changed by setting ANTIGEN_DEFAULT_REPO_URL).

However, the above is just syntax sugar for the extended syntax of the antigen bundle command.

antigen bundle [<url>[@tag|branch] [<loc>]]

where <url> is the repository url and it defaults to [robbyrussell's oh-my-zsh][oh-my-zsh] repo (can be changed by setting ANTIGEN_DEFAULT_REPO_URL discussed further down). <loc> is the path under this repository which has the zsh plugin. This is typically the directory that contains a *.plugin.zsh file, but it could contain a completion file or just many *.zsh files to be sourced, or it could simply be a file (with any extension) that you want to source. <loc> defaults to /, which indicates the repository itself is a plugin.

Use @tag or @branch to request a tag or a branch. You may use semver-like format such as 0.5.*.

An example invocation would be

# The following is the same as `antigen bundle ant`. But for demonstration
# purposes, we use the extended syntax here.
antigen bundle plugins/ant

This would install the ant plugin from robbyrussell's oh-my-zsh repo. Of course, github url's can be shortened.

antigen bundle robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh plugins/ant

And since this repo is the default, even that isn't necessary. But we can't specify the loc without giving the first argument.

For this and a few other reasons, antigen bundle also supports a simple keyword argument syntax, using which we can rewrite the above as

antigen bundle --loc=plugins/ant

Which picks up the default for the url argument, and uses the loc given to it.

Note that you can mix and match positional and keyword arguments. But you can't have positional arguments after keyword arguments.

antigen bundle robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh --loc=plugins/ant

And keyword arguments don't care about the order in which the arguments are specified. The following is perfectly valid.

antigen bundle --loc=plugins/ant --url=robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh

You can also specify a local directory on your file system as a bundle. In this case, make sure the path you give is the absolute path (i.e., starts with a /). Relative paths are not supported. If the repo you gave is a local directory path, then it is not necessary that this path is a git repo. Please refer to the notes on --no-local-clone below.

This command can also be used from your shell environment. This allows you to install plugins on the fly and try them out. Of course if you want a bundle to be available every time you open a shell, put it in your .zshrc.

Other keyword-only arguments accepted:

--branch={git-branch-name|tag} — Specify the branch of the git repo to be used for this bundle (without the braces of course). The default is whatever branch the clone comes with, which is usually master. For example,

antigen bundle github-user/repo --branch=develop

This will get the plugin as in the branch develop.

Note that if you specify two plugins to be loaded from the same git repo, but different branches, then two separate clones of this repo will be maintained. This is a small implementation detail and shouldn't influence you in any way.

--no-local-clone — This command can be useful if you are developing a plugin and already have a clone on your local file system. If this argument is not given, even if the given repo url is a local path, a clone is made in the $ANTIGEN_BUNDLES directory, and the plugin is loaded from that clone. But, if you give this argument, the plugin is sourced straight from the repo location, without creating a clone. For example,

antigen bundle /absolute/path/to/the/plugin --no-local-clone

Note that if the repo url is not an absolute local path or a branch has been specified with the --branch option, this argument has no effect. That is, for this option to have any affect, the repo url must be an absolute local path and no --branch should be specified.

Also, if the local path given as the url is not a git repo, then this argument is forced as it doesn't makes sense to clone something that's not a git repo. This property can be used to load any utility scripts you have in your dotfiles repo. For example,

antigen bundle $HOME/dotfiles/oh-my-zsh/custom

For details on what constitutes a valid bundle and how Antigen handles different types of bundles, see the Notes on writing plugins section.

antigen bundles

If you have a fair number of bundles, using the antigen bundle command can look cumbersome. You can use the antigen bundles command to bulk define bundles instead of individual calls to antigen bundle.

Usage is pretty straightforward. Just pipe the bundle specifications, just as you would give to the antigen bundle command, one per line, into the antigen bundles command. The easiest way to do this, is using the heredoc syntax.

antigen bundles <<EOBUNDLES
  # Guess what to install when running an unknown command.

