Release notes for this release can be found on the Homebrew blog.
- Fix diction and punctuation typos in new maintainer checklist (@cnnrmnn)
- Allow for homebrew/core to be untapped (@Rylan12)
- Improve conflicts audit (@bayandin)
- Deprecate, disable, delete code for Homebrew 3.2.0 (@MikeMcQuaid)
- formula_installer: add fallback to use tap formula (@nandahkrishna)
- Temporarily revert #11537. (@mistydemeo)
- Formulary: map formula names to local bottle paths (@Rylan12)
- Version: Add parser for additional hyphenated filenames (@samford)
- Exclude version audit on CI (@samford)
- Automatically upgrade installed but out of date formulae with
brew install
(@cnnrmnn) - Fix a pair of tests on Apple silicon (@mistydemeo)
- Utils: shortened brew paths (@alebcay)
- diagnostic: hide some warnings on Apple Silicon. (@MikeMcQuaid)
- formula_installer: restrict use of Formula from Keg (@nandahkrishna)
- Fix potential modifications to frozen string (@kidonng)
- Cask::Audit: Handle livecheck skip conditions (@samford)
- Try getting page content with both headers (@n-thumann)
- LocalBottleDownloadStrategy: extend Pourable (@Rylan12)
- formula_installer: improve support for local bottle installs (@nandahkrishna)
- Refactor install methods (@Rylan12)
- Move Sorbet gems into an optional group (@Bo98)