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Christoph Mueller edited this page Jul 5, 2018 · 2 revisions

Crop functional types



In LPJmL 13 different crop functional types (CFTs) can be simulated (1-13) including a group of other annual and perennial crops. The physical cropping area of each of them together with the physical area of managed grasslands and bio-energy trees and grass (latter two currently set to zero) can be prescribed in LPJmL simulations using the land-use input file[^1].


Crop types

The following list provides the name of each crop functional type as in LPJmL, in brackets the crops contained in this group (cultivated area according to land-use input file) and after the semicolon the name of the representative crop which defines the crop parameters used to simulate crop growth and development.

  1. Temperate cereals (wheat, rye, barley; wheat)
  2. Rice (paddy rice; rice)
  3. Maize (maize for food; maize)
  4. Tropical cereals (millet, sorghum; millet)
  5. Pulses (pulses; field peas)
  6. Temperate roots (sugar beet; sugar beet)
  7. Tropical roots (cassava; cassava)
  8. Sunflower (sunflower; sunflower)
  9. Soybean (soybean; soybean)
  10. Groundnuts (groundnuts; groundnuts)
  11. Rapeseed (rapeseed; rapeseed)
  12. Sugarcane (sugarcane: sugarcane)
  13. others (potatoes, oil palm, citrus, date palm, grapes/vine, cotton, cocoa, coffee, other perennial crops, other annual crops; managed grassland)
  14. managed grasslands (pastures; managed grasslands)
  15. bio-energy grass
  16. bio-energy tree

Crop area

The cropping area for each of the CFTs are taken from MIRCA2000[^2] which is partly a product of the crop-specific area[^3]. Monfreda et al. defined 175 crops and this number was reduced to 26 in MIRCA2000. Therefore e. g. the group pulses consist of 11 individual crops.

MIRCA2000, Monfreda et al. 2008 and also e.g. FAOStat reports harvested areas while in LPJmL physical/sowing area is prescribed. Multiple cropping areas are largely neglected in the land-use input file because crop area cannot exceed grid cell area in LPJmL simulations.

Table 1: Crop Specific Harvested Area Around the Year 2000 (Table 4 in Portmann et al. 2010).
Total, rainfed, and irrigated harvested crop area as area (km²) and as percentage of total harvested area (%). Energy content from the FAO Food Balance Sheet Handbook Dry matter content from Wirsenius 2000 (available at /p/projects/landuse/useful_papers/wirsenius_2000_human_use_of_land_and_organic_materials_phd_thesis.pdf appendix table A1.II (page 272 ff, note that the table here only contains values for currently implemented crops)

Crop Name Total Area Harvested Rainfed Area Harvested Irrigated Area Harvested Percentage Irrigated Energy content (kcal/kg “as purchased”) Dry matter content [%]
Wheat 2,145,606 1,479,284 666,322 31.1 3340 88
Maize 1,515,227 1,216,220 299,007 19.7 3560 88
Rice 1,657,216 626,018 1,031,197 62.2 2800 87
Barley 551,268 504,810 46,458 8.4 NA NA
Rye 103,999 99,576 4,423 4.3 NA NA
Millet 336,386 318,949 17,437 5.2 3400 88
Sorghum 401,519 367,154 34,366 8.6 NA NA
Soybeans 748,108 687,782 60,327 8.1 3350 91
Sunflower 207,578 194,891 12,687 6.1 3080 93
Potatoes 197,086 159,631 37,455 19.0 670 NA
Cassava 154,536 154,424 112 0.1 1090 35
Sugarcane 209,460 107,570 101,890 48.6 300 27
Sugar beet 61,932 46,192 15,740 25.4 700 24
Oil palm 96,514 96,404 110 0.1 NA NA
Rapeseed 246,359 212,321 34,038 13.8 4940 92
Groundnuts 227,207 190,449 36,758 16.2 4140 94
Pulses 671,202 616,644 54,558 8.1 3460 90
Citrus 74,820 39,194 35,627 47.6 NA NA
Date palm 9,184 1,950 7,234 78.8 NA NA
Grapes 71,417 54,150 17,267 24.2 NA NA
Cotton 331,516 168,994 162,522 49.0 NA NA
Cocoa 67,538 67,413 125 0.2 NA NA
Coffee 101,622 99,883 1,739 1.7 NA NA
Other perennial 731,402 602,872 128,530 17.6 NA NA
Fodder grasses 1,046,725 929,885 116,840 11.2 NA NA
Other annual 1,087,904 886,517 201,387 18.5 NA NA
Total 13,053,334 9,929,175 3,124,159 23.9

Please note that these values are not necessarily the same as in the land-use input file used in LPJmL as this rather contains the physical crop area and not the harvested crop area like here in Table 1.

Technical Note

See Also

Varieties, Parameter


[^1]: Fader, M., Rost, S., Müller, C., Bondeau, A.,Gerten, D., 2010. Virtual water content of temperate cereals and maize: Present and potential future patterns. Journal of Hydrology. 384, 218-231.

[^2]: Portmann, F.T., Siebert, S.,Döll, P., 2010. MIRCA2000 - Global monthly irrigated and rainfed crop areas around the year 2000: A new high-resolution data set for agricultural and hydrological modeling. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 24, 1-24.

[^3]: Monfreda, C., Ramankutty, N.,Foley, J.A., 2008. Farming the planet: 2. Geographic distribution of crop areas, yields, physiological types, and net primary production in the year 2000. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 22, -.

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