Scripts and data used in the Multi modal MDS analysis paper
matrices_preparation_for_MOFA: Create list of matrices of same samples' different modalities for both cohort separately
BMMNC_MOFA_04012023.Rmd: Downstream analysis of latent factors from MOFA, including survival analysis for BMMNC cohort
CD34RNAseq_MOFA_04012023.Rmd: Downstream analysis of latent factors from MOFA, including survival analysis for CD34+ RNASeq cohort
Characterization_of_mutations_relation_with_geneSets.R: Characterization of SF3B1 & SRSF2 mutation association with gene sets scores, including survival analysis
Run the "Important features per factors" chunk in BMMNC_MOFA_04012023.Rmd. Important features were selected by having absolute weights over 0.5.
Run the "Important features for Factor 1" chunk in BMMNC_MOFA_04012023.Rmd. Important features were selected by having absolute scaled weights over 0.5 for Factor 1.
The "corrTabs" function takes gene sets scores and mutations and calcutes their correlation coeffecients in addition to p-values from Wilcox rank-sum test (Characterization_of_mutations_relation_with_geneSets.R). Heatmap then generated for each mutation separately. Stars indicating p-values manually added.
The "my_Plot_class" function use significant gene sets names as an argument and create boxplots for each of them with mutation status. For each mutation function run separately (Characterization_of_mutations_relation_with_geneSets.R).
The "BMMNC/CD34+ Clinical Outcomes for Aging signatures of patients based on SF3B1 status" parts in the Characterization_of_mutations_relation_with_geneSets.R create Kaplan-Meier plots for specific Inflammation/Aging gene sets (Inflammator chemokines and Inflammatory cytokines, first splitting them based on SF3B1 status (WT and mutated) then splitting mutated ones into "high" and "low". Pairwise p-values and legend titles manually added.