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Data flow

Clément Prod'homme edited this page Feb 10, 2021 · 1 revision

The widget-editor utilizes Redux and Redux-Saga for its internal data flow. Below you will find details about pieces of code that are relevant in the widget-editor.

Table of content

Store structure

In the current store structure, each node has a specific purpose and we try to keep the node footprint small. There is only one node that gets modified by user input, configuration. Everything else in the store is managed by our @widget-editor/core services.

Store nodes

  1. configuration
    • It gets modified on runtime, any user input or dynamic value will go in here.
    • Our core services will serialize values here for the onSave prop callback.
  2. editor
    • It holds the editor's data state, for example the dataset and its data, the widget, the fields, the layers, etc.
    • It gets set on the initial load and it is updated if the widget's data changes or or the datasetId prop is updated.
  3. theme
    • This is the current theme of the widget, the user can pass it as a prop to the editor to control the look of the editor.
    • It only gets modified on the initial load.
  4. widget
    • It contains the Vega schema generated by our core services.


We currently have two sagas: editor and widget.

Editor saga

It is responsible for setting the initial state of the editor itself. It will wait for the DATA_FLOW_DATASET_WIDGET_READY event and set the configuration based on the widget. If no widget ID is provided to the widget-editor, a default widget structure is set.

Widget saga

It is responsible for managing the state of the widget editor and keeps the chart and chartData in sync.

  1. It will wait for an initial render event called DATA_FLOW_VISUALISATION_READY before rendering the chart. This is because we need initial data like dataset and widget to know how to display the visualization. Within this saga, we are using a VegaService that translates the state of the store to a Vega specification.

  2. When anything gets modified within the editor, patchConfiguration gets called. We will perform what we call a state sync using the stateProxy (explained below) that will check if anything was really updated, and perform any necessary updates using the VegaService.


This service is utilizing the provided adapter. You can read more about adapters on their dedicated page.


This service only has one task: to verify that the patchConfiguration events actually updated something in our store. If they did, it will request new data to the adapter and return its payload.

Data flow schema

Whenever state flow changes are made, we make sure to not break the flow design. If we need to modify it, we must update the diagram to reflect the changes.

Data flow