This tool allows a user to process neoantigens predicted from single- or multi-region vcf files using ANNOVAR and netMHCpan.
Once the primary pipeline is ran, the user is then able to perform Neoantigen recognition potential as described by Marta Luksza et al., Nature 2017. To perform the neoantigen recognition potential please click here. Finally, you can visualize these predictions using NeoPredViz.
2024-09-01 Support for netMHCpan 4.1 is added to NeoRecoPo - now full pipeline can work with and process the output of version 4.1. Simply specify the netMHCpan-4.1 binary in usr_paths.ini.
NeoPredPipe has now been published in BMC Bioinformatics. Please cite:
- Schenck, Ryan O. and Lakatos, Eszter and Gatenbee, Chandler and Graham, Trevor A. and Anderson, Alexander R. A. NeoPredPipe: high-throughput neoantigen prediction and recognition potential pipeline. BMC Bioinformatics. 2019. 20:264.
- Python >= 2.7 (Built using Python 2.7.13, compatible with Python 3)
- biopython == 1.7 (Tested on 1.70-1.76)
- Can be downloaded here.
- ANNOVAR reference files, for example: hg19_refGene.txt and hg19_refGeneMrna.fa
- Other reference files/builds can be used. Simply change the usr_path.ini file to the appropriate reference (see below).
- Make sure to use the same one used to call variants.
- NOTE: For indel predictions, use the 2018-04-16 or later release of ANNOVAR, as earlier versions do not provide the appropriate support for protein-elongating frameshift mutations.
- netMHCpan or netMHCIIpan
- The pipeline supports netMHCpan-4.0 and netMHCpan-4.1.
- Support for MHC-II prediction using netMHCIIpan-3.2 is also available, but note that this functionality has not been thoroughly tested.
- You can download required packages from here.
- Note that the location of the data file for netMHCpan-4.0 (step 2 of instructions for set-up) has been changed! The updated location is (based on your operating system):<Darwin|Linux>.tar.gz
- PeptideMatch (Only necessary if one wishes to check predicted epitopes for novelty against a reference proteome.)
- Requires Java.
- The runnable jar is available here.
- Download a reference protein sequence in fasta format (e.g. from Ensembl or UniProt) and index it according to the Tutorial.
- We advise the use of PeptideMatch for indel predictions, to filter out non-frameshift peptides and peptides that are novel to the genomic location, but coincidentally exist elsewhere.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Configure the 'usr_path.ini' file for your environment.
- All paths within the annovar header should be where you installed annovar.
- Only one path is needed to the netMHCpan executible under netMHCpan
- If you wish to use netMHCIIpan instead, simply provide that path in this section and the pipeline will process files accordingly
- If you wish to use PeptideMatch, provide paths for both jar and reference index.
- You can see the options associated by running the following:
python ./ --help
- Which produces the following:
usage: [-h] [-E EPITOPES [EPITOPES ...]] [-l] [-d] [-r] [-p]
[-n OUTNAME] [-pp] [-c COLREGIONS [COLREGIONS ...]] [-a]
[-m] [-x EXPRESSION] [--expmulti] [-t]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Epitope lengths for predictions. Default: 8 9 10
-l Specifies whether to delete the ANNOVAR log file.
Default: True. Note: Use for debugging.
-d Specifies whether to delete intermediate files created
by program. Default: True. Note: Set flag to resume
-r, --cleanrun Specify this alone with no other options to clean-up a
run. Be careful that you mean to do this!!
-p, --preponly Prep files only without running neoantigen
predictions. The prediction step takes the most time.
--EL Flag to perform netMHCpan predictions with Eluted
Ligand option (without the -BA flag). Please note that
the output will NOT be compatible with downstream
Recognition Potential analysis. Default=False (BA
Required arguments:
-I VCFDIR Input vcf file directory location. Example: -I
-H HLAFILE HLA file for vcf patient samples OR directory with
patient-specific directories from running POLYSOLVER
(see Readme).
