Nexus Configuration Controller (NCC) provides synchronization capability for multi-cluster Nexus deployments. MachineLearningAlgorithm
resources deployed to the controller cluster will be automatically synced to all connected shard clusters along with their dependent secrets and configmaps.
Nexus Configuration Controller installs via helm:
helm install nexus-configuration-controller oci:// \
--version v0.1.1 \
--namespace nexus \
--controller.shardsConfigSecretName ncc-shards
Controller expects the cluster to provide a secret that contains kubeconfig data for each shard cluster. For each shard, there must be a separate entry named <cluster_name>.kubeconfig
with relevant kubeconfig data as a value. Example:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: ncc-shards
namespace: nexus
immutable: true
my-k8s-cluster-0.kubeconfig: base64(kubeconfig for my-k8s-cluster-0)
my-k8s-cluster-1.kubeconfig: base64(kubeconfig for my-k8s-cluster-1)
type: Opaque
Additionally, if you run on EKS, you need to either set explicit AWS credentials or set up node role or IRSA and map service account role to a respective role in the shard cluster.
Once installed, NCC does not require any additional configuration. It will adopt existing resources in the shard clusters and synchronize them to the version in the controller cluster, as well as start propagating changes to secrets and configurations. If you have secrets already present in the shards clusters, you must remove them or the sync will fail for the affected resources.