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Rubber Duck edited this page Feb 3, 2025 · 4 revisions

📖 PowerMorph Usage Guide

PowerMorph can generate a brand-new BodyGen files (morphs.ini and templates.ini, read more about it here), but it can also patch the newly generated files - thus eliminating the requirement of having to re-build all your meshes with Zeroed sliders body preset.

🎒 Preparation

It's actually pretty simple! All you need is the PowerMorph Generator (check the previous chapter for installation) and a few BodySlide body presets (XML files).

BodySlide presets are located in your game's: Data/Tools/BodySlide/SliderPresets. I'd recommend copying up to 128 of them (limitation of BodyGen) and pasting them to another directory elsewhere.

For example, I've created a directory my_bodyslide_presets on my Desktop and pasted all the body preset XMLs to other directory within the newly created directory.

‼️ If you want to bypass the building of all meshes using Zeroed sliders body preset, then you must copy and paste the body preset you've used to build all the meshes! ‼️

For example, I've copied my default body preset to my_default directory within the my_bodyslide_presets directory.

⁉️ If you've used two or more (2+) body presets to build your meshes (the most common practice being: nude option for body and outfit option for the outfits), it is recommended to copy the nude body variation of the preset.

⚡ Generating New BodyGen Files (Morphs & Templates)

Now that you have all the body presets copied and saved in a certain directory, we can start the generation process.

Note: This guide will show you how to both generate new files and update (patch) those new files for usage with your own body preset.

🐾 Step-by-Step usage instructions:

1️⃣ Run the PowerMorph executable

To run PowerMorph, simply navigate to the extracted archive and double-click the RD PowerMorph Generator.exe executable.

2️⃣ Initial PowerMorph window:

Once PowerMorph is started, it will look like this:

❔ Note: At any point in time, you can use the little Help buttons where everything is well explained:

3️⃣ Load all your body presets

To load all your body presets (XMLs you've copied and pasted to a directory), use the Load XML Sliders button:

The new open dialog will show up. Simply navigate to (inside) the directory where your body preset XMLs are and select it:

Once it loads all the XML files present in the specified directory, it will display the information with the total count of the files. Simply hit OK:

Finally, the other group gets enabled and thus allowing you to proceed as you see fit:

4️⃣ Load your default body preset

To load your default body preset, use the Load target body XML button:

The new open file dialog will show up. Now, you need to provide a path to your default body XML - the one you've used to build the meshes. Keep in mind, if you're using two (2) or more body presets, you should select the Nude variant:

Once your default body XML gets loaded properly, you'll receive a notification (information) with the provided path. It's basically just a signal that indicates everything got loaded properly 😉

Hit OK and you're done - all your (desired) body presets, as well as default one, are loaded!

☝️ This step is not required, but if you don't load your default body preset - you won't be able to run the patcher later on!

5️⃣ Set the Output directory

This is the directory where you want to save your newly generated files. Also, the same directory is used for patching later. To set it, simply use the Select Output Directory button:

And then, similarly on how you loaded your body presets, select a directory you want to use as output. In this example, I'll use a simple 'out' directory:

Once the output directory is set, you'll get a confirmation. Simply hit OK:

👓 Understand the Generation features

If you've followed this guide up until now, your PowerMorph Generator looks similar to this:

Now, I should explain the features for generation it offers. Specifically, those options you can configure here:

☢️ PowerMorph Options:

Size filter (Big / Small) - this option is used to determine which values from sliders to get. By default, it's set to Big, and I assure you that in 99.98% of the cases it's okay. You can change it to Small if you like to mess around, but I recommend leaving this option on its default - Big

⁉️ Randomness (%) - this option is used for randomization. To put simply, if you have a body preset whose slider 'Butt', for example, is set to 100, then with randomness applied that preset will have a chance of receiving any value, from 0 all the way to 100 for the mentioned slider. This works for all the sliders for a preset, and should enhance the game world with fully randomized bodies.

The input field for this option in PowerMorph accepts only numbers - any number from 0 to 100. That number represents the chance for randomization to occur. If you leave the input field empty, it handles it like you entered 0 - 0 meaning that randomness is disabled and won't take place.

The downside for applying this randomization is that you won't be able to patch the files for your default body preset.

Write Unique NPC lines - when this option is checked (Enabled), the PowerMorph will write a few extra lines containing plugin names and FormIDs for some of the mods I personally use. This is primarily meant to automate the process and save yourself from looking up the FormIDs yourself.

All the extra lines start with a '#' symbol, meaning they are disabled by default and if you want to enable them - simply remove the '#' on the line containing the plugin name and FormID.

Disable morphs on Player - Player is not different from NPCs when it comes to BodyGen. With this option enabled (by default), PowerMorph will purposely specify the Player Character to use a non-existing body preset, so BodyGen won't apply anything on Player.

If you want to have a specific body preset on player, disable the option and select the desired body preset from the box below it.

If you leave it on '(Random body preset)', the Player's body will be entirely up to the game's RNG - you never know what you'll get.

6️⃣ Generate new BodyGen files

Now that you've set all the options to your liking, you can start the generation process by hitting the Generate BodyGen Files button:

Wait for it to finish, and once it's completed - you'll get a notification. Again, simply hit OK:

🎉 And congrats! Your new BodyGen files (morphs.ini & templates.ini) can be found inside your selected output directory:

If you only wanted the BodyGen files - feel free to end here. But, if you want to patch the files for your default body preset, continue following the guide! ☝️

7️⃣ Update (Patch) the Files for Default Body Preset

The update process will calculate the difference between all loaded sliders of all loaded presets and then adjust their slider values based on your default body preset.

To update the files, simply use Go! button:

Once finished, you will get a notification:

Simply hit OK and that's it - you've successfully patched BodyGen files for your body preset! 🥳

8️⃣ (OPTIONAL) Enable & Tweak Unique NPCs

If the option Write Unique NPC Lines was checked when you generated your new BodyGen files, your new morphs.ini file will contain additional lines for unique NPCs (female companions).

They are disabled by default, and have to be enabled manually. To do so, simply remove '#' at the beginning of the line specifying their source. For example, this is the line for Companion Cait (from vanilla game): # Fallout4.esm|79249=Parallax Body. Simply change it to Fallout4.esm|79249=Parallax Body -> remove '#' before 'Fallout4.esm'.

❗ After '=', you must specify the desired body preset. In the example above, I've configured Companion Cait to use 'Parallax Body' body preset. You must provide a name for the desired body preset that exists in your templates.ini!

Once you're done, just save the file and that's it! ✔️

9️⃣ Finishing Up

You can now freely close the PowerMorph Generator - its job is done!

Now, you need to take those two generated (and optionally patched) files and put them inside a new directory. The path should be: Data/F4SE/Plugins/F4EE/BodyGen/Fallout4.esm/

Yes, 'Fallout4.esm' is the name of a directory!

I'd honestly recommend creating a new empty mod in MO2 and then adding all those folders above into it, but it's up to you. From my personal load order, this is how I got it:

And that's pretty much it - thanks for sticking around this long! 😄

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