DAWG-UnScramble is a complete tool set with a speedy 'C' word list pre-processor and an HTML/JavaScript front end. The main emphasis is on the pre-processor, it is not only capable of creating a DAWG, but also reversing the DAWG back into the original word list.
The HTML/Javascript front end has only been tested on Safari and a working copy can be found at Unscramble (No Ads)
Since version 2, UnScramble uses npm & webpack to install dependancies required for handling modern web browser ACL permisions and/or Origin requests when trying to read in its binary dictionary file. UnScramble version 1 failed to load the binary dictiinary file and when searching for words would do nothhing. The "Must Contain" selection button would just show "Blast".
UnScramble uses npm & webpack to install dependancies. Install dependancies with:
- npm install --save-dev
- mkdir -p bin
- gcc src/c/UnScramble.c -o bin/UnScramble
- ./bin/UnScramble -h
- ./bin/Unscramble -i sr/datafiles/Lexicon.txt -o /tmp/DAWG_SOWPODS.English.dat
for more descriptive logs use option -d <0-3>
- ./bin/Unscramble -d 1 -i sr/datafiles/Lexicon.txt -o /tmp/DAWG_SOWPODS.English.dat
- npm run cbuild
UnScramble.html used to read in the dictionary directly via
XMLHttpRequest of ./datafiles/DAWG_SOWPODS_English.dat. See files under tag v1.0
With modern browsers this is an ACL and/or Origin security risk. To get around this the resultant DAWG is bin64 encoded and then decoded back into its binary form. The final resultant file is included in UnScramble.html with:
As mentioned modern web browsers cannot read local binary files. It first must be converted from binary to base64 encoding with:.
- node tools/scripts/DAWGDatToBin64JSVar.js -h
- node tools/scripts/DAWGDatToBin64JSVar.js -v base64Dict -i /tmp/DAWG_SOWPODS_English.dat -o /tmp/DAWG_SOWPODS_English_base64.js
- npm run build:dat64_E
UnScramble uses webpack-dev-server. To try UnScramble locally run:
- npm run devServer
The resultant files should be placed on your Web server in the following configuration.
- I sharpenned my teeth here, but I needed more.
- [scrabble-html-ui]https://github.com/danielweck/scrabble-html-ui