Add 'privateDnsZoneId' to #28099
openapi-pipeline-app / Breaking Change(Cross-Version)
Mar 12, 2024 in 3m 49s
Check <code>Breaking Change(Cross-Version)</code> succeeded
View Azure DevOps build log for more details.
To see the full list of breaking changes messages, with all the details available:
In the relevant ADO build (see the link above), find the job CrossVersionBreakingChange
, then the task within, also called CrossVersionBreakingChange
In the task's build log, search for Full list of messages
Compared specs (v0.10.5) | new version | base version |
appplatform.json | 2024-05-01-preview(12d3adf) | 2023-12-01(main) |
appplatform.json | 2024-05-01-preview(12d3adf) | 2024-01-01-preview(main) |
The following breaking changes have been detected in comparison to the latest stable version
💬 1020 - AddedEnumValue
Displaying 2 out of 2 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The new version is adding enum value(s) 'CACertificates' from the old version. New: Microsoft.AppPlatform/preview/2024-05-01-preview/appplatform.json#L13563:9 Old: Microsoft.AppPlatform/stable/2023-12-01/appplatform.json#L12815:9 |
2 | The new version is adding enum value(s) 'Java_21' from the old version. New: Microsoft.AppPlatform/preview/2024-05-01-preview/appplatform.json#L13452:9 Old: Microsoft.AppPlatform/stable/2023-12-01/appplatform.json#L12705:9 |
💬 1038 - AddedPath
Displaying 2 out of 2 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The new version is adding a path that was not found in the old version. New: Microsoft.AppPlatform/preview/2024-05-01-preview/appplatform.json#L1006:5 |
2 | The new version is adding a path that was not found in the old version. New: Microsoft.AppPlatform/preview/2024-05-01-preview/appplatform.json#L1048:5 |
💬 1039 - AddedOperation
Displaying 1 out of 1 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The new version is adding an operation that was not found in the old version. New: Microsoft.AppPlatform/preview/2024-05-01-preview/appplatform.json#L6894:7 |
💬 1040 - AddedReadOnlyPropertyInResponse
Displaying 1 out of 1 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The new version has a new read-only property 'version' in response that was not found in the old version. New: Microsoft.AppPlatform/preview/2024-05-01-preview/appplatform.json#L9616:7 Old: Microsoft.AppPlatform/stable/2023-12-01/appplatform.json#L9302:7 |
💬 1041 - AddedPropertyInResponse
Displaying 16 out of 16 occurrences.
💬 1043 - AddingOptionalParameter
Displaying 1 out of 1 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The optional parameter '$expand' was added in the new version. New: Microsoft.AppPlatform/preview/2024-05-01-preview/appplatform.json#L5874:11 |
💬 1045 - AddedOptionalProperty
Displaying 15 out of 15 occurrences.
The following breaking changes have been detected in comparison to the latest preview version
💬 1041 - AddedPropertyInResponse
Displaying 3 out of 3 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The new version has a new property 'identity' in response that was not found in the old version. New: Microsoft.AppPlatform/preview/2024-05-01-preview/appplatform.json#L8766:7 Old: Microsoft.AppPlatform/preview/2024-01-01-preview/appplatform.json#L8766:7 |
2 | The new version has a new property 'privateDnsZoneId' in response that was not found in the old version. New: Microsoft.AppPlatform/preview/2024-05-01-preview/appplatform.json#L10978:7 Old: Microsoft.AppPlatform/preview/2024-01-01-preview/appplatform.json#L10974:7 |
3 | The new version has a new property 'privateLinkState' in response that was not found in the old version. New: Microsoft.AppPlatform/preview/2024-05-01-preview/appplatform.json#L10978:7 Old: Microsoft.AppPlatform/preview/2024-01-01-preview/appplatform.json#L10974:7 |
💬 1045 - AddedOptionalProperty
Displaying 3 out of 3 occurrences.
Index | Description |
1 | The new version has a new optional property 'identity' that was not found in the old version. New: Microsoft.AppPlatform/preview/2024-05-01-preview/appplatform.json#L8766:7 Old: Microsoft.AppPlatform/preview/2024-01-01-preview/appplatform.json#L8766:7 |
2 | The new version has a new optional property 'privateDnsZoneId' that was not found in the old version. New: Microsoft.AppPlatform/preview/2024-05-01-preview/appplatform.json#L10978:7 Old: Microsoft.AppPlatform/preview/2024-01-01-preview/appplatform.json#L10974:7 |
3 | The new version has a new optional property 'privateLinkState' that was not found in the old version. New: Microsoft.AppPlatform/preview/2024-05-01-preview/appplatform.json#L10978:7 Old: Microsoft.AppPlatform/preview/2024-01-01-preview/appplatform.json#L10974:7 |