Major Changes
- VRM1 model's outline is now properly drawn
- Fix(Destructive Change): To set diffuseCubeMap and specularCubeMap to MeshRendererComponent, use the setIBLCubeMap method
- Improve Animation Retarget process
What's Changed
- fix: VRM1 outlineWidthFactor unit by @emadurandal in #1310
- feat: camera by @emadurandal in #1311
- fix: material by @emadurandal in #1312
- add resetViewerTransform method to WebXRSystem.ts by @emadurandal in #1313
- feat: retarget by @emadurandal in #1314
- fix: animation blending ratio by @emadurandal in #1315
- fix: xr frustum culling by @emadurandal in #1316
- feat: add setUseGlobalTime and setAnimationTime by @emadurandal in #1317
- feat: webgpu by @emadurandal in #1318
- fix: setIBLCubeMap in MeshRendererComponent.ts by @emadurandal in #1319
- feat: logger by @emadurandal in #1320
Full Changelog: v0.11.9...v0.11.10