for MC 1.14.* & 1.15.* & 1.16.* & 1.17.* & 1.18.*
Towny Advanced
Release contains:
TownyChat 0.96
Welcome to Towny |
Towny is the second release in the 0.98.*.* series! |
This is a fairly minor release, it includes some fixes for the last of the recent config issues, so please update ASAP. |
This will be the last version of Towny to support MC 1.14.* and MC 1.15.*. |
This is a drag-and-drop update: just replace your old .jars with the new ones and Towny will take care of the rest of the update by itself. |
➕ Added (7)
➕ Added:
- Turn off update checker for servers older than MC 1.16.
- Enumsets for townyworld Material and EntityTypes.
- Redo /plot clear to be faster.
- Small Blurb Update, courtesy of Goosius1 with PR #5779.
➕ Automatic Config Edits (0)
➕ Towny will automatically edit the following settings in your config and existing worlds
- None.
✨ Command Changes (0)
✨ New Commands (8)
✨ New Commands:
- None.
❌ Removed Commands (0)
❌ Removed Commands:
- None.
📕 Config Changes (1)
📕 New Config Options (1)
📕 New Config Options:
These new settings will be added to your config with their default settings.
- economy.spawn_travel.is_public_spawn_cost_affected_by_town_spawncost
- Default: true
- When false, the price_town_public_spawn_travel will be used for public spawn costs, despite what mayors have their town spawncost set at.
- When true, the lower of either the town's spawncost or the config's price_town_public_spawn_travel setting will be used.
- Closes #5776.
❌ Removed Config Options (0)
❌ Removed Config Options:
- None.
🔑 Permission Node Changes (0)
🔑 New Permission Nodes (2)
🔑 New Permission Nodes:
No change required in townyperms.yml.
- None.
❌ Removed Permission Nodes (0)
❌ Removed Permission Nodes:
- None.
🔧 Fixed (23)
🔧 Fixed:
Fix town merging testing max-townblocks, when the remaining town is allowed unlimited claims.
Fix sheriff missing jailing permission nodes.
- Your townyperms.yml will have the correct nodes added.
Fix outlaws being able to log out before they're teleported away.
- Closes #5753.
Fix /ta unclaim not handling an empty selection.
- Closes #5798.
Protect rooted_dirt being hoe-able.
- Closes #5805.
Add missing message shown when a conquered town tries to leave their nation.
Fix /ta town NAME kick and /t kick requiring the player being kicked to be online.
Fixes database and townyperms files growing new lines.
Fix potential NPE in TownRuinUtil.
Fix database and townyperms files self-corrupting their yaml formatting on some servers.
Fix Citizens NPCs being moved to spawn when safe mode occurs.
Fix /ta town NAME set not working well from the console.
Fix configs settings getting cramped together.
Fix /towny allowedblocks command.
Fix /towny commands (universe, time, version) now working via console.
Fix outlaw teleport feature conflicting with jailing of outlaws.
- Fix revert explosion entities being wiped, courtesy of Warriorrrr with PR #5777.
- Fix explosion revert entities regression, courtesy of Warriorrrr with PR #5781.
- Fix not being able to replace null mayors with /ta set mayor, courtesy of Warriorrrr with PR #5785.
- Fix long file names causing exceptions when backing up, courtesy of Warriorrrr with PR #5783.
- Convert legacy entity names to the new format, courtesy of Warriorrrr with PR #5786.
- Add workaround for watchdog crashes causing problems, courtesy of Warriorrrr with PR #5792.
- Fix /tw set usedefault causing an NPE, courtesy of Warriorrrr with PR #5800.
🌏 Language Updates (1)
🌏 Language Updates:
- Bump language file to 0.145.
👽 Placeholder Updates (0)
👽 Placeholder Updates:
- None.
💬 TownyChat Changes (10)
💬 TownyChat Changes:
- Display invalid subcommand message when /ch is used with an invalid subcommand.
- Replace the splitter for channels saved in metadata with the , symbol.
- Fix the display_channel_join_message_on_joining_the_server option in the config not being used.
- Delay the login task by another tick so that the player's locale has been determined on the server.
- Closes #5802
Towny SponsorsI want to give a big thank you to all of my sponsors: | ||||
MrLogano | Momshroom | Cobrex1 | KarlOfDuty | scatterspell |
TheFlagCourier | gerardvanschip | DrprofLuigi | Tobza | SmallSansSerif |
TheNylox | diontimmer | trevor1097 | benevolent2012 | treeDerevo |
Scottlander100 | EnvyEnfys | MidnightSugar | mzyax | PestoNotPasta |
cigaming | KeNickGong | MilesBHuff | pebblehost | Akiranya |
BamBamTheEggman | NoikzGaming | TakeoRenka | LordHenryVonHenry | SolarCiv |
Litning11 | Black-Tongue | SkapMC | Tauses | LeftTheNegotiator |
Lemuridaee | ReEvadere | qckcat | roflmarv | beabuenodev |
LoJoSho | 79372275372 | benjamin1313 | ThePontificate | AllieDragon |
TegulaThePig | SavvaKulikov | brycenaddison | benlmyers | ninjadude752 |
KjellWolf | xHyper20 | Caleston | Dynamite99 | bloctown |
VGHaru | Galliut | TuckerAndrews3 | RektorChaos | darthpeti |
PixelJames22 | Anth64 | Cboxhero | WillysHub | DefinitelyNotPesto |
ColbertoSwagerto | GameRoomEarth | Pigioa | TheCuriousMiner | Agaloth |
GoldenEdit | MixSt | Neurologikal | Dark5mile | Mille12313 |
LaBoulangerie | Bestpa | MrSneakyGuy | Eblyss | BurgBoi |
akup001 | Intrabit71 | VexfulNiko | MetaverseRPN | pacabe |
Lambret | and 11 private sponsors. | |||
If you want to support the developer, become a sponsor.(It's just like Patreon but instead 100% of your support goes to the developer.)Plus there are Sponsor Perks! |
Important Links | ||
How Towny Works | Towny Install Guide | Towny Update Guide |
Complete Changelog | Default Config Files | Commands/Permissions Placeholders |