This is the official PyTorch code for our ECCV 2022 paper on Abstracting Sketches through Simple Primitives. It allows training and testing of our Primitive Matching Network (PMN) on Quickdraw, ShoeV2 and ChairV2 datasets.
All Python dependencies can be installed into a conda environment with the provided environment.yml file. To setup the code and environment, run the following commands.
- Clone the repository
git clone
cd sketch-primitives
- Create conda environment (you can try to use
if you want to use the latest PyTorch version)
conda env create -f environment.yml
- Activate environment
conda activate sketch-primitives
- The script
downloads Quickdraw, ShoeV2 and ChairV2 into./data
The following commands are examples for training the PMN model. To see all possible parameters, use python --help
. By default, logs are saved into ./log
including model checkpoints and tensorboards. Data is expected to be in ./data
unless otherwise specified.
- Train sketch classifier on the original dataset for evaluation purposes.
python --log-name classifier_quickdraw09 --model-type classifier --dataset quickdraw09
- Train the PMN model self-supervised to do sketch abstractions with primitives.
python --log-name pmn_quickdraw09 --model-type pmn --dataset quickdraw09
- Process the dataset with PMN to create a new dataset consisting of primitive reconstructions.
python --log-name pmn_quickdraw09_processed --model-type pmn --dataset quickdraw09 --test ./log/pmn_quickdraw09/ --only-save-coords
- Evaluate PMN reconstructions using a communication task with limited budget and the previously trained sketch classifier.
python --log-name pmn_communication_quickdraw09 --model-type communication --dataset quickdraw09 --loss-model-type class --loss-model-ckpt ./log/classifier_quickdraw09/ --budget 0.3 --test 1 --preprocessed-root ./log/pmn_quickdraw09_processed/data/coords/
- Create sketch images with our rendering (to avoid distribution shift).
python --log-name chairv2_processed --model-type none --dataset chairv2
ln -sf $(pwd)/log/chairv2_processed/data/imgs data/chairv2/sketch_picture_files
- Train a sketch-based image retrieval model on the original data for use as an evaluation model.
python --log-name fgsbir_chairv2 --model-type fgsbir --dataset chairv2 --load-fgsbir-photos
- Train the PMN model self-supervised to do sketch abstractions with primitives.
python --log-name pmn_chairv2 --model-type pmn --dataset chairv2
- Process the dataset with PMN to create a new dataset consisting of primitive reconstructions including sketch images for a specific budget.
python --log-name pmn_chairv2_processed_budget0.3 --model-type pmn --dataset chairv2 --test ./log/pmn_chairv2/ --budget 0.3 --loss-model-type none --add-comm-model --load-fgsbir-photos
- Process the dataset with PMN to create a new dataset consisting of primitive reconstructions including sketch images for a specific budget.
python --log-name pmn_chairv2_processed_budget0.3 --model-type pmn --dataset chairv2 --test ./log/pmn_chairv2/ --budget 0.3 --loss-model-type none --add-comm-model --load-fgsbir-photos
ln -sf $(pwd)/log/pmn_chairv2_processed_budget0.3/data/imgs data/chairv2/sketch_picture_files
- Evaluate PMN reconstructions on the previously trained FG-SBIR model.
python --log-name pmn_communication_chairv2_budget0.3 --model-type fgsbir --dataset chairv2 --load-fgsbir-photos --test log/fgsbir_chairv2/
If you use this code, please cite
title = {Abstracting Sketches through Simple Primitives},
author = {Alaniz, S. and Mancini, M. and Dutta, A. and Marcos, D. and Akata, Z.},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},
year = {2022}