added support to display decimals as fractions #142 (thanks to the awesome frac.js library implementing [Alberth's algorithm]
( )
this is a user setting, the default setting value can be changed with a new environment variable FRACTION_PREF_DEFAULT
, default is decimals
added Catalan translations (many thanks to rubenix)
added Timezone setting to .env (TIMEZONE=Europe/Berlin
added nutritional information to recipes (thanks to @sebimarkgraf #199 )
improved meal plan number of days/week start offset (doesn't really look good but works ..)
fixed meal plan not showing sundays on some locales #231
fixed random recipe selection (thanks to @sebimarkgraf #229 )
fixed database showing as unspported when using new postgres setting #204
fixed wrong translation #212
fixed german for imported from
translation missing a space
updated several dependencies
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