Changed GeneratedComparer renamed to PublicPropertyComparer.
Fixed PredictionManager.RedundancyCount being different between WebGL and server builds.
Fixed Prediction 2 states not splitting properly when large.
Improved simplified IntermediateLayer.
Added Tugboat IPv6 toggling. (#566 )
Added Tugboat DontRoute. (#540 )
Changed Prediction 2 ReplicateV2 and ReconcileV2 renamed to Replicate and Reconcile.
Improved demo scenes now use their own prefab collection lists. (#549 )
Fixed Prediction 1 demo scene prefabs. (#552 )
Added Server/ClientManager.SetFrameRate.
Fixed OnStopNetworking calling on clientHost before client was able to deinitialize.
Fixed SyncTypes not clearing dirty state when values were written for despawn. (#574 )
Improved updated PredictedObject.Rigidbodies API for Unity 2021.
Improved SyncTypes of collections no longer allocate during initialization.
Fixed jitter on Prediction 2 smoothing.
Added a variety of GetXYZMoveRates functions to MoveRates.
Added MoveRates and MoveRatesCls.MoveToTarget.
Removed MoveRatesCls.Multiply
Improved exposed SyncVar.SetInitialValues.
Added NetworkManager.GetPooledInstantiated makeActive and parent options.
Added ObjectPool.RetrievObject makeActive and parent options.
Fixed transform values being applied incorrectly during spawns.
Fixed possible memory leak if an object was stored to DefaultObjectPool then destroyed, and object pool was never used afterwards.
Changed Prediction V2 PredictionManager.IsReplaying() renamed to PredictionManager.IsReconciling().
Fixed Prediction V2 calling dispose on replicate datas early.
Added Prediction V2 PredictionManager.ClientReplayTick.
Added Prediction V2 PredictionManager.ServerReplayTick.
Added Prediction V2 PredictionManager.ClientStateTick.
Added Prediction V2 PredictionManager.ServerStateTick.
Added Prediction V2 NetworkBehaviour.IsReconiling.
Added NetworkBehaviour.Write/ReadPayload.
Removed SyncType forwarding for predicted spawns; Write/ReadPayload should now be used.
Added Writer/ReaderPool.StoreAndDefault.
Fixed Unity stripping necessary NetworkTransform code for Android builds.
Changed FishNet\Plugins is now reserved for user imported plugins. Internal plugins have been moved to FishNet\Runtime\Plugins.
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