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[CVPR 2021] MiVOS - Mask Propagation module. Reproduced STM (and better) with training code 🌟. Semi-supervised video object segmentation evaluation.

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MiVOS (CVPR 2021) - Mask Propagation

Ho Kei Cheng, Yu-Wing Tai, Chi-Keung Tang

[arXiv] [Paper PDF] [Project Page] [Papers with Code]

Parkour Bike

This repo implements an improved version of the Space-Time Memory Network (STM) and is part of the accompanying code of Modular Interactive Video Object Segmentation: Interaction-to-Mask, Propagation and Difference-Aware Fusion (MiVOS). It can be used as:

  1. A tool for propagating masks across video frames. Results
  2. An integral component for reproducing and/or improving the performance in MiVOS.
  3. A tool that can compute dense correspondences between two frames. Tutorial

Overall structure and capabilities

MiVOS Mask-Propagation Scribble-to-Mask
DAVIS/YouTube semi-supervised evaluation ✔️
DAVIS interactive evaluation ✔️
User interaction GUI tool ✔️
Dense Correspondences ✔️
Train propagation module ✔️
Train S2M (interaction) module ✔️
Train fusion module ✔️
Generate more synthetic data ✔️




We used these packages/versions in the development of this project. It is likely that higher versions of the same package will also work. This is not an exhaustive list -- other common python packages (e.g. pillow) are expected and not listed.

  • PyTorch 1.7.1
  • torchvision 0.8.2
  • OpenCV 4.2.0
  • progressbar
  • thinspline for training (pip install git+
  • gitpython for training
  • gdown for downloading pretrained models

Refer to the official PyTorch guide for installing PyTorch/torchvision. The rest (except thin spline) can be installed by:

pip install progressbar2 opencv-python gitpython gdown

Main Results

Semi-supervised VOS

FPS is amortized, computed as total processing time / total number of frames irrespective of the number of objects, aka multi-object FPS. All times are measured on an RTX 2080 Ti with IO time excluded. Pre-computed results and evaluation outputs (either from local evaluation or CodaLab output log) are also provided. All evaluations are done in 480p resolution.

(Note: This implementation is not optimal in speed. There are ways to speed it up but we wanted to keep it in its simplest PyTorch form.)

Find all the precomputed results here.

DAVIS 2016 val:

Produced using

Model Top-k? J F J&F FPS Pre-computed results
Without BL pretraining 87.0 89.0 88.0 15.5 D16_s02_notop
Without BL pretraining ✔️ 89.7 92.1 90.9 16.9 D16_s02
With BL pretraining 87.8 90.0 88.9 15.5 D16_s012_notop
With BL pretraining ✔️ 89.7 92.4 91.0 16.9 D16_s012

DAVIS 2017 val:

Produced using

Model Top-k? J F J&F FPS Pre-computed results
Without BL pretraining 78.8 84.2 81.5 9.75 D17_s02_notop
Without BL pretraining ✔️ 80.5 85.8 83.1 11.2 D17_s02
With BL pretraining 81.1 86.5 83.8 9.75 D17_s012_notop
With BL pretraining ✔️ 81.7 87.4 84.5 11.2 D17_s012

For YouTubeVOS val and DAVIS test-dev we also tried the kernelized memory (called KM in our code) technique described in Kernelized Memory Network for Video Object Segmentation. It works nicely with our top-k filtering.

YouTubeVOS val:

Produced using

Model Kernel Memory (KM)? J-Seen J-Unseen F-Seen F-Unseen Overall Score Pre-computed results
Full model with top-k 80.6 77.3 84.7 85.5 82.0 D17_testdev_s012
Full model with top-k ✔️ 81.6 77.7 85.8 85.9 82.8 D17_testdev_s012_km

DAVIS 2017 test-dev:

Produced using

Model Kernel Memory (KM)? J F J&F Pre-computed results
Full model with top-k 72.7 80.2 76.5 YV_val_s012
Full model with top-k ✔️ 74.9 82.2 78.6 YV_val_s012_km

Running them yourselves

You can look at the corresponding scripts (,, etc.). The arguments tooltip should give you a rough idea of how to use them. For example, if you have downloaded the datasets and pretrained models using our scripts, you only need to specify the output path: python --output [somewhere] for DAVIS 2017 validation set evaluation.


