What's Changed
- Fix website name by @ReflectiveObsidian in #202
- Add clearer font by @DingBao-sys in #203
- Update minor errors in user guide by @Tsenrae in #215
- Attribute mega update by @Bandov in #265
- Update UG (PE-D feedback) by @ReflectiveObsidian in #269
- Fix relationship command bugs by @Emberlynn-Loo in #270
- test codecov by @Bandov in #271
- Bug with invalid relationtypes with s by @Emberlynn-Loo in #277
- Fix relationship bugs by @Tsenrae in #279
- Delete feature change by @Emberlynn-Loo in #281
- Sex attribute fix by @Bandov in #278
- fixed addperson by @Bandov in #283
- Make it so person can't be a brother and a sister etc. by @Emberlynn-Loo in #284
- Fix bugs with loading data when editing the json file by @Tsenrae in #288
- Update ug part 2 by @ReflectiveObsidian in #292
- fixed the error message by @Bandov in #293
- Fix error in gender relationships by @Emberlynn-Loo in #295
- DG update for attribute and person by @Bandov in #298
- Update Model(relationship portion) of DG. by @Tsenrae in #299
- Fix bug with loading data when editing json file by @Tsenrae in #296
- Attribute relationship gender by @Emberlynn-Loo in #303
- Update DG Appendix: Requirements portion by @Tsenrae in #305
- Repackage relationship classes by @Emberlynn-Loo in #306
- Dg feature implementation by @Bandov in #308
- Update loading of data to ensure that sex attribute gender matches with gender of relationship roles by @Tsenrae in #307
- Improve code quality for UI by @DingBao-sys in #310
- Dg update by @Bandov in #312
- attempt to fix the toc by @Bandov in #313
- fixed the errror of deadlinks by @Bandov in #314
- Add the editRelationship and deleteRelationship feature implementations to DG by @Tsenrae in #309
- Update DG syntax and organisation by @Tsenrae in #316
- Add anySearch implementation to DG by @Tsenrae in #317
- Add Updated UI architecture diagram by @DingBao-sys in #315
- DG for addRelationship Command by @Emberlynn-Loo in #320
- Relationship code quality by @Emberlynn-Loo in #319
- Improve code quality for saving features by @Tsenrae in #318
- Ug toning update by @Bandov in #323
- Fix ug box by @Bandov in #324
- change block to span by @Bandov in #325
- fixed the dialog box by @Bandov in #326
- fix bugs by @Bandov in #327
- Ug branch by @DingBao-sys in #328
- Fix UG by @DingBao-sys in #332
- Add implementation text for person commands by @ReflectiveObsidian in #322
- U gbranch by @DingBao-sys in #333
- Ug v3.0 by @Bandov in #334
- Remove extra destroy model indicator in DG by @ReflectiveObsidian in #330
- addded personality to UG by @Bandov in #335
- more PERSONALITY by @Bandov in #336
- Dg v2.0 by @Bandov in #337
- Add planned enhancements for relationships to DG by @Tsenrae in #339
- complete UG by @DingBao-sys in #338
- Add back to table for every section by @DingBao-sys in #340
- Add before/after images for all relationship features by @Tsenrae in #341
- update the UG by @Emberlynn-Loo in #342
- Ug figures update by @Bandov in #343
- changed all figures to use figcaption by @Bandov in #344
- Dg update by @DingBao-sys in #345
- done by @DingBao-sys in #346
- Ug image update by @Bandov in #347
- Ugdg updates by @Bandov in #348
- Add constraints for relationships in UG (warnings and notes) by @Tsenrae in #349
- Update syntax by @Tsenrae in #350
- Update relationship constraints by @Tsenrae in #351
- Update UG by @Tsenrae in #352
- fix links and edit file issue by @Bandov in #353
- update Ug by @Emberlynn-Loo in #354
- fix image by @Bandov in #355
- fix lijnks dg by @Bandov in #356
- Update DG by @Tsenrae in #358
- Final ug branch by @DingBao-sys in #357
- update ug by @Emberlynn-Loo in #359
- ug update by @Emberlynn-Loo in #360
- page update by @Emberlynn-Loo in #361
- update by @Emberlynn-Loo in #362
- update ug by @Emberlynn-Loo in #363
- Fix DG wording issues by @ReflectiveObsidian in #364
- Update UG by @Tsenrae in #365
- update ug by @Emberlynn-Loo in #366
- update-ug by @Emberlynn-Loo in #367
- Fix edit relationship invalid command format message by @Tsenrae in #368
- update c.10 by @Bandov in #369
- update by @Emberlynn-Loo in #370
- master by @Bandov in #371
- ug update by @Emberlynn-Loo in #372
- ug-change by @Emberlynn-Loo in #373
- update ug by @Emberlynn-Loo in #374
- fix ug by @Emberlynn-Loo in #375
- update DG by @Bandov in #376
- fix ug by @Emberlynn-Loo in #377
- fix ug by @Emberlynn-Loo in #378
Full Changelog: v1.3...v1.4