  # The heroku tool helper plugin.

This is equivalent to

antigen bundle command-not-found
antigen bundle heroku

Of course, as you can see, from the lines piped to antigen bundles, empty lines and those starting with a # are ignored. The rest are passed to antigen bundle without any quoting rules applied. They are actually eval-ed with the antigen bundle command. See the source if you want to really understand how it works. Its a very small function.

Note: Indenting the contents inside the EOBUNDLES heredoc is not required for antigen-bundles to work. Its allowed (and encouraged) to improve readability.

Another thing to take into account is that variables (ex. environment variables) and especial builtin characters (~, .) won't work inside a heredoc, so you may have to change a antigen-bundle syntax to work with antigen-bundles.

antigen cache-gen

Use this command to generate Antigen's cache with currently loaded bundles.

antigen cache-gen

Takes no arguments.

antigen init

Makes use of caching in order to quickly load bundles. Improves performance greatly and it's recommened if you have an stable set of bundles.

antigen init /path/to/.antigenrc

Where .antigenrc contains your Antigen configuration (antigen bundle, antigen bundles, antigen theme, etc). See wiki's cookbook section for further details.

antigen update

This is something you might not want to put in your .zshrc. Instead, run it occasionally to update your plugins.

antigen update [<bundle-name>]

Where <bundle-name> is the bundle name to update. If no <bundle-name> is given Antigen will update all loaded bundles (see antigen-list). Location, branch or any other bundle argument are not needed as those're retrieved from the antigen-list metadata.

Please note that the updates that are downloaded are not immediately available. You have to open a new shell to be able to see the changes. This is a limitation by design since reloading all the plugins might have some nasty side effects that may not be immediately apparent. Let's just say it can make your shell act real quirky.

Please note: This command is not for updating Antigen itself. Its for updating the bundles you are using with Antigen. To update your copy of Antigen, use the selfupdate command described further below.

antigen revert

Reverts the state of all your plugins to how they were before the last antigen update.

Takes no options.

Insider detail: The information for reverting is stored in $ADOTDIR/revert-info file. If its not present, reverting is not possible.

antigen list

Use this command to list out the currently loaded plugins. Keep in mind that this includes any bundles installed on-the-fly.

antigen list [--simple|--short|--long]

With --long flag it gives out five entries per line of output, denoting the following fields of each bundle.

<repo-url> <loc> <btype> <has-local-clone?> <branch>

The btype field is an internal detail, that specifies if the bundle is a plugin or a theme.

The <has-local-clone> field is true or false reflecting whether there is a local clone for this bundle.

With --short flag the output is simplier:

<repo-name> @ <branch|tag|ref>

A barebones list can be obtained with --simple flag, with the following output:


With --short argument it will only print short bundle names only.

antigen cleanup

Used to clean up the clones of repos which are not used by any plugins currently loaded. It takes no arguments. When run, it lists out the repo-clones that are available but are not used by any plugin currently loaded.

This command, by default asks for confirmation before deleting the unused clones. If the --force argument is given, then this confirmation is not asked. It straight away deletes all the unused clones. This option makes this command usable in a non-interactive fashion.

antigen purge

This command removes a bundle from filesystem. Usage:

antigen purge example/bundle [--force]

Where example/bundle is the bundle you want to purge from filesystem.

Take into account that the bundle will be removed from filesystem but next time you open up a shell, if you have an antigen bundle example/bundle line laying around, the bundle will be installed again.

This command, by default asks for confirmation before deleting bundles. If the --force argument is given, then this confirmation is not asked.

antigen reset

If cache is enabled this command will clean the generated cache. This is useful if you are using antigen-init command in order to reload bundle configuration changes.


antigen reset

Takes no further arguments.

antigen use

This command lets you load any (supported) zsh pre-packaged framework, like oh-my-zsh, as well as any library from custom url. Usage is

antigen use oh-my-zsh

Additional arguments may be present depending on the framework you are use-ing. Here are the supported frameworks.


It basically installs the oh-my-zsh's library as a bundle.

One other thing it does is that some oh-my-zsh plugins expect a $ZSH set to the full path of the oh-my-zsh clone being used. This is also set to the correct path, if not already set to something else.