The W matrix can be considered as a dense correspondence (affinity) matrix. This is in fact how we used it in the fusion module. See for details. We have included a small GUI there to show the correspondences (a point source is used, but a mask/tensor can be used in general).

Try it yourself: python

Source Target
Source 1 Target 1
Source 2 Target 2
Source 3 Target 3

Pretrained models

Here we provide two pretrained models. One is pretrained on static images and transferred to main training (we call it s02: stage 0 -> stage 2); the other is pretrained on both static images and BL30K then transferred to main training (we call it s012). For the s02 model, we train it for 300K (instead of 150K) iterations in the main training stage to offset the extra training. More iterations do not help/help very little. The script automatically downloads the s012 model. Put all pretrained models in Mask-Propagation/saves/.

Model Google Drive OneDrive
s02 link link
s012 link link


Data preparation

I recommend either softlinking (ln -s) existing data or use the provided to structure the datasets as our format. might download more than what you need -- just comment out things that you don't like. The script does not download BL30K because it is huge (>600GB) and we don't want to crash your harddisks. See below.

├── BL30K
│   ├── 2016
│   │   ├── Annotations
│   │   └── ...
│   └── 2017
│       ├── test-dev
│       │   ├── Annotations
│       │   └── ...
│       └── trainval
│           ├── Annotations
│           └── ...
├── Mask-Propagation
├── static
│   ├── BIG_small
│   └── ...
└── YouTube
    ├── all_frames
    │   └── valid_all_frames
    ├── train
    ├── train_480p
    └── valid


BL30K is a synthetic dataset rendered using ShapeNet data and Blender. For details, see MiVOS.

You can either use the automatic script or download it manually below. Note that each segment is about 115GB in size -- 700GB in total. You are going to need ~1TB of free disk space to run the script (including extraction buffer).

Google Drive is much faster in my experience. Your mileage might vary.

Manual download: [Google Drive] [OneDrive]

Training commands

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=[a,b] OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 python -m torch.distributed.launch --master_port [cccc] --nproc_per_node=2 --id [defg] --stage [h]

We implemented training with Distributed Data Parallel (DDP) with two 11GB GPUs. Replace a, b with the GPU ids, cccc with an unused port number, defg with a unique experiment identifier, and h with the training stage (0/1/2).

The model is trained progressively with different stages (0: static images; 1: BL30K; 2: YouTubeVOS+DAVIS). After each stage finishes, we start the next stage by loading the trained weight.

One concrete example is:

Pre-training on static images: CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 python -m torch.distributed.launch --master_port 9842 --nproc_per_node=2 --id retrain_s0 --stage 0

Pre-training on the BL30K dataset: CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 python -m torch.distributed.launch --master_port 9842 --nproc_per_node=2 --id retrain_s01 --load_network [path_to_trained_s0.pth] --stage 1

Main training: CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 python -m torch.distributed.launch --master_port 9842 --nproc_per_node=2 --id retrain_s012 --load_network [path_to_trained_s01.pth] --stage 2


Files to look at

  • model/ - Defines the core network.
  • model/ - Training procedure.
  • util/ - Hyperparameters that you can provide by specifying command line arguments.

What are the differences?

While I did start building this from STM's official evaluation code, the official training code is not available and therefore a lot of details are missing. My own judgments are used in the engineering of this work.

  • We both use the ResNet-50 backbone up to layer3 but there are a few minor architecture differences elsewhere (e.g. decoder, mask generation in the last layer)
  • This repo does not use the COCO dataset and uses some other static image datasets instead.
  • This repo picks two, instead of three objects for each training sample.
  • Top-k filtering (proposed by us) is included here
  • Our raw performance (without BL30K or top-k) is slightly worse than the original STM model but I believe we train with fewer resources.


Please cite our paper if you find this repo useful!

  title={Modular Interactive Video Object Segmentation: Interaction-to-Mask, Propagation and Difference-Aware Fusion},
  author={Cheng, Ho Kei and Tai, Yu-Wing and Tang, Chi-Keung},

Contact: [email protected]


[CVPR 2021] MiVOS - Mask Propagation module. Reproduced STM (and better) with training code 🌟. Semi-supervised video object segmentation evaluation.






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