Here you can find the most recent translation for Sanny Builder. This directory is open-sourced at Github and everyone is welcome to contribute their updates.
- The English translation is always the most up-to-date.
- Create a copy of the english.ini file and give it the name of a language you want to translate into (for example german.ini, french.ini, etc).
- Assign a correct value for the LANGID=X parameter, where X is the Language ID (in the decimal format). To find out the Language ID visit this website:
- Translate the text. DO NOT edit line identifiers and section names.
- Save the changes. The new translation should be accessible in the Sanny Builder Options under the name that you assigned via the Language ID.
- Submit a pull request at (if comfortable with Git) or send to [email protected].
- The installer messages are located at the sb-setup.iss. Submit a pull request in