Releases: Kopernicus/Kopernicus
Kopernicus 0.3
New in this version
- Fixed PQSMod_VertexHeightOffset
- Fixed a bug with the speed of particles
- Moved flightGlobalsIndex patching into the prefab, this fixes the bug, where the game dies before switching to MainMenu
- Added the ability to add MeshColliders to the groundscatter objects
- Added the ability to get science from groundscatter while on EVA (custom experiments)
- Added a .mu loader for meshes
- Uniform syntax for curves (in the past, the types "AnimationCurve" and "FloatCurve" didn't used the same syntax, now everything is parsed like FloatCurve (key = 0 1 0 0))
- Support for patching LandClasses (HeightColorMap, HeightColorMap2, HeightColorMapNoise, LandControl) and groundscatters
- Added a new example for patching LandClasses => RecoloredVall
- Added a way to insert custom loading code from a separate plugin
- Uniform Scale for Rings
Kopernicus 0.2.4
New in Beta 2.4 [Bugfix-Update]
- Fixed Bug with PQSLandControl-Patching
- Fixed a bug with the Barycenters
- Fixed MapDecals in ScaledSpace
Kopernicus 0.2.3
New in this version
- Added navballSwitchRadiusMult-Parser
- Added Parser for PQSLandControl and custom Ground Scatters (thanks Gravitasi!)
- Fixed Logging-Issue
- Removed the generation of PQSCache presets in order to fix a bug
- Added Parsers for CraterCurve and JitterCurve to the VoronoiCraters-Parser
- Added inverseRotThresholdAltitude-Parser
- Fixed Lightning-bug in VAB
- EVE clouds are now rendered through rings
- Barycenters don't show a thumbnail in the R&D
- Fixed a bug with builtin MapSO's, they work now correct
- Added custom GroundScatter to the Hodor-example
Kopernicus 0.2
- Persistent SOI and HillSphere settings
- StarLightFixer patches Radiators
- E.V.E clouds work again in MainMenu
- Fixed altEnd value in HeightColorMap landclasses (Thanks MrHappyFace)
- Barycenters (no example, add baryCenter = true to your Body {} node)
- PQS-Fade / the altitude where it gets deactivated is configurable
- Added some PQSMods
- OceanFX-Mod has got propper configuration-options
- Support for XKCD and Hex-Colors (See NewMinmus and Hodor)
- Support for custom brightnessCurves and AU's for Stars
- Added PQSMod-Patching on Oceans
- Removed Miller's Planet example due to buggyness
- Added an Ocean to the NewMinmus example
Kopernicus 0.1
- PQSMod-Addon System works now correct
- Reset "useTheInName" on new worlds and parse it from the .cfg
- Loading HighRes MapSO's via. native .tga loading
- Fixed the error, where Mun has got Kerbins Normal-map in ScaledSpace
- Improved the OnDemand System
- Kopernicus now creates PQSCache-Presets for custom worlds, to fix a Debug-warning
- ModPatcher doesn't deletes LandClasses anymore
- Abillity to change the Body, that is displayed in the MainMenu
- Fixed Hodor
After almost one year of development, Kopernicus leaves Pre-Alpha and starts it's official Beta
Kopernicus 0.0.9
Kopernicus Pre-Alpha Release 9
June 15th, 2015
Copyright (C) 2015 Bryce C Schroeder ([email protected])
Nathaniel R. Lewis ([email protected])
New in this version
- ModPatcher now handles multiple mods correctly
- Patching of specific mods by name of the mod
- StarLightSwitcher now tries to activate Kerbins Home Star
- AtmosphereFromGround works now
- Fixed OnDemand issues
Note - reparenting Kerbin or the Sun causes the sky to be incorrect in the space center view. It is, however, correct in the flight view and the flight map view. Reparenting the sun causes other stars positions to not update in the tracking station for some reason.
