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Merge pull request #387 from JuliaHealth/docs-simplemotion
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Tutorial for SimpleMotion creation and simulation
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cncastillo authored Jun 3, 2024
2 parents b3d6cd4 + f6074ec commit 93b4c90
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Showing 16 changed files with 591 additions and 138 deletions.
10 changes: 3 additions & 7 deletions KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/Phantom.jl
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Expand Up @@ -78,9 +78,7 @@ Base.:(≈)(obj1::Phantom, obj2::Phantom) = reduce(&, [getfield(obj1, field
Base.:(==)(m1::MotionModel, m2::MotionModel) = false
Base.:()(m1::MotionModel, m2::MotionModel) = false

Separate object spins in a sub-group
"""Separate object spins in a sub-group"""
Base.getindex(obj::Phantom, p::Union{AbstractRange,AbstractVector,Colon}) = begin
fields = []
for field in Iterators.filter(x -> !(x == :name), fieldnames(Phantom))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,9 +108,7 @@ end
return obj1

dims = get_dims(obj)
"""dims = get_dims(obj)"""
function get_dims(obj::Phantom)
dims = Bool[]
push!(dims, any(x -> x != 0, obj.x))
Expand All @@ -128,7 +124,7 @@ end
obj = heart_phantom(...)
Heart-like LV phantom. The variable `circumferential_strain` and `radial_strain` are for streching (if positive)
Heart-like LV 2D phantom. The variable `circumferential_strain` and `radial_strain` are for streching (if positive)
or contraction (if negative). `rotation_angle` is for rotation.
# Arguments
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50 changes: 39 additions & 11 deletions KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/ArbitraryMotion.jl
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Expand Up @@ -11,9 +11,37 @@ const LinearInterpolator = Interpolations.Extrapolation{
} where {T<:Real,V<:AbstractVector{T}}

Arbitrary Motion
motion = ArbitraryMotion(period_durations, dx, dy, dz)
x = x + ux
ArbitraryMotion model. For this motion model, it is necessary to define
motion for each spin independently, in x (`dx`), y (`dy`) and z (`dz`).
`dx`, `dy` and `dz` are three matrixes, of (``N_{spins}`` x ``N_{discrete\\,times}``) each.
This means that each row corresponds to a spin trajectory over a set of discrete time instants.
`period_durations` is a vector that contains the period for periodic (one element) or
pseudo-periodic (two or more elements) motion.
The discrete time instants are calculated diving `period_durations` by ``N_{discrete\\,times}``.
This motion model is useful for defining arbitrarly complex motion, specially
for importing the spin trajectories from another source, like XCAT or a CFD.
# Arguments
- `period_durations`: (`Vector{T}`)
- `dx`: (`::Array{T,2}`) matrix for displacements in x
- `dy`: (`::Array{T,2}`) matrix for displacements in y
- `dz`: (`::Array{T,2}`) matrix for displacements in z
# Returns
- `motion`: (`::ArbitraryMotion`) ArbitraryMotion struct
# Examples
julia> motion = ArbitraryMotion(
0.01.*rand(1000, 10),
0.01.*rand(1000, 10),
0.01.*rand(1000, 10)
struct ArbitraryMotion{T<:Real,V<:AbstractVector{T}} <: MotionModel{T}
Expand All @@ -27,27 +55,27 @@ end

function ArbitraryMotion(
) where {T<:Real}
@warn "Note that ArbitraryMotion is under development so it is not optimized so far" maxlog = 1
Ns = size(Δx)[1]
num_pieces = size(Δx)[2] + 1
Ns = size(dx)[1]
num_pieces = size(dx)[2] + 1
limits = times(period_durations, num_pieces)

#! format: off
Δ = zeros(Ns,length(limits),4)
Δ[:,:,1] = hcat(repeat(hcat(zeros(Ns,1),Δx),1,length(period_durations)),zeros(Ns,1))
Δ[:,:,2] = hcat(repeat(hcat(zeros(Ns,1),Δy),1,length(period_durations)),zeros(Ns,1))
Δ[:,:,3] = hcat(repeat(hcat(zeros(Ns,1),Δz),1,length(period_durations)),zeros(Ns,1))
Δ[:,:,1] = hcat(repeat(hcat(zeros(Ns,1),dx),1,length(period_durations)),zeros(Ns,1))
Δ[:,:,2] = hcat(repeat(hcat(zeros(Ns,1),dy),1,length(period_durations)),zeros(Ns,1))
Δ[:,:,3] = hcat(repeat(hcat(zeros(Ns,1),dz),1,length(period_durations)),zeros(Ns,1))

