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Patrick Thoral edited this page Apr 27, 2022 · 2 revisions

drugitems table

The drugitems table contains all administered medication including fluids, (parenteral) feeding and blood transfusions during the stay on the ICU. Both bolus injections as well as continous drips are stored in this table. All items have an associated admissionid from the admissions table.


Name Type Description
admissionid integer links the item with the admissionid in the admissions table
orderid integer uniquely identifies this medication record
ordercategoryid integer id of medication category, e.g. antibiotics, fluids, etc.
ordercategory string name of medication category e.g. antibiotics, fluids, etc.
itemid integer id of the medication name
item string medication name
isadditive bit shows whether this order is an additive, meaning it has been added to a parent solution with the same orderid
isconditional bit shows whether the order is conditional, meaning the health care provider, should verify if the order should be given at the planned date and time
rate float rate of medication infusion, expressed as a volume (amount of fluid) per time unit. Rate can be set to 0 for bolus medication (injections)
rateunit string unit of the infusion rate (e.g. ml/hour)
rateunitid integer id of the volume unit of the infusion rate
ratetimeunitid integer id of the time unit of the infusion rate
doserateperkg bit shows whether the dose rates (if applicable) are dosed by patient weight (e.g. 'mcg/kg/min' instead of 'mcg/min'). In contrast to prescribing medication for pediatric patients, most dose rates for adult intensive care patients are **
not** weight based.
dose float prescribed dose, expressed as either an absolute dose (e.g. doseunit = 'mg') or dose per time unit (e.g. doserateunit = 'mg/hour')
doseunit string unit of prescribed dose (e.g. mg)
doserateunit string time unit of infusion rate (e.g. hour)
doseunitid integer id of doseunit
doserateunitid integer id of doserateunit
administered float administered dose, which may or may not be the same as prescribed dose
administeredunit string unit of administered dose (e.g. mg)
administeredunitid integer id of administeredunit
action string defines the reason for documenting (i.e. new bag/syringe, pause, restart, stopped)
start integer start time of medication infusion in milliseconds from the first admission
stop integer stop time of medication infusion in milliseconds from the first admission
duration integer duration of medication infusion (stop - start) in minutes
solutionitemid integer id of the solution, if any, used to prepare the medication
solutionitem string name of the solution, if any, used to prepare the medication
solutionadministered float amount of solution administered
solutionadministeredunit string unit of solution administered (e.g. ml)
fluidin float amount of fluid volume administered in ml, including the solution
iscontinuous bit determines wheter this order is continuous, i.e. restart on empty infusion bag