-o OUTPUTDIR Output Directory Path
-n OUTNAME Name of the output file for neoantigen predictions
Post Processing Options:
-pp Flag to perform post processing. Default=True.
Columns of regions within vcf that are not normal
within a multiregion vcf file after the format field.
Example: 0 is normal in test samples, tumor are the
other columns. Program can handle different number of
regions per vcf file.
-a Flag to not filter neoantigen predictions and keep all
regardless of prediction value.
-m Specifies whether to perform check if predicted
epitopes match any normal peptide. If set to True,
output is added as a column to neoantigens file.
Requires PeptideMatch specified in usr_paths.ini.
RNAseq expression quantification file(s), if
specified, expression information is added to output
--expmulti Flag to specify if expression file(s) has information
on multiple regions in multiple columns.
-t Flag to turn off a neoantigen burden summary table.
- VCF file(s). A standard vcf file with a patient identifier as the title of the .vcf. Several vcf files can be specified in the same directory.
- An hla file with the following tab delimited format:
- Note, patient identifier in the rows must match that preceding *.vcf
- Patient identifier and HLA types should be separated by tabulators.
- Headers are not required but the data should match the format in the table.
- 'NA' is used when the HLA typing predicts the same HLA subtype for A, B, or C.
- The program will search for the appropriate allele within netMHCpan alleles list, but care should be taken to ensure accuracy.
Patient | HLA-A_1 | HLA-A_2 | HLA-B_1 | HLA-B_2 | HLA-C_1 | HLA-C_2 |
test1 | hla_a_31_01_02 | hla_a_02_01_80 | hla_b_40_01_02 | hla_b_50_01_01 | hla_c_03_04_20 | hla_c_06_02_01_02 |
test2 | hla_a_01_01_01_01 | NA | hla_b_07_02_01 | NA | hla_c_01_02_01 | NA |
- (Option 2) In case patient-specific HLA types are not known, but WGS/WES bam files are available for the patient, we recommend the use of in silico haplotyping tool, POLYSOLVER. POLYSOLVER can be obtained in a cross-platform, easy-to-use Docker container format, as described here.
- Follow the steps on the link above for setup and testing POLYSOLVER-Docker.
- Modify and execute the code below to run polysolver on a sample with name .
- After executing this for each sample, simply supply the absolute path to the directory "HLAtypes" as the -H input of NeoPredPipe, and your HLA predictions will be automatically read into the program.
# Specify your home folder that has a folder of bamfiles and a folder where you want to save the HLAtyping outputs too
# Create a folder for the output of haplotyping
mkdir $mydir/HLAtypes
mkdir $mydir/HLAtypes/<patientIdentifier>
# Change paths to fit the names of your own folders/files (and change hg19 to hg38 if needed) and run the following command to generate outputs in a folder named <patientIdentifier>
docker run -d -P --name $NAME -v $mydir:/data sachet/polysolver:v4 bash /home/polysolver/scripts/shell_call_hla_type /data/<bamfiles>/<patientIdentifier>.bam Unknown 1 hg19 STDFQ 0 /data/HLAtypes/<patientIdentifier>
- (Optional) Expression file(s), specified after the -x flag:
- Either the path to a single file to be used for all samples (for example values compiled from a reference cohort); or a path to a directory, containing files for each sample, named as .tsv. NeoPredPipe will automatically search for appropriate *.tsv files if a directory is specified.
- Each file should be tab-delimited, with the first column containing gene identifiers, and the second column containing expression values. If the --expmulti flag is specified, expression files are assumed to hold information on multiple regions, and additional columns are read in as expression data.
- Direct outputs of RNAseq quantification software, such as HTseqCount and kallisto are supported.
- Currently supported gene identifier formats: Ensembl gene ID, Ensembl transcript ID, RefSeq transcript ID, UCSC transcript ID.
