This repository describes procedures and contains results of upgrade test for the Gravity-DEX
on the exported state of cosmoshub-4
To get more context about this repo, please reference the following issue and pull request.
Build this gaia v4.2.1 that is used in
This gaia v5.0.0 is used for
zip file is prepared in this repository. It is exported usinggaiad export
command on block height6659211
network. Unzip the attached genesis file to proceed the next steps in this guide. -
zip file is the filw that already proceeded all the modifications and is ready to be used right away. You can skip the next steps and use this to proceed the upgrade test.
As stated above, skip the below steps if you decide to use genesis.json.tar.bz2
# unzip the file
tar xvzf exported_genesis_with_height_6659211_sorted_origin.json.tar.bz2
# verify the hash
# it should return a955b5752f2f0e5384a1e99323ad2ca6c9db58c7b605123bb5896693882136f4
cat exported_genesis_with_height_6659211_sorted_origin.json | shasum -a 256
# change the name to genesis.json
cp exported_genesis_with_height_6659211_sorted_origin.json genesis.json
In this step, we're swapping two validators and add two different accounts. Also, we're going to modify some parameters for test efficiency.
The following files and mnemonics for the two different accounts are already provided:
: validator1's consensus key -
: validator2's consensus key -
guard cream sadness conduct invite crumble clock pudding hole grit liar hotel maid produce squeeze return argue turtle know drive eight casino maze host
: The mnemonic for account1. This account is used for validator1 -
friend excite rough reopen cover wheel spoon convince island path clean monkey play snow number walnut pull lock shoot hurry dream divide concert discover
: The mnemonic for account2. This account is used to test some cli interfaces for the liquidity module. -
render hire dirt bulk huge goat jungle number wear method check during menu goat accident scan noise nerve below target resource digital column flee
: This account isuser1
that is used for sending governance proposal and voting the proposal. -
junk appear guide guess bar reject vendor illegal script sting shock afraid detect ginger other theory relief dress develop core pull across hen float
: This account isuser2
that is used to test some cli interfaces for the liquidity module.
# configure variables
export EXPORTED_GENESIS=genesis.json
export BINARY=gaiad
export CHAIN_ID=cosmoshub-4-upgrade-testnet-1001
export CHAIN_DIR=./data
sed -i '' 's%"chain_id": "cosmoshub-4",%"chain_id": "cosmoshub-4-upgrade-testnet-1001",%g' $EXPORTED_GENESIS
# substitue validator1
sed -i '' 's%cOQZvh/h9ZioSeUMZB/1Vy1Xo5x2sjrVjlE/qHnYifM=%qwiUMxz3llsy45fPvM0a8+XQeAJLvrX3QAEJmRMEEoU=%g' $EXPORTED_GENESIS
sed -i '' 's%B00A6323737F321EB0B8D59C6FD497A14B60938A%D5AB5E458FD9F9964EF50A80451B6F3922E6A4AA%g' $EXPORTED_GENESIS
sed -i '' 's%cosmosvalcons1kq9xxgmn0uepav9c6kwxl4yh599kpyu28e7ee6%cosmosvalcons16k44u3v0m8uevnh4p2qy2xm08y3wdf92xsc3ve%g' $EXPORTED_GENESIS
# substitue validator2
sed -i '' 's%W459Kbdx+LJQ7dLVASW6sAfdqWqNRSXnvc53r9aOx/o=%oi55Dw+JjLQc4u1WlAS3FsGwh5fd5/N5cP3VOLnZ/H0=%g' $EXPORTED_GENESIS
