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Releases: ShrineFox/BustupEditor

BustupEditor Initial Release

16 Aug 00:49
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You can use this GUI to extract & repack DDS images from bustup .BIN files found in Persona 5 Royal (PC/Switch).
Previously known as BustupParamEditorGUI. See older releases for versions that worked with Persona 5 (PS3).



  • Import a .DAT file and it will automatically extract all nearby Bustup .BIN files (if present).
  • Add/remove bustup parameter entries, reposition eye/mouth frames, change animation style, and preview animation frames.
  • Export a new .DAT file (and automatically repack extracted .BINs if found).
  • Save/load projects as .json so you can resume editing where you left off.
  • Set a name for a selected bustup parameter entries so you can easily find it in the list.
  • Copy the selected bustup entry's parameters, and Paste to apply positional offsets to all selected list entries.

How to Use

  1. Use CriFSLibGUI to extract the contents from CPK files in Steam\steamapps\common\P5R\CPK.
  2. Extract the latest Release and run BustupEditor.exe.

Editing Dialog Portrait Bustups

  1. Click on File > Import.
  2. Navigate to BASE.CPK_unpacked\BUSTUP\DATA and choose BUSTUP_PARAM.DAT.
    (If you only want to edit position/entry data and not unpack/repack bustups, move this file out of the folder first).
  3. Select the entry that you want to edit in the list. Right click and choose Open Image Folder.
  4. Use a program that can edit DDS files (such as Paint.NET) to edit and replace the images.
  5. Re-select the entry in the program to reload the image preview.
  6. Change the selected eye/mouth frame number in the bottom right to preview blinking/talking.
  7. Use the offset options on the bottom left to re-align the eyes and mouth if needed.
  8. Click on File > Export to choose a new location to save your modified .DAT to.
    (If you don't want to repack all bustups, which can take awhile, remove all but your edited ones from the Extracted folder).

Editing Navigator Bustups

Same as above, but import BASE.CPK_unpacked\FONT\ASSIST\MSGASSISTBUSTUPPARAM.DAT instead.

Future Plans

  • Reimplement support for the PS3 version of Persona 5.
  • Support for bustup .BINs containing GNF (PS4).

BustupParamEditorGUI v1.0

15 Nov 23:20
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Image of GUI

  • Thanks to zarroboogs, you can now change how bustups animate when they appear in-game.
  • This version of the program uses the character, expression, and outfit IDs of each parameter entry to create a list of bustups, so custom bustups with unique ids can be created and extracted.
  • You can now add custom bustup parameter entries thanks to the above change.
  • You can rename the ids of existing bustup entries and create .bins for them if they don't already have one.
  • The program will try to recover the last paths for bustup parameters and .bins that you used on startup.

BustupParamEditorGUI 0.9

08 Nov 08:31
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This program shares features between previous projects DDS2Tool and BustupParamEditor.
By specifying a path to either bustup_param.dat (found in ps3.cpk\bustup\data)
or msgAssistBustupParam.dat (data.cpk\font\assist) and selecting a bustup,
you can change the values for X and Y positioning of the mouth, eyes, or the entire bustup itself.



  • Provide a path to your corresponding folder of bustup .BIN files to automatically extract the DDS images.
  • Extracted DDS files are automatically converted to PNG.
  • Preview the bustup parameters in real time while editing the positional values.
  • Flip between animation frames for the mouth and eyes in the preview.
  • Edit the extracted images and even repack them into a new .BIN file when you're satisfied.
  • Quickly copy and paste positional values between bustups using the Edit menu.


Be sure to make copies of the original files before using this program!
Changes are saved directly to the selected BIN files and cannot be undone.
You have to edit the combined PNG files to preview custom bustup images in the program. (The preview doesn't use the uncombined DDS images).
You must save over the original DDS files with your edits if you want to repack your custom bustup as a BIN. (The PNG files do not get converted back to DDS or repacked into the BIN.)

Known Bugs With This Version

  • While editing the "Assist" bustup parameters, changes to Mouth Position Y do not yet get saved properly.