This is a set of GAM scripts that we use for our environment over at the IEEE. Once Google Apps Manager is set up and running, these scripts handle some basic automation we have based on IEEE needs.
nGroup.* - creates group(s) from an input file assigns manager to the group sets a few group specific settings
nUser.* - provisions a user from an input file puts the user in the proper ORG assigns the user to a group based on department assigns a Vault license to that user
termUser.* - process a user for termination from an input file renames the user based on the date and time of the script run puts the user in a terminated ORG (for Vault Retention purposes) adds delegation to the manager sets the vacation message of the user revokes all keys, mobile devices, and oauth codes randomizes the password
To download and use these scripts, or just to view them for reference:
Install Google Apps Manager:
Once GAM is successfully installed and working, use the following command to clone the script repository
change to the gam-script directory, usually ~/gam-script
run ./init to create the initial data directories, modify your ~/.bashrc file, and then restart your shell
To update your local version with changes that are in the MASTER REPOSITORY
git pull --rebase origin master