- Pull 2845 Fix for repeat: wrong target of request
- Pull 2851 Add 'request(Long.MAX_VALUE)' in 'onStart' to fix the backpressure issue of debounce
- Pull 2852 Change retryWhen to eagerly ignore an error'd source's subsequent events
- Pull 2859 OperatorDoOnRequest should unsubscribe from upstream
- Pull 2854 Fixes wrong request accounting in AbstractOnSubscribe
- Pull 2860 OperatorSingle should request exactly what it needs
- Pull 2817 Fix for non-deterministic: testOnBackpressureDropWithAction
- Pull 2818 Small fix for the getValue javadoc in AsyncSubject and BehaviorSubject
- Pull 2823 Enable maven central sync via bintray
- Pull 2807 Corrected all Java interfaces declarations
- Pull 2632 Implement hook to render specific types in OnNextValue
- Pull 2837 Fixed a non-deterministic test and a few scheduler leaks (in tests)
- Pull 2825 Fixed javadoc for Observable.repeat() method
- Pull 2838 Fix typo in OnSubscribe interface's Javadoc
- Pull 2864 IndexedRingBuffer.getInstance can infer type
- Pull 2862 Cleanup warnings in test source
- Pull 2868 Fixed reentrancy issue with the error producer.
- Pull 2866 Use simpler naming in Action1, Func1 to assist IDEs
Artifacts: Maven Central