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ieeespark committed Sep 15, 2021
1 parent 03226fb commit f5de033
Showing 1 changed file with 210 additions and 0 deletions.
210 changes: 210 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
## Workflow

The following is the workflow to extract data from celo blockchain:

* Get the latest block from alfajores network
* Ignore the latest 5 blocks and get the previous 10 blocks
* Get the lending pool reserve configuration parameter for Celo and cUSD using `getReserveConfigurationData()` method
* Get the lending pool global information of the reserve pools using `getReserveData()` method for Celo and cUSD
* You can also get blocks data of the 10 blocks [not a required step]
* Get logs data of the 10 blocks & addresses from the logs
* Get the unique addresses
* For each unique address, you can get information specific to a user address using `getUserAccountData()` method
* Get reserve specific user for each unique address using `getUserReserveData()` method for Celo and cUSD

## Rquirement
Python version 3.8 or higher

## Installation

pip install -r requirements.txt

## Equations
### **ltv** (Loan to value ratio)
Current LTV = ( (TotalBorrow + TotalFees) / TotalCollateral ) * 100%
Max LTV = ( SUM( Collateral(i) * LTV(i) ) / TotalCollateral ) * 100%
### **Health factor**
healthFactor = (TotalCollateral * Liquidation Threshold) / (TotalBorrow + TotalFees)
### **Liquidation price**
Liquidation Price = Collateral Market Price per Unit / healthFactor
Liquidation Threshold = SUM( Collateral(i) * Liquidation Threshold(i) ) / TotalCollateral

## Methods


`function getReserveConfigurationData(address _reserve)`

Returns specific reserve's configuration parameters.

|`return` name |Type |Description |
|ltv |uint256|Loan-to-value. Value in percentage|
|liquidationThreshold |uint256|liquidation threshold. Value in percentage |
|liquidationDiscount |uint256|liquidation bonus. Value in percentage|
|interestRateStrategyAddress|address|address of the contract defining the interest rate strategy|
|usageAsCollateralEnabled |bool |if `true`, reserve asset can be used as collateral for borrowing|
|borrowingEnabled |bool |if `true`, reserve asset can be borrowed|
|stableBorrowRateEnabled |bool |if `true`, reserve asset can be borrowed with stable rate mode|
|isActive |bool |if `true`, users can interact with reserve asset|



`function getReserveData(address _reserve)`

Returns global information on any asset `reserve` pool

|`return` name |Type |Description |
|totalLiquidity |uint256|`reserve` total liquidity|
|availableLiquidity |uint256|`reserve` available liquidity for borrowing|
|totalBorrowsStable |uint256|total amount of outstanding borrows at Stable rate|
|totalBorrowsVariable |uint256|total amount of outstanding borrows at Variable rate|
|liquidityRate |uint256|current deposit APY of the `reserve` for depositors, in Ray units|
|variableBorrowRate |uint256|current variable rate APY of the `reserve` pool, in Ray units|
|stableBorrowRate |uint256|current stable rate APY of the `reserve` pool, in Ray units|
|averageStableBorrowRate |uint256|current average stable borrow rate|
|utilizationRate |uint256|expressed as total borrows/total liquidity|
|liquidityIndex |uint256|cumulative liquidity index|
|variableBorrowIndex |uint256|cumulative variable borrow index|
|aTokenAddress |address|mTokens contract address for the specific `_reserve`|
|lastUpdateTimestamp |uint40 |timestamp of the last update of `reserve` data|



`function getUserAccountData(address _user)`

Returns information of a reserve exclusively related with a particular `user` address

|`return` name |Type |Description |
|totalLiquidityETH |uint256|`user` aggregated deposits across all the reserves. In Wei|
|totalCollateralETH |uint256|`user` aggregated collateral across all the reserves. In Wei|
|totalBorrowsETH |uint256|`user` aggregated outstanding borrows across all the reserves. In Wei|
|totalFeesETH |uint256|`user` aggregated current outstanding fees in ETH. In Wei|
|availableBorrowsETH |uint256|`user` available amount to borrow in ETH|
|currentLiquidationThreshold|uint256|`user` current average liquidation threshold across all the collaterals deposited|
|ltv |uint256|`user` average Loan-to-Value between all the collaterals|
|healthFactor |uint256|`user` current Health Factor|



