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Wray Bowling edited this page Jun 11, 2018 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the JoyStation wiki!

Runs on Google Analytics

Use the analytics software you're already used to. JoyStation takes advantage of Google Analytics Events. Instead of tracking traffic, how about tracking how people feel?

Designed with iPad 2 in mind

The iPad 2 had a retail lifespan from 2011–2014. JoyStation aims to make those devices useful again by turning them into kiosks. By building a web app, we can continue to iterate the software without the need for publishing a native app for hardware that's no longer supported by the manufacturer.

Hosted right here on GitHub, or you, or anywhere

JoyStation is a single-page web app. That means that you're always looking at the newest version. Get your hands on an iPad 2 that may be collecting dust, and open the web address. If you're interested in hosting JoyStation yourself, we recommend using a stable release and contributing.

Powered by Vue.js

The user interface is incredibly simple, but the technology under the hood is from the future. Vue.js makes the modification of the user interface straight-forward to anyone who knows HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, but without the hassles.

The Data is Yours

Richland Library doesn't collect any usage data about you, your users, your customers, or anything. Configuration data

Code Freely

JoyStation is the first of many open source projects started by Richland Library.


  1. Make a Google Analytics Account, make a new project, and get your tracking key
  2. Get your hands on an old iPad 2, and open the web address
  3. Add the web page to your home screen & re-open it