Name: 张钰豪
Student ID: 2021533141
Please write your name and your student ID in this README.
This is a GUI program using OpenGL for real-time cloth simulation. Please read the following instructions carefully before working on this project.
Before compiling and running the program, you can change the shader path in test/main.cpp
, about line 60.
If you keep it unchanged, you should set your working directory to the Coding
folder, or the program will fail finding the shader files.
To compile the program, set your working directory to the Coding
folder, then
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . -j 4
After running this you only need to execute the last command to compile again.
If you have any trouble compiling, please contact TAs.
You should be able to see a window with some contents in it if you run the compiled program.
To simulate, hold P key. Running the program does not start the simulation. Press esc key to quit the program.
A first person camera is provided.
- W, A, S, D, Left Control, Space: Moving
- Arrows: Look around
The simulation parameters can be tuned in test/main.cpp
, about line 60.
If you are not satisfied with the code skeleton, you are encouraged to modify it to achieve more interesting effects.
For example, you may modify the fragment shader for better lighting setup, or modify the definition of RectClothSimulator
for extra functionalities.
Refer to course page.