etpx = [extrapolate(interpolate((limits,), Δ[i,:,1], Gridded(Linear())), Periodic()) for i in 1:Ns]
etpy = [extrapolate(interpolate((limits,), Δ[i,:,2], Gridded(Linear())), Periodic()) for i in 1:Ns]
etpz = [extrapolate(interpolate((limits,), Δ[i,:,3], Gridded(Linear())), Periodic()) for i in 1:Ns]
#! format: on

return ArbitraryMotion(period_durations, Δx, Δy, Δz, etpx, etpy, etpz)
return ArbitraryMotion(period_durations, dx, dy, dz, etpx, etpy, etpz)

function Base.getindex(
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19 changes: 16 additions & 3 deletions KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/SimpleMotion.jl
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Expand Up @@ -6,13 +6,25 @@ is_composable(motion_type::SimpleMotionType{T}) where {T<:Real} = false
motion = SimpleMotion(types)
SimpleMotion model
SimpleMotion model. It allows for the definition of motion by means of simple parameters.
The `SimpleMotion` struct is composed by only one field, called `types`,
which is a vector of simple motion types. This vector will contain as many elements
as simple motions we want to combine.
# Arguments
- `types`: (`::Vector{<:SimpleMotionType{T}}`) vector of simple motion types
# Returns
- `motion`: (`::SimpleMotion`) SimpleMotion struct
# Examples
julia> motion = SimpleMotion([
Translation(dx=0.01, dy=0.02, dz=0.0, t_start=0.0, t_end=0.5),
Rotation(pitch=15.0, roll=0.0, yaw=20.0, t_start=0.1, t_end=0.5),
HeartBeat(circumferential_strain=-0.3, radial_strain=-0.2, longitudinal_strain=0.0, t_start=0.2, t_end=0.5)
struct SimpleMotion{T<:Real} <: MotionModel{T}
Expand All @@ -39,9 +51,10 @@ Base.:(==)(t1::SimpleMotionType, t2::SimpleMotionType) = false
Base.:()(t1::SimpleMotionType, t2::SimpleMotionType) = false

x, y, z = het_spin_coords(motion, x, y, z, t')
x, y, z = get_spin_coords(motion, x, y, z, t)
Calculates the position of each spin at a set of arbitrary time instants, i.e. the time steps of the simulation.
For each dimension (x, y, z), the output matrix has ``N_{\text{spins}}`` rows and `length(t)` columns.
# Arguments
- `motion`: (`::MotionModel`) phantom motion
Expand All @@ -51,7 +64,7 @@ Calculates the position of each spin at a set of arbitrary time instants, i.e. t
- `t`: (`::AbstractArray{T<:Real}`) horizontal array of time instants
# Returns
- `z, y, z`: (`::Tuple{AbstractArray, AbstractArray, AbstractArray}`) spin positions over time
- `x, y, z`: (`::Tuple{AbstractArray, AbstractArray, AbstractArray}`) spin positions over time
function get_spin_coords(
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,14 +5,19 @@ HeartBeat struct. It produces a heartbeat-like motion, characterised by three ty
Circumferential, Radial and Longitudinal
# Arguments
- `circumferential_strain`: (`::Real`, `=-0.3`) contraction parameter
- `radial_strain`: (`::Real`, `=-0.3`) contraction parameter
- `longitudinal_strain`: (`::Real`, `=1`) contraction parameter
- `circumferential_strain`: (`::Real`) contraction parameter
- `radial_strain`: (`::Real`) contraction parameter
- `longitudinal_strain`: (`::Real`) contraction parameter
- `t_start`: (`::Real`, `[s]`) initial time
- `t_end`: (`::Real`, `[s]`) final time
# Returns
- `heartbeat`: (`::HeartBeat`) HeartBeat struct
# Examples
julia> hb = HeartBeat(circumferential_strain=-0.3, radial_strain=-0.2, longitudinal_strain=0.0, t_start=0.2, t_end=0.5)
@with_kw struct HeartBeat{T<:Real} <: SimpleMotionType{T}
circumferential_strain :: T
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ HeartBeat struct. It produces a heartbeat-like motion, characterised by three ty
Circumferential, Radial and Longitudinal
# Arguments
- `circumferential_strain`: (`::Real`, `=-0.3`) contraction parameter
- `radial_strain`: (`::Real`, `=-0.3`) contraction parameter
- `longitudinal_strain`: (`::Real`, `=1`) contraction parameter
- `circumferential_strain`: (`::Real`) contraction parameter
- `radial_strain`: (`::Real`) contraction parameter
- `longitudinal_strain`: (`::Real`) contraction parameter
- `period`: (`::Real`, `[s]`) period
- `asymmetry`: (`::Real`) asymmetry factor, between 0 and 1
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Expand Up @@ -68,7 +68,9 @@ function displacement_z(
α = t_unit .* motion_type.pitch
β = t_unit .* motion_type.roll
γ = t_unit .* motion_type.yaw
return -sind.(β) .* x + cosd.(β) .* sind.(α) .* y .- z
return -sind.(β) .* x +
cosd.(β) .* sind.(α) .* y +
cosd.(β) .* cosd.(α) .* z .- z

