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Patrick Thoral edited this page Apr 27, 2022 · 2 revisions

numericitems table

The numericitems table contains all numerical measurements and observations, including vital parameters, data from medical devices, lab results, outputs from drains and foley-catheters, scores etc. All items have an associated admissionid from the admissions table.


Name Type Description
admissionid integer links the items with the admissionid in the admissions table
itemid integer id to identify the type of observation
item string name of the observation
tag string used in some lab results to modify a value (e.g tag = '<' and value = 0.05, to demonstrate that a value is lower than the displayed value).
unitid integer id of the unit of the observation.
unit string unit of the observation (e.g. mmHg).
comment string user specified comment. Comments may have been removed ('Opmerking verwijderd') due to containing personal data.
value float value of the observation
measuredat integer time associated with this observation, expressed as milliseconds since the first ICU admission. Negative values imply that the observation (e.g. lab result) was performed before the first ICU admission
registeredat integer time the result was stored in the database, expressed as milliseconds since the first admission. Negative values imply that the observation (e.g. lab result) was performed before the first ICU admission. For (automatic) lab results this value is the same as *
measuredat* are the same.
registeredby string the user group that entered the result, e.g. nurses, physicians or NULL for linked devices
updatedat integer time the observation was updated in milliseconds from the first ICU admission.
updatedby string the user group that entered the observation, e.g. nurses, physicians or NULL for linked devices
islabresult bit determines whether the observation is a lab result (islabresult=1).
fluidout integer the amount of fluid in ml that was removed from the patient (e.g. urine, drain).