RapidWright 2023.1.0-beta Release
Release Notes:
Support for Vivado 2023.1 devices and reading 2023.1 DCPs
Full adoption of Zstandard compression for all device and data
files - 11% faster device loads and 108% faster device cache loads with file size reductions of 32% and 52% respectively. -
Has a new 'rapidwright' run wrapper that avoids the need to set CLASSPATH, provides convenience to run any class file with a main() method, run the Jython interpreter and enables one-liner Jython commands. Run
at the prompt for more details. -
Fix duplicate net source pins (won't set the alternate source if it is the same as the source)
Change Net.connect() behavior to connect to existing SitePinInst if net is null
DesignTools.createCeSrRstPinsToVCC() to detect gnd to invert (#664)
EDIFNetlist.cellInstIOStandardFallback to collect set of IOSTANDARDs instead of throwing an error if there is a conflict (#671)
[EDIF] More expanded macros to be deep copied from prim library (#672)
Ignore TestCheckOpenFilesInstalled.test if outside of gradle (#674)
[EDIF] EDIFNetlist.collapseMacroUnisims() to not clobber cell (#675)
[EDIF] Explicit DEFAULT IOStandard on Cell to be overriden by Net (#686)
API Additions:
- (None)
API Deprecation Removals (--> Replacements) [Closed Source]:
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.Tile "public String getNameRoot() --> "public string getRootName()"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.Device "public Tile[][] getTilesByNameRoot(String nameRoot)" --> "getTilesByRootName(String rootName)"