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Global Constants

Ronald Vuong edited this page Dec 13, 2020 · 1 revision

Create a configuration file for hardcoded values for your commands in one place.

The files reside under the following directory:

  |- constants
  |   |- command_name.json
  |   |- [...]

Constants are served automatically by the index as a part of the options.

Your command can utilize the entire options object or, if you are implementing a simple command, you can pass the constants directly to the embedMessage

module.exports = {
  name: "!command_name",
  description: "Command description",
  execute(msg, args, options = {}) {
    embedMessage(msg, args, options);
embedMessage(msg, args, options.constants);
// or
embedMessage(msg, args, options.constants.your_command);

Example file structure:

  "white": 16777214,
  "black": 0

Constants usage:

// Assuming we had options passed, we can access the constants in our embed function
const embedMessage = (msg, args, options) => {
  const colors = options.constants.colors;
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