Please note that this assumes that the ANTIGEN_DEFAULT_REPO_URL is set to the oh-my-zsh repo or a fork of that repo. If you want to specify the url too, then you can't use the antigen use oh-my-zsh short cut. You have to do that directly with the antigen bundle command.


antigen use oh-my-zsh

in your .zshrc, before any antigen bundle declarations. It takes no further arguments.



antigen use prezto

in your .zshrc, before any antigen bundle declarations. It takes no further arguments.

This initializes the prezto framework. Your .zshrc file could look like this:

antigen use prezto
antigen bundle sorin-ionescu/prezto modules/helper  # required for Git module
antigen bundle sorin-ionescu/prezto modules/editor
antigen bundle sorin-ionescu/prezto modules/git
antigen bundle sorin-ionescu/prezto modules/prompt
antigen apply

custom library


antigen use

in your .zshrc, before any antigen bundle declarations. It take all arguments antigen-bundle command does.

antigen theme

Used for switching the prompt theme. Invoke it with the name of the theme you want to use.

antigen theme fox

This will get the theme file located at themes/fox.zsh-theme in the repo specified by ANTIGEN_DEFAULT_REPO_URL.

To pull themes from other repositories, use antigen theme just like antigen bundle. Exactly the same, just make sure the url and loc combination point to a theme file, having a .zsh-theme extension.

For example,

antigen theme robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh themes/apple

Will pull the apple theme from the canonical oh-my-zsh repo. Also, note that the .zsh-theme extension is not present. It can be given, its optional.

To get themes from arbitrary git repos (such as gists) use,

antigen theme agnoster

in which case there is a file called agnoster.zsh-theme present in the gist at

You can use this command to change your theme on the fly in your shell. Go on, try out a few themes in your shell before you set it in your .zshrc.

Note: Some themes use functions that are loaded by antigen use oh-my-zsh. So, to avoid any trouble, run antigen use oh-my-zsh if you haven't already before experimenting with themes. If you have antigen use oh-my-zsh in your .zshrc, you're covered.

Note: Antigen caches bundles to provide fast start up times. This functionality may cause issues if you're dynamically loading bundles based on environment variables or other conditionals. For example:

case ${TERM} in
    antigen theme bhilburn/powerlevel9k powerlevel9k
    antigen theme pure

In this scenario you have a couple of options:

  • You may disable caching with ANTIGEN_CACHE=false (v2.1.0 and above). This will negatively affect start up time.
  • You may use cache for the different environments with ANTIGEN_CACHE=$HOME/.antigen/init-${TERM}.zsh for the above example.

antigen apply

You have to add this command after defining all bundles you need, in your zshrc. The completions defined by your bundles will be loaded at this step.

It is possible to load completions as and when a bundle is specified with the bundle command, in which case this command would not be necessary. But loading the completions is a time-consuming process, so if the completions were loaded at every call to antigen bundle, your shell will start noticeably slow when you have a good number of bundle specifications.

However, if you can suggest a way so that this would not be necessary, I am very interested in discussing it. Please open up an issue with your details. Thanks.

antigen snapshot

Creates a snapshot of all the clones you currently have active including the git version hash they are at and save it to a snapshot file. Active means, the clones for those listed by antigen cleanup are not included in the snapshot.

Takes one optional argument, the file name in which the snapshot is to be saved. Defaults to antigen snapshot.

Note: The snapshot currently only contains the details of those bundles that have a clone. That is, bundles that have --no-local-clone set or are directly sourced from your file system (without a git repo), are not recorded in the snapshot file.

antigen restore

Restore the bundles state as specified in the snapshot. Takes one required argument, the snapshot file name to read.

Although it restores the clones of the repos specified in the snapshot file, any other clones present in your environment are not touched. This behavior may change in the future.

antigen selfupdate

Use this command to update your copy of antigen. It basically does a git pull on your antigen's clone, if it is a git clone. Otherwise, it doesn't do anything.

Takes no options.

antigen help

Basic information for the most common commands. Go to our [Wiki][wiki] page for extended documentation on commands, workflows and configuration options.

Takes no options.