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Merge pull request xmonad#261 from orbisvicis/messaging
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LSLeary committed Jul 30, 2018
2 parents d015416 + 8ee2e39 commit ea39960
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Showing 2 changed files with 256 additions and 55 deletions.
28 changes: 26 additions & 2 deletions
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wset mst wrs =`" either with "`hiddens amb wset _ mst wrs =`" or to make
use of the new parameter with "`hiddens amb wset lr mst wrs =`".

* `XMonad.Actions.MessageFeedback`

- Follow the naming conventions of `XMonad.Operations`. Functions returning
`X ()` are named regularly (previously these ended in underscore) while
those returning `X Bool` are suffixed with an uppercase 'B'.
- Provide all `X Bool` and `SomeMessage` variations for `sendMessage` and
`sendMessageWithNoRefresh`, not just `sendMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrent`
(renamed from `send`).
- The new `tryInOrderB` and `tryMessageB` functions accept a parameter of
type `SomeMessage -> X Bool`, which means you are no longer constrained
to the behavior of the `sendMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrent` dispatcher.
- The `send*Messages*` family of funtions allows for sequencing arbitrary
sets of messages with minimal refresh. It makes little sense for these
functions to support custom message dispatchers.
- Remain backwards compatible. Maintain deprecated aliases of all renamed
- `send` -> `sendMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrentB`
- `sendSM` -> `sendSomeMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrentB`
- `sendSM_` -> `sendSomeMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrent`
- `tryInOrder` -> `tryInOrderWithNoRefreshToCurrentB`
- `tryInOrder_` -> `tryInOrderWithNoRefreshToCurrent`
- `tryMessage` -> `tryMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrentB`
- `tryMessage_` -> `tryMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrent`

### New Modules

* `XMonad.Layout.MultiToggle.TabBarDecoration`
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strategy with fewer quirks for tiled layouts using X.L.Spacing.

* `XMonad.Layout.Fullscreen`

The fullscreen layouts will now not render any window that is totally
obscured by fullscreen windows.

* `XMonad.Layout.Gaps`

Extended the sendMessage interface with `ModifyGaps` to allow arbitrary
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283 changes: 230 additions & 53 deletions XMonad/Actions/MessageFeedback.hs
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@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
-- |
-- Module : XMonad.Actions.MessageFeedback
-- Copyright : (c) Quentin Moser <[email protected]>
-- Copyright : (c) -- Quentin Moser <[email protected]>
-- 2018 Yclept Nemo
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer : orphaned
Expand All @@ -13,87 +14,263 @@
-- this facility.

module XMonad.Actions.MessageFeedback (
-- * Usage
-- $usage
module XMonad.Actions.MessageFeedback
( -- * Usage
-- $usage

, tryMessage
, tryMessage_
, tryInOrder
, tryInOrder_
, sm
, sendSM
, sendSM_
) where
-- * Messaging variants

import XMonad.Core ( X (), Message, SomeMessage(..), LayoutClass(..), windowset, catchX )
import XMonad.StackSet ( current, workspace, layout, tag )
import XMonad.Operations ( updateLayout )
-- ** 'SomeMessage'
sendSomeMessageB, sendSomeMessage
, sendSomeMessageWithNoRefreshB, sendSomeMessageWithNoRefresh
, sendSomeMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrentB, sendSomeMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrent

import Control.Monad.State ( gets )
import Data.Maybe ( isJust )
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
-- ** 'Message'
, sendMessageB
, sendMessageWithNoRefreshB
, sendMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrentB, sendMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrent

-- * Utility Functions

-- ** Send All
, sendSomeMessagesB, sendSomeMessages, sendMessagesB, sendMessages

-- ** Send Until
, tryInOrderB, tryInOrderWithNoRefreshToCurrentB, tryInOrderWithNoRefreshToCurrent
, tryMessageB, tryMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrentB, tryMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrent

-- ** Aliases
, sm

-- * Backwards Compatibility
-- $backwardsCompatibility
, send, sendSM, sendSM_
, tryInOrder, tryInOrder_
, tryMessage, tryMessage_
) where

import XMonad ( Window )
import XMonad.Core ( X(), Message, SomeMessage(..), LayoutClass(..), windowset, catchX, WorkspaceId, Layout, whenJust )
import XMonad.StackSet ( Workspace, current, workspace, layout, tag )
import XMonad.Operations ( updateLayout, refresh, windows )

import Data.Maybe ( isJust )
import Control.Monad ( when, void )
import Control.Monad.State ( gets )
import Control.Applicative ( (<$>), liftA2 )

