The Curse is broken...
Well, folks, after many happy hours of experimentation, I am sadly pulling the plug on the Undead's most distinctive feature; there is no more Curse of Undeath. If you follow our Discord channel, you'll already know why, but if not, here it is: cities that started out as capital cities cannot die at all, and so if they get Cursed, you can't ever get rid of it, making the city a permanent liability for anyone besides the Undead. That is definitely not what any of us had in mind when we designed this thing, so to undo this unfairness, I'm getting rid of the Curse. The Undead have a new set of debuffs to science and culture now, and I'm hoping they'll work.
Also gone is the Strength of the Grave promotion, replaced by the built-in Rejuvenation promotion, because now that Strength of the Grave is no longer the overpowered super-promotion it used to be, it doesn't make sense to give it its own unique art and code. Fast Fossil Fuel has been removed, but will be returning in a mod of its own, to be available to all civilizations.
Combat-wise, the Undead are even weaker now, with a smaller bonus against cities and a nerf against everything besides cities. They're still capable of fielding a huge army, so you should still be able to devour the world with them. Have fun!