2021-04-19, Version 2.6.0(LTS)
Notable Changes
Support background color & text color transition animation, view the guidance hippy-react hippy-vue.
Use internal promise for iOS promise-supported version.
Support multi MIME of hippy-debug-server.
Fix Android PullHeader issues.
Fix iOS animation start problem after pause or resume is called.
Bug Fixes
- android: add skipCmakeAndNinja (8e87ec2)
- android: call onDestroy in main thread (c6563f8)
- android: crash from RDM (ceccb6d)
- android: load module error (45238bc)
- android: pull header problem (3cd6de6)
- android: remove deprecated JNI (38cede0)
- android: remove local properties in example gradle (6771016)
- android: remove so copy task from gradle (5955c08)
- android: update integration.md (d4ed351)
- core: fix inspector crash (05c6bc1)
- core: fix v8 scope bug (62ddc7d)
- core: use internal promise for iOS (d63cf60)
- hippy-react: demo rm ios color anim (80905f9)
- hippy-vue: fix measureInWindowByMethod return value (f5ca629)
- hippy-vue: update y18n to safe ver (9708117)
- ios: add synthesize for bridge in HippyExceptionModule (3ea2419)
- ios: check response charactset (af073f5)
- ios: fix animation pause & resume error (b3ea1b7)
- ios: fix backgroundimage update error (2101edd)
- ios: fix dynamic load error (52bbdcd)
- ios: fix scroll view error when same subview inserted (97de391)
- ios: fix view pager item frame error (5a2a228)
- ios: fix view pager item frame error (022a8f7)
- ios: no setting CAAnimation.beginTime as far as possible (b389e10)
- ios: optimizing hippy view creation (0e06597)
- android: support color animation (70b3a0d)
- android: support create font from custom file path (84bb5b8)
- core: add dynamic jni (ceeee74)
- hippy-debug-server: extend MIME (4f1fe7d)
- hippy-react: perf pullHeader example (3d01ae4)
- hippy-react,hippy-vue: support color animation (6c191a0)
- hippy-vue,hippy-react: add http dynamic import demo (5d63f0a)
- ios: animating view can trigger touch event (375df39)
- ios: pull header feature to set refresh time (#695) (2bec86a)
- ios: support background animation (#686) (6ed48b1)