cwa-app-ios Public
Forked from corona-warn-app/cwa-app-iosNative iOS app using the exposure notification framework from Apple.
Swift Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 25, 2020 -
Wooey Public
Forked from wooey/WooeyA Django app that creates automatic web UIs for Python scripts.
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedJan 2, 2020 -
rosdistro Public
Forked from ros/rosdistroThis repo maintains a lists of repositories for each ROS distribution
Python UpdatedDec 6, 2019 -
DependencyCheck Public
Forked from dependency-check/DependencyCheckOWASP dependency-check is a software composition analysis utility that detects publicly disclosed vulnerabilities in application dependencies.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 3, 2019 -
rospkg Public
Forked from ros-infrastructure/rospkgrospkg Python library for ROS
Python UpdatedAug 9, 2018 -
websocketpp Public
Forked from zaphoyd/websocketppC++ websocket client/server library
C++ Other UpdatedJul 16, 2018 -
lm-sensors Public
Forked from lm-sensors/lm-sensorslm-sensors repository
Perl GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedJun 29, 2018 -
Simple-WebSocket-Server Public
Forked from eidheim/Simple-WebSocket-ServerA very simple, fast, multithreaded, platform independent WebSocket (WS) and WebSocket Secure (WSS) server and client library implemented using C++11, Boost.Asio and OpenSSL. Created to be an easy w…
C++ MIT License UpdatedMar 26, 2018 -
zaplib Public
Forked from zapdot/zaplibinternal python tools for development and utility scripts
Python UpdatedFeb 5, 2018 -
pyquaternion Public
Forked from KieranWynn/pyquaternionA fully featured, pythonic library for representing and using quaternions
Python MIT License UpdatedDec 2, 2017 -
microserver Public
Forked from bytewizer/microserverMicroServer IoT is a moduler MVC HTTP, DHCP, DNS, NTP server built for Microsoft .NETMF
C# UpdatedMay 10, 2015 -
iMeme Public
Forked from fogleman/iMemeiMeme is a popular meme generator for Mac OS X
Objective-C UpdatedMay 14, 2013 -
jquery-websocket Public
Forked from dchelimsky/jquery-websocketFork of http://code.google.com/p/jquery-websocket/
JavaScript UpdatedMar 15, 2013