sed -i '' 's%83F47D7747B0F633A6BA0DF49B7DCF61F90AA1B0%7CB07B94FD743E2A8520C2B50DA4B03740643BF5%g' $EXPORTED_GENESIS
sed -i '' 's%cosmosvalcons1s0686a68krmr8f46ph6fklw0v8us4gdsm7nhz3%cosmosvalcons10jc8h98awslz4pfqc26smf9sxaqxgwl4vxpcrp%g' $EXPORTED_GENESIS
# substitute user1 account
# cosmos1dnxfxad3ag26l298f9pfv6u43nlt0madl3qsgl --> cosmos1w323u2q2f9h8nnhus0s9zmzfl4a3mft4xse2h6
# Am5HzAWtsyvoQy49DyM4Q1sZiZL6UvTgKSJW4ERAhCR8 --> AsM0d7NDJ/oFn+/WkeQKO2QIWE3SNBccoRLkrCK14T/i
sed -i '' 's%cosmos1dnxfxad3ag26l298f9pfv6u43nlt0madl3qsgl%cosmos1w323u2q2f9h8nnhus0s9zmzfl4a3mft4xse2h6%g' $EXPORTED_GENESIS
sed -i '' 's%Am5HzAWtsyvoQy49DyM4Q1sZiZL6UvTgKSJW4ERAhCR8%AsM0d7NDJ/oFn+/WkeQKO2QIWE3SNBccoRLkrCK14T/i%g' $EXPORTED_GENESIS
# substitute user2 account
# cosmos1z98eg2ztdp2glyla62629nrlvczg8s7f0tm3dx --> cosmos1wvvhhfm387xvfnqshmdaunnpujjrdxznr5d5x9
# A6apc7iThbRkwboKqPy6eXxxQvTH+0lNkXZvugDM9V4g --> ApDOUyfcamDmnbEO7O4YKnKQQqQ93+gquLfGf7h5clX7
sed -i '' 's%cosmos1z98eg2ztdp2glyla62629nrlvczg8s7f0tm3dx%cosmos1wvvhhfm387xvfnqshmdaunnpujjrdxznr5d5x9%g' $EXPORTED_GENESIS
sed -i '' 's%A6apc7iThbRkwboKqPy6eXxxQvTH+0lNkXZvugDM9V4g%ApDOUyfcamDmnbEO7O4YKnKQQqQ93+gquLfGf7h5clX7%g' $EXPORTED_GENESIS
# fix a delegation amount for over 67%
sed -i '' 's%"25390741.000000000000000000"%"6000000025390741.000000000000000000"%g' $EXPORTED_GENESIS
# fix power of the validator
sed -i '' 's%13488360679504%6013488360679504%g' $EXPORTED_GENESIS
sed -i '' 's%"power": "13488360"%"power": "6013488360"%g' $EXPORTED_GENESIS
# fix last_total_power
sed -i '' 's%"191488844"%"6191488844"%g' $EXPORTED_GENESIS
#sed -i '' 's%274699904554428%6274699904554428%g' $EXPORTED_GENESIS
# missed this modification on public testnet genesis
# fix total supply of uatom
sed -i '' 's%274699904554428%1006274699904554428%g' $EXPORTED_GENESIS
# fix balance of bonded_tokens_pool module account
sed -i '' 's%191488904896901%6191488904896901%g' $EXPORTED_GENESIS
# fix the balance of a account to use as a faucet on testnet
sed -i '' 's%"amount": "107120822"%"amount": "1000000000107120822"%g' $EXPORTED_GENESIS
The following parameters are needed to be modified:
- minimum deposit amount
- quorum
- threshold
- voting_period
sed -i '' 's%"amount": "64000000",%"amount": "1",%g' $EXPORTED_GENESIS
sed -i '' 's%"quorum": "0.400000000000000000",%"quorum": "0.000000000000000001",%g' $EXPORTED_GENESIS
sed -i '' 's%"threshold": "0.500000000000000000",%"threshold": "0.000000000000000001",%g' $EXPORTED_GENESIS
sed -i '' 's%"voting_period": "1209600s"%"voting_period": "60s"%g' $EXPORTED_GENESIS
export EXPORTED_GENESIS=genesis.json
export BINARY=gaiad
export CHAIN_ID=cosmoshub-4-upgrade-testnet
export CHAIN_DIR=./data
export VAL_1_MNEMONIC="guard cream sadness conduct invite crumble clock pudding hole grit liar hotel maid produce squeeze return argue turtle know drive eight casino maze host"
export VAL_1_KEY_NAME="val1"
export VAL_1_MONIKER="Validator One"
export VAL_2_MNEMONIC="friend excite rough reopen cover wheel spoon convince island path clean monkey play snow number walnut pull lock shoot hurry dream divide concert discover"
export VAL_2_KEY_NAME="val2"
export VAL_2_MONIKER="Validator Two"
# Validator 1
echo "Initializing $CHAIN_ID..."
