API enhancements
Pull 3856 : Provide factories for creating the default scheduler instances.
Pull 3866 : Add Single.toCompletable()
Pull 3879 : Expose scheduler factories which accept thread factories.
Pull 3820 : Making RxPlugins reset()
Pull 3888 : New operator: onTerminateDetach
- detach upstream/downstream for GC
API deprecations
Pull 3871 : Deprecate remaining public scheduler types.
Performance enhancements
Pull 3761 : optimize merge
for empty sources.
Pull 3864 : optimize concatMapIterable
Pull 3868 : Fix an unsubscribe race in EventLoopWorker
Pull 3867 : ensure waiting tasks are cancelled on worker unsubscription.
Pull 3862 : fix from(Iterable)
error handling of Iterable/Iterator
Pull 3886 : throwIfFatal()
now throws OnCompletedFailedException
Pull 3887 : Have undeliverable errors on subscribe()
sent to plugin error handler.
Pull 3895 : cast()
should unsubscribe on crash eagerly.
Pull 3896 : OperatorMapPair
should unsubscribe on crash eagerly.
Pull 3890 : map()
and filter()
should unsubscribe on crash eagerly.
Pull 3893 : enable backpressure with from(Future)
Pull 3883 : fix multiple chained Single.doAfterTerminate
not calling actions
Pull 3904 : Fix Completable
swallows OnErrorNotImplementedException
Pull 3905 : fix singleOrDefault()
backpressure if source is empty
You can’t perform that action at this time.