function times(motion_type::PeriodicRotation)
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112 changes: 51 additions & 61 deletions KomaMRIBase/src/datatypes/phantom/motion/simplemotion/Rotation.jl
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rotation = Rotation(t_start, t_end, pitch, roll, yaw)
Rotation motion struct. It produces a rotation of the phantom in the three axes:
x (pitch), y (roll), and z (yaw)
x (pitch), y (roll), and z (yaw).
We follow the RAS (Right-Anterior-Superior) orientation,
and the rotations are applied following the right-hand rule (counter-clockwise):
ux &= cos(\gamma)cos(\beta)x \\
&+ (cos(\gamma)sin(\beta)sin(\alpha) - sin(\gamma)cos(\alpha))y\\
&+ (cos(\gamma)sin(\beta)cos(\alpha) + sin(\gamma)sin(\alpha))z\\
&- x
uy &= sin(\gamma)cos(\beta)x \\
&+ (sin(\gamma)sin(\beta)sin(\alpha) + cos(\gamma)cos(\alpha))y\\
&+ (sin(\gamma)sin(\beta)cos(\alpha) - cos(\gamma)sin(\alpha))z\\
&- y
![Head Rotation Axis](../assets/head-rotation-axis.svg)
The applied rotation matrix is obtained as follows:
uz &= -sin(\beta)x \\
&+ cos(\beta)sin(\alpha)y\\
&+ cos(\beta)cos(\alpha)z\\
&- z
\alpha = \left\{\begin{matrix}
0, & t <= t_start \\
\frac{pitch}{t_end-t_start}(t-t_start), & t_start < t < t_end \\
pitch, & t >= t_end
\beta = \left\{\begin{matrix}
0, & t <= t_start \\
\frac{roll}{t_end-t_start}(t-t_start), & t_start < t < t_end \\
roll, & t >= t_end
\gamma = \left\{\begin{matrix}
0, & t <= t_start \\
\frac{yaw}{t_end-t_start}(t-t_start), & t_start < t < t_end \\
yaw, & t >= t_end
R &= R_z(\alpha) R_y(\beta) R_x(\gamma) \\
&= \begin{bmatrix}
\cos \alpha & -\sin \alpha & 0 \\
\sin \alpha & \cos \alpha & 0 \\
0 & 0 & 1
\cos \beta & 0 & \sin \beta \\
0 & 1 & 0 \\
-\sin \beta & 0 & \cos \beta
1 & 0 & 0 \\
0 & \cos \gamma & -\sin \gamma \\
0 & \sin \gamma & \cos \gamma
\end{bmatrix} \\
&= \begin{bmatrix}
\cos \alpha \cos \beta & \cos \alpha \sin \beta \sin \gamma - \sin \alpha \cos \gamma & \cos \alpha \sin \beta \cos \gamma + \sin \alpha \sin \gamma \\
\sin \alpha \cos \beta & \sin \alpha \sin \beta \sin \gamma + \cos \alpha \cos \gamma & \sin \alpha \sin \beta \cos \gamma - \cos \alpha \sin \gamma \\
-\sin \beta & \cos \beta \sin \gamma & \cos \beta \cos \gamma
# Arguments
Expand All @@ -63,6 +47,10 @@ yaw, & t >= t_end
# Returns
- `rotation`: (`::Rotation`) Rotation struct
# Examples
julia> rt = Rotation(pitch=15.0, roll=0.0, yaw=20.0, t_start=0.1, t_end=0.5)
@with_kw struct Rotation{T<:Real} <: SimpleMotionType{T}
pitch :: T
Expand All @@ -83,12 +71,12 @@ function displacement_x(
) where {T<:Real}
t_unit = unit_time(t, motion_type.t_start, motion_type.t_end)
α = t_unit .* (motion_type.pitch)
α = t_unit .* (motion_type.yaw)
β = t_unit .* (motion_type.roll)
γ = t_unit .* (motion_type.yaw)
return cosd.(γ) .* cosd.(β) .* x +
(cosd.(γ) .* sind.(β) .* sind.(α) .- sind.(γ) .* cosd.(α)) .* y +
(cosd.(γ) .* sind.(β) .* cosd.(α) .+ sind.(γ) .* sind.(α)) .* z .- x
γ = t_unit .* (motion_type.pitch)
return cosd.(α) .* cosd.(β) .* x +
(cosd.(α) .* sind.(β) .* sind.(γ) .- sind.(α) .* cosd.(γ)) .* y +
(cosd.(α) .* sind.(β) .* cosd.(γ) .+ sind.(α) .* sind.(γ)) .* z .- x