-- $usage
-- You can use this module with the following in your @~\/.xmonad\/xmonad.hs@:
-- > import XMonad.Actions.MessageFeedback
-- You can then use this module's functions wherever an action is expected.
-- You can then use this module's functions wherever an action is expected. All
-- feedback variants are supported:
-- * message to any workspace with no refresh
-- * message to current workspace with no refresh
-- * message to current workspace with refresh
-- Except "message to any workspace with refresh" which makes little sense.
-- Note that most functions in this module have a return type of @X Bool@
-- whereas configuration options will expect a @X ()@ action.
-- For example, the key binding
-- whereas configuration options will expect a @X ()@ action. For example, the
-- key binding:
-- > -- Shrink the master area of a tiled layout, or move the focused window
-- > -- to the left in a WindowArranger-based layout
-- > ((modKey, xK_Left), tryMessage Shrink (MoveLeft 50))
-- > ((modKey, xK_Left), tryMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrentB Shrink (MoveLeft 50))
-- is mis-typed. For this reason, this module provides alternatives (not ending
-- with an uppercase \"B\", e.g. 'XMonad.Operations.sendMessage' rather than
-- 'sendMessageB') that discard their boolean result and return an @X ()@. For
-- example, to correct the previous example:
-- > ((modKey, xK_Left), tryMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrent Shrink (MoveLeft 50))
-- This module also provides 'SomeMessage' variants of each 'Message' function
-- for when the messages are of differing types (but still instances of
-- 'Message'). First box each message using 'SomeMessage' or the convenience
-- alias 'sm'. Then, for example, to send each message:
-- is mis-typed. For this reason, this module provides alternatives (ending with
-- an underscore, e.g. tryMessage_) that discard their result and return an @X ()@.
-- For example, to correct the previous example:
-- > sendSomeMessages [sm messageOfTypeA, sm messageOfTypeB]
-- > ((modKey, xK_Left), tryMessage_ Shrink (MoveLeft 50))
-- This is /not/ equivalent to the following example, which will not refresh
-- the workspace unless the last message is handled:
-- > sendMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrent messageOfTypeA >> sendMessage messageOfTypeB

-- | Behaves like 'XMonad.Operations.sendMessage', but returns True of the
-- message was handled by the layout, False otherwise.
send :: Message a => a -> X Bool
send = sendSM . sm
-- | Variant of 'XMonad.Operations.sendMessage'. Accepts 'SomeMessage'; to use
-- 'Message' see 'sendMessageB'. Returns @True@ if the message was handled,
-- @False@ otherwise. Instead of using 'sendSomeMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrentB'
-- for efficiency this is pretty much an exact copy of the
-- 'XMonad.Operations.sendMessage' code - foregoes the O(n) 'updateLayout'.
sendSomeMessageB :: SomeMessage -> X Bool
sendSomeMessageB m = do
w <- workspace . current <$> gets windowset
ml <- handleMessage (layout w) m `catchX` return Nothing
whenJust ml $ \l ->
windows $ \ws -> ws { current = (current ws)
{ workspace = (workspace $ current ws)
{ layout = l }}}
return $ isJust ml

-- | Sends the first message, and if it was not handled, sends the second.
-- Returns True if either message was handled, False otherwise.
tryMessage :: (Message a, Message b) => a -> b -> X Bool
tryMessage m1 m2 = do b <- send m1
if b then return True else send m2
-- | Variant of 'sendSomeMessageB' that discards the result.
sendSomeMessage :: SomeMessage -> X ()
sendSomeMessage = void . sendSomeMessageB

tryMessage_ :: (Message a, Message b) => a -> b -> X ()
tryMessage_ m1 m2 = tryMessage m1 m2 >> return ()
-- | Variant of 'XMonad.Operations.sendMessageWithNoRefresh'. Accepts
-- 'SomeMessage'; to use 'Message' see 'sendMessageWithNoRefreshB'. Returns
-- @True@ if the message was handled, @False@ otherwise.
sendSomeMessageWithNoRefreshB :: SomeMessage -> Workspace WorkspaceId (Layout Window) Window -> X Bool
sendSomeMessageWithNoRefreshB m w
= handleMessage (layout w) m `catchX` return Nothing
>>= liftA2 (>>) (updateLayout $ tag w) (return . isJust)

