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Setup for Local-testing

after cloning the Repo

  1. Run python setup to install all requirements and create a virtual environment. Follow the output instructions to activate the virtual environment.
  • Windows env\scripts\activate

  • Linux - source env/scripts/activate

  1. install the dependencies using the command:
  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Import dummy data to sqlite DB
  • python loaddata data.json
  1. Run Makemigrations and migrate command
  • python makemigrations

  • python migrate

  1. Startup server with the command:
  • python runserver

Setup for Server (Django_Project)

after cloning the Repo

  1. install python3-pip python3-dev and Gunicorn on the server

  2. install and active the virtual environment

  3. install all the dependencies in requirements.txt

  • pip install -r requirements.txt

the rest should be server based setups...thanks