# Run the Pipeline to only prepare the input files. Can be best to run this independently if working on a cluster.
python --preponly -I ./Example/input_vcfs -H ./Example/HLAtypes/hlatypes.txt -o ./ -n TestRun -c 1 2 -E 8 9 10
# Run the Pipeline
python -I ./Example/input_vcfs -H ./Example/HLAtypes/hlatypes.txt -o ./ -n TestRun -c 1 2 -E 8 9 10
- Post processing is turned on by default. If you want it turned off set the '-pp' flag.
- The output files will yield files with the following information:
- A file containing the neoantigen predictions with appropriate identifier information and heterogeneity if multiregion.
- A file containing summaries of the neoantigen burdens in each sample (and regions if multiregion).
- The primary output file of neoantigens has the following format, separated by tabulators (columns 12-26 are taken from here):
- Sample: vcf filename/patient identifier
- R1: Region 1 of a multiregion sample, binary for presence (1) or absence (0), regions above the number of regions in the sample (for varying number of biopsies) are indicated by -1. Can be n numbers of regions. Only present in multiregion samples.
- R2: Region 2 of a multiregion sample, binary for presence (1) or absence (0), regions above the number of regions in the sample (for varying number of biopsies) are indicated by -1. Can be n numbers of regions. Only present in multiregion samples.
- R3: Region 3 of a multiregion sample, binary for presence (1) or absence (0), regions above the number of regions in the sample (for varying number of biopsies) are indicated by -1. Can be n numbers of regions. Only present in multiregion samples.
- Line: Line number from the *.avready file (same as the vcf) to identify mutation yielding corresponding neoantigen.
- chr: Chromosome of mutation
- allelepos: Position of the mutation
- ref: Reference base at the position
- alt: Alternative base at the location
- GeneName:RefID: Gene name and RefSeq ID separated by a colon. Multiple genes/RefSeq IDs separated by a comma.
- Expression: Expression value of the gene. Expression values for multiple regions (if using the -expmulti flag) are comma-separated. NA for genes that are not found in the corresponding expression file, or for samples without expression information. Only present if the -x flag is used.
- pos: Residue number (starting from 0)
- hla: Molecule/allele name
- peptide: Amino acid sequence of the potential ligand
- core: The minimal 9 amino acid binding core directly in contact with the MHC
- Of: The starting position of the Core within the Peptide (if > 0, the method predicts a N-terminal protrusion)
- Gp: Position of the deletion, if any.
- Gl: Length of the deletion.
- Ip: Position of the insertions, if any.
- Il: Length of the insertion.
- Icore: Interaction core. This is the sequence of the binding core including eventual insertions of deletions.
- Identity: Protein identifier, i.e. the name of the Fasta entry.
- Score: The raw prediction score
- Binding Affinity: Predicted binding affinity in nanoMolar units.
- Rank: Rank of the predicted affinity compared to a set of random natural peptides. This measure is not affected by inherent bias of certain molecules towards higher or lower mean predicted affinities. Strong binders are defined as having %rank<0.5, and weak binders with %rank<2. We advise to select candidate binders based on %Rank rather than nM Affinity
- Candidate: Symbol (<=) used to denote a Strong or Week Binder in BindLevel
- BindLevel: (SB: strong binder, WB: weak binder). The peptide will be identified as a strong binder if the % Rank is below the specified threshold for the strong binders, by default 0.5%. The peptide will be identified as a weak binder if the % Rank is above the threshold of the strong binders but below the specified threshold for the weak binders, by default 2%.
- Novelty: Binary value for indicating if the epitope is novel (1) or exists in the reference proteome (0). Only present if -m flag is set to perform peptide matching in postprocessing.