-- | Tries sending every message of the list in order until one of them
-- is handled. Returns True if one of the messages was handled, False otherwise.
tryInOrder :: [SomeMessage] -> X Bool
tryInOrder [] = return False
tryInOrder (m:ms) = do b <- sendSM m
if b then return True else tryInOrder ms
-- | Variant of 'sendSomeMessageWithNoRefreshB' that discards the result.
sendSomeMessageWithNoRefresh :: SomeMessage -> Workspace WorkspaceId (Layout Window) Window -> X ()
sendSomeMessageWithNoRefresh m = void . sendSomeMessageWithNoRefreshB m

-- | Variant of 'XMonad.Operations.sendMessageWithNoRefresh' that sends the
-- message to the current layout. Accepts 'SomeMessage'; to use 'Message' see
-- 'sendMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrentB'. Returns @True@ if the message was
-- handled, @False@ otherwise. This function is somewhat of a cross between
-- 'XMonad.Operations.sendMessage' (sends to the current layout) and
-- 'XMonad.Operations.sendMessageWithNoRefresh' (does not refresh).
sendSomeMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrentB :: SomeMessage -> X Bool
sendSomeMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrentB m
= (gets $ workspace . current . windowset)
>>= sendSomeMessageWithNoRefreshB m

-- | Variant of 'sendSomeMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrentB' that discards the
-- result.
sendSomeMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrent :: SomeMessage -> X ()
sendSomeMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrent = void . sendSomeMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrentB

-- | Variant of 'sendSomeMessageB' which like 'XMonad.Operations.sendMessage'
-- accepts 'Message' rather than 'SomeMessage'. Returns @True@ if the message
-- was handled, @False@ otherwise.
sendMessageB :: Message a => a -> X Bool
sendMessageB = sendSomeMessageB . SomeMessage

-- | Variant of 'sendSomeMessageWithNoRefreshB' which like
-- 'XMonad.Operations.sendMessageWithNoRefresh' accepts 'Message' rather than
-- 'SomeMessage'. Returns @True@ if the message was handled, @False@ otherwise.
sendMessageWithNoRefreshB :: Message a => a -> Workspace WorkspaceId (Layout Window) Window -> X Bool
sendMessageWithNoRefreshB = sendSomeMessageWithNoRefreshB . SomeMessage

-- | Variant of 'sendSomeMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrentB' which accepts
-- 'Message' rather than 'SomeMessage'. Returns @True@ if the message was
-- handled, @False@ otherwise.
sendMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrentB :: Message a => a -> X Bool
sendMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrentB = sendSomeMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrentB . SomeMessage

-- | Variant of 'sendMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrentB' that discards the result.
sendMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrent :: Message a => a -> X ()
sendMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrent = void . sendMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrentB

tryInOrder_ :: [SomeMessage] -> X ()
tryInOrder_ ms = tryInOrder ms >> return ()

-- | Send each 'SomeMessage' to the current layout without refresh (using
-- 'sendSomeMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrentB') and collect the results. If any
-- message was handled, refresh. If you want to sequence a series of messages
-- that would have otherwise used 'XMonad.Operations.sendMessage' while
-- minimizing refreshes, use this.
sendSomeMessagesB :: [SomeMessage] -> X [Bool]
sendSomeMessagesB m
= mapM sendSomeMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrentB m
>>= liftA2 (>>) (flip when refresh . or) return

-- | Convenience shorthand for 'XMonad.Core.SomeMessage'.
-- | Variant of 'sendSomeMessagesB' that discards the results.
sendSomeMessages :: [SomeMessage] -> X ()
sendSomeMessages = void . sendSomeMessagesB

-- | Variant of 'sendSomeMessagesB' which accepts 'Message' rather than
-- 'SomeMessage'. Use this if all the messages are of the same type.
sendMessagesB :: Message a => [a] -> X [Bool]
sendMessagesB = sendSomeMessagesB . map SomeMessage