`function getUserReserveData(address _reserve, address _user)`

Returns information related to the `user` data on a specific `reserve`

|`return` name |Type |Description |
|currentATokenBalance |uint256|current `reserve` mToken balance|
|currentBorrowBalance |uint256|`user` current `reserve` outstanding borrow balance|
|principalBorrowBalance |uint256|`user` balance of borrowed asset|
|borrowRateMode |uint256|`user` borrow rate mode either Stable or Variable|
|borrowRate |uint256|`user` current borrow rate APY|
|liquidityRate |uint256|`user` current earn rate on `_reserve`|
|originationFee |uint256|`user` outstanding loan origination fee|
|variableBorrowIndex |uint256|`user` variable cumulative index|
|lastUpdateTimestamp |uint256|Timestamp of the last data update|
|usageAsCollateralEnabled |bool |Whether the user's current reserve is enabled as a collateral|



`function getReserves()`

Returns an array of all the active reserves addresses.

## Emitted Events
The `LendingPool` contract produces events that can be monitored on the Ethereum blockchain. For more information on emitted events and filters, refer to [the official solidity documentation.](

In Moola protocol, `reserve` is defined by the smart-contract of the asset used for the method interaction.

- A list of all smart-contract addresses is available in here.
- To avoid the usage of a CELO wrapper throughout the protocol (such as CELO duality token), a mock address is used for the CELO reserve: `0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE`


|`return` name |Type |Description |
|_reserve |address|address of the underlying asset|
|_user |address|address of the `user`|
|_amount |uint256|amount deposited, in Wei|
|_referral |uint16 |`ReferralCode` for referral programs|
|_timestamp |uint256|timestamp of the transaction, in Unix time|



|`return` name |Type |Description |
|_reserve |address|address of the underlying asset|
|_user |address|address of the `user`|
|_amount |uint256|amount redeemed, in Wei|
|_timestamp |uint256|timestamp of the transaction, in Unix time|



|`return` name |Type |Description |
|_reserve |address|address of the underlying asset|
|_user |address|address of the `user`|
|_amount |uint256|amount borrowed, in Wei|
|_borrowRateMode |uint16 |interest rate mode `0` for None, `1` for stable and `2` for variable|
|_borrowRate |uint256|APY of the loan at the time of the `borrow()` call. in Wei|
|_originationFee |uint256|amount of the `originationFee` of the loan, in Ray units|
|_borrowBalanceIncrease|uint256|amount of debt increased since the last update by the user, in Wei|
|_referral |uint16 |`ReferralCode` for referral programs|
|_timestamp |uint256|timestamp of the transaction, in Unix time|



|`return` name |Type |Description |
|_reserve |address|address of the underlying asset|
|_user |address|address of the `user`|
|_repayer |address|address of the `repayer`|
|_amountMinusFees |uint256|amount repayed, without fees|
|_fees |uint256|fees paid|
|_borrowBalanceIncrease|uint256|amount of debt increased since the last update by the user, in Wei|
|_timestamp |uint256|timestamp of the transaction, in Unix time|



|`return` name |Type |Description |
|_collateral |address|address of the contract of collateral asset being liquidated|
|_reserve |address|address of the underlying asset|
|_user |address|address of the `user` being liquidated|
|_purchaseAmount |uint256|amount of the liquidation, in Wei|
|_liquidatedCollateralAmount|uint256|amount of collateral being liquidated|
|_accruedBorrowInterest |uint256|amount of debt increased since the last update by the user, in Wei|
|_liquidator |address|address of the liquidator|
|_receiveAToken |bool |`true` if the liquidator wants to receive mTokens, `false` otherwise|
|_timestamp |uint256|timestamp of the transaction, in Unix time|


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