function displacement_y(
Expand All @@ -99,12 +87,12 @@ function displacement_y(
) where {T<:Real}
t_unit = unit_time(t, motion_type.t_start, motion_type.t_end)
α = t_unit .* motion_type.pitch
β = t_unit .* motion_type.roll
γ = t_unit .* motion_type.yaw
return sind.(γ) .* cosd.(β) .* x +
(sind.(γ) .* sind.(β) .* sind.(α) .+ cosd.(γ) .* cosd.(α)) .* y +
(sind.(γ) .* sind.(β) .* cosd.(α) .- cosd.(γ) .* sind.(α)) .* z .- y
α = t_unit .* (motion_type.yaw)
β = t_unit .* (motion_type.roll)
γ = t_unit .* (motion_type.pitch)
return sind.(α) .* cosd.(β) .* x +
(sind.(α) .* sind.(β) .* sind.(γ) .+ cosd.(α) .* cosd.(γ)) .* y +
(sind.(α) .* sind.(β) .* cosd.(γ) .- cosd.(α) .* sind.(γ)) .* z .- y

function displacement_z(
Expand All @@ -115,10 +103,12 @@ function displacement_z(
) where {T<:Real}
t_unit = unit_time(t, motion_type.t_start, motion_type.t_end)
α = t_unit .* motion_type.pitch
β = t_unit .* motion_type.roll
γ = t_unit .* motion_type.yaw
return -sind.(β) .* x + cosd.(β) .* sind.(α) .* y .- z
α = t_unit .* (motion_type.yaw)
β = t_unit .* (motion_type.roll)
γ = t_unit .* (motion_type.pitch)
return -sind.(β) .* x +
cosd.(β) .* sind.(γ) .* y +
cosd.(β) .* cosd.(γ) .* z .- z

times(motion_type::Rotation) = begin
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@@ -1,31 +1,9 @@
@doc raw"""
translation = Translation(t_start, t_end, dx, dy, dz)
Translation motion struct. It produces a translation of the phantom in the three directions x, y and z.
0, & t <= t_start\\
\frac{dx}{t_end-t_start}(t-t_start), & t_start < t < t_end\\
dx, & t >= t_end
0, & t <= t_start\\
\frac{dy}{t_end-t_start}(t-t_start), & t_start < t < t_end\\
dy, & t >= t_end
0, & t <= t_start\\
\frac{dz}{t_end-t_start}(t-t_start), & t_start < t < t_end\\
dz, & t >= t_end
Translation motion struct. It produces a linear translation of the phantom.
Its fields are the final displacements in the three axes (dx, dy, dz)
and the start and end times of the translation.
# Arguments
- `dx`: (`::Real`, `[m]`) translation in x
Expand All @@ -37,6 +15,10 @@ dz, & t >= t_end
# Returns
- `translation`: (`::Translation`) Translation struct
# Examples
julia> tr = Translation(dx=0.01, dy=0.02, dz=0.03, t_start=0.0, t_end=0.5)
@with_kw struct Translation{T<:Real} <: SimpleMotionType{T}
dx :: T
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