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This repository contains codebase to extract data from celo blockchain

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The following is the workflow to extract data from celo blockchain:

  • Get the latest block from alfajores network
  • Ignore the latest 5 blocks and get the previous 10 blocks
  • Get the lending pool reserve configuration parameter for Celo and cUSD using getReserveConfigurationData() method
  • Get the lending pool global information of the reserve pools using getReserveData() method for Celo and cUSD
  • You can also get blocks data of the 10 blocks [not a required step]
  • Get logs data of the 10 blocks & addresses from the logs
  • Get the unique addresses
  • For each unique address, you can get information specific to a user address using getUserAccountData() method
  • Get reserve specific user for each unique address using getUserReserveData() method for Celo and cUSD


Python version 3.8 or higher


pip install -r requirements.txt


ltv (Loan to value ratio)

C u r r e n t L T V = ( ( T o t a l B o r r o w + T o t a l F e e s ) / T o t a l C o l l a t e r a l ) 100 M a x L T V = ( S U M ( C o l l a t e r a l ( i ) L T V ( i ) ) / T o t a l C o l l a t e r a l ) 100

Health factor

h e a l t h F a c t o r = ( T o t a l C o l l a t e r a l L i q u i d a t i o n T h r e s h o l d ) / ( T o t a l B o r r o w + T o t a l F e e s )

Liquidation price

L i q u i d a t i o n P r i c e = C o l l a t e r a l M a r k e t P r i c e p e r U n i t / h e a l t h F a c t o r L i q u i d a t i o n T h r e s h o l d = S U M ( C o l l a t e r a l ( i ) L i q u i d a t i o n T h r e s h o l d ( i ) ) / T o t a l C o l l a t e r a l



function getReserveConfigurationData(address _reserve)

Returns specific reserve's configuration parameters.

return name Type Description
ltv uint256 Loan-to-value. Value in percentage
liquidationThreshold uint256 liquidation threshold. Value in percentage
liquidationDiscount uint256 liquidation bonus. Value in percentage
interestRateStrategyAddress address address of the contract defining the interest rate strategy
usageAsCollateralEnabled bool if true, reserve asset can be used as collateral for borrowing
borrowingEnabled bool if true, reserve asset can be borrowed
stableBorrowRateEnabled bool if true, reserve asset can be borrowed with stable rate mode
isActive bool if true, users can interact with reserve asset

function getReserveData(address _reserve)

Returns global information on any asset reserve pool

return name Type Description
totalLiquidity uint256 reserve total liquidity
availableLiquidity uint256 reserve available liquidity for borrowing
totalBorrowsStable uint256 total amount of outstanding borrows at Stable rate
totalBorrowsVariable uint256 total amount of outstanding borrows at Variable rate
liquidityRate uint256 current deposit APY of the reserve for depositors, in Ray units
variableBorrowRate uint256 current variable rate APY of the reserve pool, in Ray units
stableBorrowRate uint256 current stable rate APY of the reserve pool, in Ray units
averageStableBorrowRate uint256 current average stable borrow rate
utilizationRate uint256 expressed as total borrows/total liquidity
liquidityIndex uint256 cumulative liquidity index
variableBorrowIndex uint256 cumulative variable borrow index
aTokenAddress address mTokens contract address for the specific _reserve
lastUpdateTimestamp uint40 timestamp of the last update of reserve data

function getUserAccountData(address _user)

Returns information of a reserve exclusively related with a particular user address

return name Type Description
totalLiquidityETH uint256 user aggregated deposits across all the reserves. In Wei
totalCollateralETH uint256 user aggregated collateral across all the reserves. In Wei
totalBorrowsETH uint256 user aggregated outstanding borrows across all the reserves. In Wei
totalFeesETH uint256 user aggregated current outstanding fees in ETH. In Wei
availableBorrowsETH uint256 user available amount to borrow in ETH
currentLiquidationThreshold uint256 user current average liquidation threshold across all the collaterals deposited
ltv uint256 user average Loan-to-Value between all the collaterals
healthFactor uint256 user current Health Factor

function getUserReserveData(address _reserve, address _user)

Returns information related to the user data on a specific reserve

return name Type Description
currentATokenBalance uint256 current reserve mToken balance
currentBorrowBalance uint256 user current reserve outstanding borrow balance
principalBorrowBalance uint256 user balance of borrowed asset
borrowRateMode uint256 user borrow rate mode either Stable or Variable
borrowRate uint256 user current borrow rate APY
liquidityRate uint256 user current earn rate on _reserve
originationFee uint256 user outstanding loan origination fee
variableBorrowIndex uint256 user variable cumulative index
lastUpdateTimestamp uint256 Timestamp of the last data update
usageAsCollateralEnabled bool Whether the user's current reserve is enabled as a collateral

function getReserves()

Returns an array of all the active reserves addresses.

Emitted Events

The LendingPool contract produces events that can be monitored on the Ethereum blockchain. For more information on emitted events and filters, refer to the official solidity documentation.

In Moola protocol, reserve is defined by the smart-contract of the asset used for the method interaction.

  • A list of all smart-contract addresses is available in here.
  • To avoid the usage of a CELO wrapper throughout the protocol (such as CELO duality token), a mock address is used for the CELO reserve: 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE
return name Type Description
_reserve address address of the underlying asset
_user address address of the user
_amount uint256 amount deposited, in Wei
_referral uint16 ReferralCode for referral programs
_timestamp uint256 timestamp of the transaction, in Unix time
return name Type Description
_reserve address address of the underlying asset
_user address address of the user
_amount uint256 amount redeemed, in Wei
_timestamp uint256 timestamp of the transaction, in Unix time
return name Type Description
_reserve address address of the underlying asset
_user address address of the user
_amount uint256 amount borrowed, in Wei
_borrowRateMode uint16 interest rate mode 0 for None, 1 for stable and 2 for variable
_borrowRate uint256 APY of the loan at the time of the borrow() call. in Wei
_originationFee uint256 amount of the originationFee of the loan, in Ray units
_borrowBalanceIncrease uint256 amount of debt increased since the last update by the user, in Wei
_referral uint16 ReferralCode for referral programs
_timestamp uint256 timestamp of the transaction, in Unix time
return name Type Description
_reserve address address of the underlying asset
_user address address of the user
_repayer address address of the repayer
_amountMinusFees uint256 amount repayed, without fees
_fees uint256 fees paid
_borrowBalanceIncrease uint256 amount of debt increased since the last update by the user, in Wei
_timestamp uint256 timestamp of the transaction, in Unix time
return name Type Description
_collateral address address of the contract of collateral asset being liquidated
_reserve address address of the underlying asset
_user address address of the user being liquidated
_purchaseAmount uint256 amount of the liquidation, in Wei
_liquidatedCollateralAmount uint256 amount of collateral being liquidated
_accruedBorrowInterest uint256 amount of debt increased since the last update by the user, in Wei
_liquidator address address of the liquidator
_receiveAToken bool true if the liquidator wants to receive mTokens, false otherwise
_timestamp uint256 timestamp of the transaction, in Unix time


This repository contains codebase to extract data from celo blockchain







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