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Interface: Main Menu
- Show Control Window: Toggles whether to show the main window. You can also hide the main window by closing the main window but clicking on "No" in the following messagebox.
- Show Logging Window: Toggles whether to show the logging window. Used for troubleshooting, and finding opcodes.
- Unload XivAlexander: Attempts to unload XivAlexander if possible. Will do nothing if it's not possible for whatever reason.
- Force Exit Game: Quits the game as quickly as possible (quits current process (the game), without going through normal shutdown procedures). Game servers will consider you still logged on for some time.
You can force the game language and region no matter what method you use to launch the game by using Remember Language Settings and *Remember Region Settings.
- DirectX 11: decides whether to run DX9 or DX11 version of the game.
- XivAlexander: decides whether to load up XivAlexander. You won't be able to turn this off if you install XivAlexander.
- Parameter Obfuscation: decides whether to obfuscate the command line argument. Note that this does not provide any additional security.
- Elevation (Run as Administrator): decides whether to run the game as Administrator.
The game will run as the language selected here. The game will crash on next run if your current client does not support the selected language.
Japan: screenshot files will be named
. Also, you'll see additional location names in Japanese under gold location indicator texts on location changes. -
North America: screenshot files will be named
Europe: screenshot files will be named
- Use IPC Type Finder, Log All IPC Message: Logs network data transferred to assist you in discovering the opcodes after game update.
- Log Application Effect Delay: Helps you figure out how long does an action wait before actually doing anything. For example, it will take 1.8 seconds for Scorch to actually damage the enemy, and this option can help you determine that.
Reduce Packet Delay
- Disables ACK Delay using SIO_TCP_SET_ACK_FREQUENCY Ioctl.
- To prevent frequent ACKs (acknowledgement notification for receiving data) from being sent, this is enabled by default. Your mileage may vary.
- Enables TCP_NODELAY.
- If enabled, Windows will send network data as soon as possible, instead of waiting for acknowledgement response from game servers.
- Disables ACK Delay using SIO_TCP_SET_ACK_FREQUENCY Ioctl.
- Release All Connections: Forces XivAlexander to stop processing all connections. XivAlexander will take over connections according to criteria from opcode definition files and the above options as soon as possible.
- Troubleshoot Remote Addresses: By default, XivAlexander will process network data transferred through specified IP addresses and ports in json files also containing opcode information. You can override those configuration with these options, if you think the IP ranges specified in JSON files are preventing XivAlexander from taking over the connection.
Reduces the negative effects from playing with high latency (ping).
When you use an action, the client will apply 500ms animation lock, which will prevent you from using next action for a short amount of time. When the server processes the request, it will give your game client instructions about the supposed duration of animation lock (usually 600ms). Ideally, you should be able to use next action 600ms after the previous action, but the game client will let you use next action 600ms after server response, meaning that you're waiting for time taken for server response
+ animation lock time
. Ideally, XivAlexander would simply get rid of time taken for server response
part, but the server will rarely respond immediately even on sub-1ms ping, so you are given choices on how to make time taken for server response
exclude your ping.
WARNING: Because of how it works, this addon is only a step away from flat out cheating. Changing temporal constants in code below the limit means you're effectively claiming that your latency is below zero, which is just impossible. Do NOT modify temporal constants in code, or you ARE cheating. You have been warned.
- [0.0s] Action A Request
- [0.5s] Action B Request
- [0.6s] Action A Response (1.0s lock)
- [1.1s] Action B Response (1.0s lock)
- By default, the client will let you input at 2.1s.
- This addon will force the next input to be accepted at 2.0s.
Subtracts the round trip time measured from ICMP ping (or TCP_INFO_v0 if unavailable) from animation lock information response from the server.
When your ping fluctuates, it might take more than 500ms to receive a response from server, in which case, by game design, you are allowed to use next action regardless. Your client will receive two responses from the server, and only the latter animation lock information will take effect. Mode 2 and 3 will compensate for that by adding up animation lock information received.
Simulates the environment where you would be receiving server response exactly 75ms after you use an action. From testing on sub-1ms connection to server, responses often took somewhere between 50ms and 100ms. Sometimes it takes less or more, but in any case, 75ms is the average.
Same with Mode 2, but will sample time taken for server response
- round trip time measured from ICMP ping
values, and use stabilized value in place of 75ms.
- Prevent Early Firing: The game will let you use action 1 frame before the frame of expiry of the instructed animation lock from server. You can use this option to compensate for that when calculating the animation lock to apply.
- Use Logging: Turn on to check whether XivAlexander is working. Turn off when you have confirmed that High Latency Mitigation works, if you're noticing slowdowns due to log recording.
- Preview Mode (Dry Run): Log the supposed effect of High Latency Mitigation, but does not actually apply.
Anything in this menu may not apply until game restart. You can use Restart menu from XivAlexander control window.
- Log All Path Plaintext Before Hash: Assists you in discovering the original file names for data in sqpack files.
- Fallback Language Priority: When generating merged string tables (EXDF files), and you're merging the game of different version, this option decides which language to use when another language is missing the corresponding entry. Click on a language to bring the language to the top of the list.
- Force Display/Audio Language: Forces the game to load the resources (voice, cutscenes, system texts and messages, and GUI elements) in selected language, despite the language you used to run the game, or selected when you force restarted the game using XivAlexander. XivAlexander will determine if the language selected indeed exists in current configuration (game installation path and additional game root paths), and if it does not exist, it will not change.
Mute Voice: Silences certain type of voices. For example, if you love Mustadio, Agrias, Cidolfus, and Ultima (the High Seraph) and their voices, and you do not want to be interrupted by voices from other players that you not only don't care but also abhor, you can use this feature to make everyone shut up except the bosses, by selecting
, andEmote
in the menu. - Change Font: Lets you change the font used in the game. Refer to Set up font replacement.
Additional Game Root Directories: Lets the current client use resources from another installations of game client. For instance, you can see location-change introductory gold text in Chinese or Korean in International game client.
- Make sure you add the folder with
in it.
- Make sure you add the folder with
- EXDF(Text) Transformation Rules: Lets you change how the in-game texts are displayed. Refer to EXDF Transformation Rules.
- Upgrade Music Quality: Lets you enjoy the game with background musics in higher quality. Refer to Upgrade Music Quality.
- TexTools ModPacks: Lets you use TexTools ModPacks (*.ttmp2/*.ttmpl) files safely without overwriting any game data files. Refer to Modding.
- Open Replacement File Directory: Makes files plainly on filesystem appear to be inside game data file. Might be useful for testing new work in progress mods.
- Edit Runtime Configuration: You can change XivAlexander settings in a text editor instead of accessing menus. Probably unnecessary.
- Edit Opcode Configuration: You can change opcodes for the updated game client to enable high latency mitigation without waiting for update to XivAlexander. See How to find opcodes to find the opcodes by yourself.
- Force the Game to Use More CPU Time: Prevents the game from waiting for anything, and make it do nothing to the fullest extent. Effect is usually negligible, but it may or may not speed up stuff.
Lock Framerate: Forces the game framerate to be the specific value you want. Read this for why would you ever want to do that.
- You can also check out latest GCD drifts in this window.
- You can set XivAlexander to automatically adjust FPS according to change in your GCD duration.
- Synchronized Processing to Cooldowns and Animation Locks: Attempts to make the game to accept action usages as soon as they become available, by reducing the time spent for rendering frames when your next cooldown becomes available.
- Quick Game Termination: Forcefully quits XivAlexander and the game when you press Exit Game from the game. Technically it has a chance of corrupting game configuration files, but it probably will never happen.