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Kotori316 edited this page Jun 20, 2020 · 4 revisions


  • This machine "removes" miecraft:stone, minecraft:cobblestone, minecraft:dirt, minecraft:grass, minecraft:netherrack, minecraft:sandstone, minecraft:red_sandstone.
    You can't get these blocks as item.

  • Silktouch works for leaves as if you use shear to prevent from getting strange items with error texture.

How to use

  1. Change the config entry "ChunkDestroyer" to false. Open config with your text editor and restart Minecraft.

  2. Place Chunk Destroyer into the world and find yellow line that shows where the machine digs. s1

  3. Right click Chunk Destroyer to open GUI. s2

  4. Click "+" and "-" to change dig area. Then the yellow line moves.
    Up - North, Down - South, Right - East, Left - West s3

  5. Supply it with energy and it start to build frame. If you have set "No Energy" in config, click with stick or BC's wrench. s4
    Bluiding frame. s5

  6. Start digging. s6

Connect pipes that can pull to move fluid. s8


  • Efficiency - It increase the amount of energy the machine can accept in a tick. Chunk Destroyer spends about 20000 RF/t so it works very slowly if you apply no efficiency.
  • Unbreaking - Reduce energy to dig.
  • Fortune - apply fortune when digging
  • Silk touch - apply it when digging
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