-- | Variant of 'sendMessagesB' that discards the results.
sendMessages :: Message a => [a] -> X ()
sendMessages = void . sendMessagesB

-- | Apply the dispatch function in order to each message of the list until one
-- is handled. Returns @True@ if so, @False@ otherwise.
tryInOrderB :: (SomeMessage -> X Bool) -> [SomeMessage] -> X Bool
tryInOrderB _ [] = return False
tryInOrderB f (m:ms) = do b <- f m
if b then return True else tryInOrderB f ms

-- | Variant of 'tryInOrderB' that sends messages to the current layout without
-- refresh using 'sendSomeMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrentB'.
tryInOrderWithNoRefreshToCurrentB :: [SomeMessage] -> X Bool
tryInOrderWithNoRefreshToCurrentB = tryInOrderB sendSomeMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrentB

-- | Variant of 'tryInOrderWithNoRefreshToCurrent' that discards the results.
tryInOrderWithNoRefreshToCurrent :: [SomeMessage] -> X ()
tryInOrderWithNoRefreshToCurrent = void . tryInOrderWithNoRefreshToCurrentB

-- | Apply the dispatch function to the first message, and if it was not
-- handled, apply it to the second. Returns @True@ if either message was
-- handled, @False@ otherwise.
tryMessageB :: (Message a, Message b) => (SomeMessage -> X Bool) -> a -> b -> X Bool
tryMessageB f m1 m2 = tryInOrderB f [sm m1,sm m2]

-- | Variant of 'tryMessageB' that sends messages to the current layout without
-- refresh using 'sendMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrentB'.
tryMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrentB :: (Message a, Message b) => a -> b -> X Bool
tryMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrentB = tryMessageB sendSomeMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrentB

-- | Variant of 'tryMessage' that discards the results.
tryMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrent :: (Message a, Message b) => a -> b -> X ()
tryMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrent m = void . tryMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrentB m

-- | Convenience shorthand for 'SomeMessage'.
sm :: Message a => a -> SomeMessage
sm = SomeMessage

-- Backwards Compatibility:
{-# DEPRECATED send "Use sendMessageB instead." #-}
{-# DEPRECATED sendSM "Use sendSomeMessageB instead." #-}
{-# DEPRECATED sendSM_ "Use sendSomeMessage instead." #-}
{-# DEPRECATED tryInOrder "Use tryInOrderWithNoRefreshToCurrentB instead." #-}
{-# DEPRECATED tryInOrder_ "Use tryInOrderWithNoRefreshToCurrent instead." #-}
{-# DEPRECATED tryMessage "Use tryMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrentB instead." #-}
{-# DEPRECATED tryMessage_ "Use tryMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrent instead." #-}

sendSM :: SomeMessage -> X Bool
sendSM m = do w <- workspace . current <$> gets windowset
ml' <- handleMessage (layout w) m `catchX` return Nothing
updateLayout (tag w) ml'
return $ isJust ml'
-- $backwardsCompatibility
-- The following functions exist solely for compatibility with pre-0.14
-- releases.

-- | See 'sendMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrentB'.
send :: Message a => a -> X Bool
send = sendMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrentB

-- | See 'sendSomeMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrentB'.
sendSM :: SomeMessage -> X Bool
sendSM = sendSomeMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrentB

-- | See 'sendSomeMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrent'.
sendSM_ :: SomeMessage -> X ()
sendSM_ m = sendSM m >> return ()
sendSM_ = sendSomeMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrent

-- | See 'tryInOrderWithNoRefreshToCurrentB'.
tryInOrder :: [SomeMessage] -> X Bool
tryInOrder = tryInOrderWithNoRefreshToCurrentB

-- | See 'tryInOrderWithNoRefreshToCurrent'.
tryInOrder_ :: [SomeMessage] -> X ()
tryInOrder_ = tryInOrderWithNoRefreshToCurrent

-- | See 'tryMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrentB'.
tryMessage :: (Message a, Message b) => a -> b -> X Bool
tryMessage = tryMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrentB

-- | See 'tryMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrent'.
tryMessage_ :: (Message a, Message b) => a -> b -> X ()
tryMessage_ = tryMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrent

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