This VBA function/Excel tool calculates the temperature drop through a pre-insulated buried single steel pipe (steady-state).
An example Excel file is given: TemperatureDrop_Buried&InsulatedPipeV02_r02.xlsm, which illustrates how to use the VB functions developed i) Tout and ii) Tout_simple.
These functions are based on other VBA functions: a) XSteam for the water properties, b) f_Clamond to return the Darcy friction factor, c) zOthers involves of VB functions to calculate pi number and Reynolds number
If you are new to Visual Basic (Excel), please follow the instructions in Copy a macro module to another workbook OR simply make use of the example Excel file TemperatureDrop_Buried&InsulatedPipeV02_r02.xlsm to base on for your calculations.
You are free to use, modify and distribute the code as long as the authorship is properly acknowledged. The same applies for the original works 'XSteam' by Holmgren M and 'f_Clamond' by Clamond, D.
In memory of my father Bekir Tol.
We would like to acknowledge all of the open-source minds in general for their willing of share (as apps or comments/answers in forums), which has encouraged our department to publish our tools developed.
- Tol, Hİ. temperature_drop-Excel. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2550093. GitHub Repository 2018;
- Cengel, YA. Heat transfer: A practical approach (2. ed)
- Kwon KC, 1998. Heat transfer model of above and underground insulated piping systems. In: ASME conference - Heat exchanger committee meeting & International joint power generation conference, Baltimore, MA.
- LOGSTOR, LOGSTOR calculator - Energy Loss, Available at:
- Ankur, Heat transfer in buried liquid pipelines, Available at:
- Breizh, insulated pipe buried V1.xlsx, Available at:§ion=attach&attach_id=12301
- Kusuda T, 1981. Heat transfer analysis of underground heat and chilled-water distribution systems. Report No: NBSIR 81-2378, US Department of Commerce, Washington DC.
- Subramanian RS, Heat transfer in flow through conduits, Clarkson University.