Sample | R1 | R2 | R3 | Line | chr | allelepos | ref | alt | GeneName:RefSeqID | Expression | pos | hla | peptide | core | Of | Gp | Gl | Ip | Il | Icore | Identity | Score | Rank | Candidate | BindLevel | Novelty |
test1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | line16 | chr1 | 153914523 | G | C | DENND4B:NM_014856 | 214 | 3 | HLA-B*40:01 | SERQAGAL | SERQAG-AL | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 | 1 | SERQAGAL | line16_NM_01485 | 0.33670 | 1.30 | <= | WB | 1 |
test1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | line8 | chr1 | 53608000 | C | T | SLC1A7:NM_001287597,SLC1A7:NM_001287595,SLC1A7:NM_006671,SLC1A7:NM_001287596 | 1560 | 2 | HLA-C*06:02 | LGFFLRTRHL | LFFLRTRHL | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | LGFFLRTRHL | line8_NM_001287 | 0.24655 | 1.20 | <= | WB | 1 |
test2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | line34 | chr1 | 248402593 | C | A | OR2M4:NM_017504 | 0 | 6 | HLA-C*01:02 | VMAYERYVAI | VAYERYVAI | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | VMAYERYVAI | line34_NM_01750 | 0.14917 | 1.50 | <= | WB | 1 |
test2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | line51 | chr2 | 240982213 | C | G | PRR21:NM_001080835 | NA | 2 | HLA-C*01:02 | FTHGPSSTPL | FTHPSSTPL | 0 | 3 | 1 | 0 | 0 | FTHGPSSTPL | line51_NM_00108 | 0.22570 | 0.40 | <= | SB | 1 |
test2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | line51 | chr2 | 240982213 | C | G | PRR21:NM_001080835 | NA | 7 | HLA-C*01:02 | SSTPLHPCPF | STPLHPCPF | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | SSTPLHPCPF | line51_NM_00108 | 0.13137 | 2.00 | <= | WB | 1 |
Note that the above output follows the notation generated by netMHCpan-4.0. If using netMHCpan-4.1, additional columns are included evaluating binding affinity, placed between Identity and Candidate: Score_EL | %Rank_EL | Score_BA | %Rank_BA | Aff(nM), as specified here.
Note that if MHC-II prediction is performed, the epitope-specific columns (after GeneName:RefID or Expression) will correspond to that output, as specified here.
- If there are not multiple regions from a single patient the resulting summary table will appear as follows (the following are the same for both multiregion below and single region):
- Sample: Sample identifier
- Total: Total Neoantigen burdens that are of proper range.
- Total_WB: Total Neoantigen burdens of weak binding affinity.
- Total_SB: Total Neoantigen burdens of strong binding affinity.
Sample | Total | Total_WB | Total_SB |
Pat1 | 72 | 72 | 0 |
Pat2 | 33 | 23 | 10 |
- If multiple regions are specified then the output will look as follows (scroll left or right to view all):
- For cases of multiregion samples, the same information for totals are given, but also for each region in the vcf.
- Heterogeneity (e.g. clonal, subclonal, and shared) information is also measured and printed out. This yields counts of clonal subclonal and shared.
- For shared neoantigens there must be >2 regions present, otherwise shared will be 0. This pipeline can handle samples with different numbers of regions.
Sample | Total | Total_WB | Total_SB | Total_Region_1 | Total_Region_n | Total_WB_Region_1 | Total_WB_Region_n | Total_SB_Region_1 | Total_SB_Region_n | Clonal | Subclonal | Shared | Clonal_WB | Clonal_SB | Subclonal_WB | Subclonal_SB | Shared_WB | Shared_SB |
test1 | 86 | 65 | 21 | 48 | 51 | 0 | 36 | 40 | 0 | 12 | 11 | 0 | 13 | 73 | 0 | 11 | 2 | 54 |
test2 | 86 | 66 | 20 | 57 | 43 | 0 | 46 | 30 | 0 | 11 | 13 | 0 | 14 | 72 | 0 | 10 | 4 | 56 |
- The above two files are reported separately for single nucleotide changes and indels (and/or other genetic alterations resulting in more than 1 amino acid change).
- ExperimentName.neoantigens.txt and ExperimentName.neoantigens.summarytable.txt contain single amino acid changes.
- ExperimentName.neoantigens.Indels.txt and ExperimentName.neoantigens.Indels.summarytable.txt contain neoantigen information arising from indel/frameshift/stop-loss events.