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Kinematics and trajectectory planning and control library of robotic arms


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Kinematics, trajectectory planning and control library, and robot programming (script) language of robotic arms. It depends on Eigen3, pybind11, and ros. It fits into the framework of ros, and can be compiled with catkin, and run along with ros.

This repo. contains a 7-segment S-curve profile interpolation algorithm for pos/speed/acceleration/jerk planning. It also contains continuous smooth trajectory interpolation that creates smooth transitions between multiple trajectory segments.

Screenshot from 2025-02-03 07-34-12

Second, this repo. provides forward/inverse kinematics for scara/quattro/quattroK (keba convention) / quattro_4 (quattro with 4th rotational DoF).

Third, this repo. provides a way to create robot programming language (scripting) based upon python c++ binding. (Note this will require installing pybind11 first). All robot motion commands will be installed in rob_commands python extension. For example:

from rob_commands import *

pf = Profile(2, 50, 1500, 2, 50, 1500)   #cartesian profile (max_vel, max_acc, max_jerk, angular_max_vel, angular_max_acc, angular_max_jerk )

jpf = JntProfile(20, 50, 200)   # joint space profile (jnt_max_vel, jnt_max_acc, jnt_max_jerk)

para = np.array([[0.3, -math.pi/2.0, 0.4, 0, 1.02, 0.1, 0, 0.18 * math.sqrt(2)]]).T   # kinematic parameters (check code for the definition of these values)

defaultBaseOff = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]).T   # where, w.r.t. world frame, install your robot

rob = Robot("quattro", para, defaultBaseOff, defaultBaseOff, pf)   # create Robot object

loc1 = LocData(0.4, 0.4,-0.75, 0,0,0, cfg, turns)     # define a location data

fd = FrameData(1,1, WORLD)     # define a frame data, base no, tool no, interpolation frame

rob.MoveLine(loc1, fd, 10)    # robot performs a straight line motion toward loc1

Users can refer to test_script/ for how to use robot commands in python language

Also, this repo. provides many primitive robot motion commands (LINE, PTP, ARC, PTPR, LINER, etc.). Users can do lots of customization for their application needs.

Finally, this repo. leaves hook for robot program line mapping for supporting one step motion forward or one step motion backward.


Kinematics and trajectectory planning and control library of robotic arms







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