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Kotori316 edited this page Nov 1, 2018 · 1 revision

This mahcine allows you to move enchamtment from enchanted book to machines. You can move Fortune V, Unbreaking X, Auto-Smelt from EnderCore and other enchantment that you can't move with EnchantMover.

How to use BookEnchantMover

  1. Change config menu to enable this machine.
  2. Place it into world and connect energy pipes to send energy.
  3. Right click to open GUI.
  4. Put machine to left slot and enchanted book to right slot.
  5. Send 500,000 RF to move enchantment. If you use IC2, replace the cable to send EU.
  6. The enchantment at the top of enchanted book will be moved to the machine.


You can move only enchantment that a diamond pickaxe can have. (You can't move Protection, Sharpness, Punch, Looting and so on.) This machine accepts only vanilla's enchanted book.

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