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Installation and Load Once

srkizer edited this page Oct 21, 2021 · 3 revisions

Automatic Installation

  1. Run either one of XivAlexanderLoader32.exe or XivAlexanderLoader64.exe.
  2. Pick a game installation.
    • Pick "not listed above" if your game installation is not detected.
  3. Click on Install XivAlexander as d3d9 and d3d11.
    • It should just work; if it doesn't, try using Install XivAlexander as dinput8.dll for DirectX 11 version, or DirectX 9 if you're using DirectX 9 version.

Install window

Load once

  1. Click on Load once... in install window.
  2. Pick the game process that you want to use XivAlexander with. Load once window

Manual Installation

  1. %LOCALAPPDATA% will usually mean C:\Users\<windows username>\AppData\Local.
  2. %APPDATA% will usually mean C:\Users\<windows username>\AppData\Roaming.
  3. By default, <Installation Folder> is %LOCALAPPDATA%\XivAlexander, which usually would be C:\Users\<windows username>\AppData\Local\XivAlexander.
  4. By default, <Configuration Folder> is %APPDATA%\XivAlexander, which usually would be C:\Users\<windows username>\AppData\Roaming\XivAlexander.
  5. Copy XivAlexander32.dll, XivAlexander64.dll, XivAlexanderLoader32.exe, and XivAlexanderLoader64.exe into <Installation Folder>.
  6. Copy all .json files (especially game.[country].json) into <Configuration Folder>.
  7. If you want to change installation or configuration folder path, make config.xivalexinit.json into the game installation directory, and write the following, and modify the paths accordingly:
      "FixedConfigurationFolderPath": "<Configuration Folder>",
      "XivAlexFolderPath": "<Installation Folder>"
    Example (also the default):
      "FixedConfigurationFolderPath": "%APPDATA%\\XivAlexander",
      "XivAlexFolderPath": "%LOCALAPPDATA%\\XivAlexander"
  8. Note that these paths, if written as relative paths, are relative to the folder where the DLL is, which would be the game installation directory in this case.
  9. Copy XivAlexander32.dll as d3d9.dll into the game installation directory (where ffxiv_dx11.exe is).
    • If you use Reshade or some other addon and d3d9.dll already exists there, refer to Conflicting files section.
  10. Copy XivAlexander64.dll as either d3d11.dll or dxgi.dll (not both) into the game installation directory.
    • If you use Reshade or some other addon and both d3d11.dll and dxgi.dll already exist there, refer to Conflicting files section.


There are 3 folders containing XivAlexander related files.

  • You must quit the game first before uninstalling XivAlexander.

Configuration folder: %APPDATA%\XivAlexander

  • Example: C:\Users\me\AppData\Roaming\XivAlexander

This folder contains XivAlexander settings and mod files (if you installed them). Remove this folder if you want to start over, or completely uninstall XivAlexander.

Program files folder: %LOCALAPPDATA%\XivAlexander

  • Example: C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\XivAlexander

This folder contains XivAlexander DLL and EXE files. Remove this folder to uninstall XivAlexander.

Game installation directory

  • Example: C:\Program Files (x86)\SquareEnix\FINAL FANTASY XIV - A Realm Reborn\game

You would have copied XivAlexander32/64.dll to either of the following:

  • d3d11.dll
  • d3d9.dll
  • dxgi.dll
  • dinput8.dll

Delete all of them if you aren't using other addon softwares like Reshade. Otherwise, right click on DLL and check Properties to verify whether the DLL is XivAlexander DLL, and if it is, delete the file.

Portable use

Make config.xivalexinit.json into the XivAlexander folder.

	"FixedConfigurationFolderPath": ".",
	"XivAlexFolderPath": "."
  • First entry instructs XivAlexander to look for and save configuration files to the same directory with the DLL files.
  • Second entry doesn't matter, but still, just write it.

Conflicting files

There are two methods of solving this problem.

1. Copy as dinput8.dll

You can copy either XivAlexander32.dll or XivAlexander64.dll as dinput8.dll. It's 32 if you're using DirectX 9 version of the game, or 64 if you're using DirectX 11 version of the game.

2. Make XivAlexander autoload DLL load other DLLs too

If both file names are taken by Reshade or some other addon, then rename the other file's name to something else, and edit XivAlexander runtime configuration (<Configuration Folder>/config.runtime.json) to include the following, and add the path to that other dll into the list.

  • If no DLL is provided for an item, then XivAlexander autoloader will find the system DLL and load it.
  • If multiple DLL paths are given for an item, then XivAlexander will discard and cleanup the results from non-last DLLs.
	"ChainLoadPath_d3d11": ["C:/something/some_other_d3d11.dll"],
	"ChainLoadPath_d3d9": ["C:/something/some_other_d3d9.dll", "C:/something/some_other_second_d3d9.dll"],
	"ChainLoadPath_dinput8": [],
	"ChainLoadPath_dxgi": ["C:/something/some_other_dxgi.dll"],


  • Windows accepts both \ and / as path separator character. You can write all \ as /, as it will get rid of the need to escape every backslash, except the keys of the root level object.