Kopernicus 0.0.8
New in this version
- ScaledSpace .bin directory can be specified
- Fixed the "Invisible-Wall" bug
- Fixed the "Infinite-Zoom" bug
- Improved Logger
- Added alternative names for "atmosphereDepth"
- Added patching of existing Mods
- Removed Debug-Spam
- Updated Hodor-Example with code for Mod-patching and specific Cache files
Note - reparenting Kerbin or the Sun causes the sky to be incorrect in the space center view. It is, however, correct in the flight view and the flight map view. Reparenting the sun causes other stars positions to not update in the tracking station for some reason.
Kopernicus 0.0.7
- Added VoronoiCrater's wrapper
- Overhauled Debug-Mode, now activated per body via Debug { } node
- Added FlattenArea, FlattenAreaTangential, MapDecal, VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve3, VertexSimplexHeightFlatten, VertexSimplexHeightMap, VertexSimplexMultiChromatic wrappers
- Fixed Transparency bug on rings
- Update to KSP's 1.0 version
- Added a Map-Exporting tool
- Added Parsers for Oceans and AtmosphereFromGround
- Proper selective removal of PQSMods from templates
- Support for changing the name of a body at main menu (after things like space center have initialized) and support for changing just the name of the CB object for that body (not PQS or others)
- Add a global epoch support for orbits, so the epoch of all orbits can be set at once
- Allow forcing scaledversion meshes to be spherical
- Support DDS textures on direct load (thus support all the types DDSLoader supported), so they can be used for MapSO etc.
- Added a Finalization-pass, for partially changing existing mods / doing changes after spawn
- Support for 32-bit colors (i.e. 0-255)
- LightSwitcher for changing sun-light color
- Moving the KSC around on Kerbin
- Changing grass color / texture on KSC
- Fixed the black body bug
- Added VertexPlanet wrapper
- Replace the textures for Mun and Kerbin on MainMenu
- OnDemand loading for MapSO's
- A lot of bugfixes
- Hazardous Oceans
- new Examples: MillersPlanet (Oceans), NewMinmus (Mod-removing, VertexPlanet, 32-bit colors), HotEve (Hazardous Oceans), MoveKSC (KSCSwitcher, Ground-material)
- updated the Examples: EelooBiomes, GasPlanet, FullCustomPlanet, Nemesis
Kopernicus 0.0.6
- Added support for custom PQS with PQSMod loader (see list:
- Added custom surface material and PQS to FullCustomPlanet Demo (see FullCustomPlanet/)
- Added GasPlanet Demo for demonstration of fully custom gas giants (see GasPlanet/)
- Added support for multiple rings in ring loader (for example, see JoolRings/)
- Added early support for planetary particle sources (for example, see MinmusParticles/)
- Tentative Fix: Worlds based on templates no longer overwrite template's progress tree, de novo worlds generate their own
- Fixed: Scaled space transparency glitch between atmosphere and planetary rings
- Fixed: Black surface material on the Mun
Note - reparenting Kerbin or the Sun causes the sky to be incorrect in the space center view. It is, however, correct in the flight view and the flight map view. Reparenting the sun causes other stars positions to not update in the tracking station for some reason.
Kopernicus 0.0.5
- Ability to add custom stars with custom coronas and custom power curves
- Modified StarLightSwitcher from StarSystems - get closer to a different star, the ship will use that star for power.
- Ability to customize PQS surface material
- Ability to remove PQS during template clone, or selectively omit PQSMods during template clone
- Scaled space camera maximum view distance is automatically adjusted based on the system configuration.
- Improved Logger system - logs are generated per body in < KSP Root >/Logs/< body name >.Body.log. Primary Kopernicus log is in < KSP Root >/Logs/Kopernicus.log Error handling is also greatly improved.
- Fixed: Distance from KSC calculation now correct
- Fixed: flightGlobalIndex matches FlightGlobals.Bodies[] via post launch correction
Note - reparenting Kerbin or the Sun causes the sky to be incorrect in the space center view. It is, however, correct in the flight view and the flight map view. Reparenting the sun causes other stars positions to not update in the tracking station for some reason.
Note - specifying a custom PQS will always load the Kopernicus planet definition at the moment. We are in the process of writing the PQSMod loader