Gazebo models for simulating doors/elevators. Currently available models: flip-open doors, slide-open doors, elevators with automatic slide-open doors (more coming soon). Plus, the bundle also comes with a generic dynamics-manager to control model groups via ROS service-calls or keyboard-op.
ROS Hydro, Gazebo 3.0+, Catkin: see package.xml
Clone Repo:
$ cd <catkin_ws>/src
$ git clone
Resolve dependencies (in Ubuntu) & Compile:
$ cd <catkin_ws>
$ rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro hydro -y
$ catkin_make --pkg dynamic_gazebo_models
Launch sample:
$ roslaunch dynamic_gazebo_models dynamic_models_test.launch
There are a lot of models to spawn, so be patient. You should see a bunch of doors and elevators:
$ rosrun dynamic_gazebo_models keyboard_op
Follow the instructions to control a group of doors | elevators.
See the wiki for more details.