$BINARY init test --home $VAL_1_CHAIN_DIR --chain-id=$CHAIN_ID
echo "Adding genesis accounts..."
echo $VAL_1_MNEMONIC | $BINARY --home $VAL_1_CHAIN_DIR keys add $VAL_1_KEY_NAME --recover --keyring-backend=test
# Validator 2
echo "Initializing $CHAIN_ID..."
$BINARY --home $VAL_2_CHAIN_DIR init test --chain-id=$CHAIN_ID
echo "Adding genesis accounts..."
echo $VAL_2_MNEMONIC | $BINARY --home $VAL_2_CHAIN_DIR keys add $VAL_2_KEY_NAME --recover --keyring-backend=test
# Account 1
export USER_1_MNEMONIC="render hire dirt bulk huge goat jungle number wear method check during menu goat accident scan noise nerve below target resource digital column flee"
export USER_1_KEY_NAME="user1"
#- name: user1
# type: local
# address: cosmos1w323u2q2f9h8nnhus0s9zmzfl4a3mft4xse2h6
# pubkey: cosmospub1addwnpepqtpngaangvnl5pvlaltfreq28djqskzd6g6pw89pztj2cg44uyl7y6xgev8
# Account 2
export USER_2_MNEMONIC="junk appear guide guess bar reject vendor illegal script sting shock afraid detect ginger other theory relief dress develop core pull across hen float"
export USER_2_KEY_NAME="user2"
#- name: user2
# type: local
# address: cosmos1wvvhhfm387xvfnqshmdaunnpujjrdxznr5d5x9
# pubkey: cosmospub1addwnpepq2gvu5e8m34xpe5aky8wemsc9fefqs4y8h07s24cklr8lwrewf2lklysaen
echo $USER_1_MNEMONIC | $BINARY --home $USER_1_CHAIN_DIR keys add $USER_1_KEY_NAME --recover --keyring-backend=test
echo $USER_2_MNEMONIC | $BINARY --home $USER_2_CHAIN_DIR keys add $USER_2_KEY_NAME --recover --keyring-backend=test
# copy genesis file
cp genesis.json $VAL_1_CHAIN_DIR/config/genesis.json
cp genesis.json $VAL_2_CHAIN_DIR/config/genesis.json
# copy validator keys
cp priv_validator_key_val1.json $VAL_1_CHAIN_DIR/config/priv_validator_key.json
cp priv_validator_key_val2.json $VAL_2_CHAIN_DIR/config/priv_validator_key.json
# configure config and app toml
export VAL_1_P2P_PORT=26656
export VAL_2_P2P_PORT=36656
export VAL_2_RPC_PORT=36657
export VAL_2_API_PORT=1327
export VAL_2_GRPC_PORT=9080
export VAL_2_PPROF_PORT=6061
sed -i '' 's#"tcp://"#"tcp://'"$VAL_2_RPC_PORT"'"#g' $VAL_2_CHAIN_DIR/config/config.toml
sed -i '' 's#"tcp://"#"tcp://'"$VAL_2_P2P_PORT"'"#g' $VAL_2_CHAIN_DIR/config/config.toml
sed -i '' 's#"tcp://"#"tcp://'"$VAL_2_API_PORT"'"#g' $VAL_2_CHAIN_DIR/config/app.toml
sed -i '' 's#""#"'"$VAL_2_GRPC_PORT"'"#g' $VAL_2_CHAIN_DIR/config/app.toml
sed -i '' 's/enable = false/enable = true/g' $VAL_2_CHAIN_DIR/config/app.toml
sed -i '' 's/swagger = false/swagger = true/g' $VAL_2_CHAIN_DIR/config/app.toml
# configure peers
export VAL_1_NODE_ID=$($BINARY tendermint --home $VAL_1_CHAIN_DIR show-node-id)
export VAL_2_NODE_ID=$($BINARY tendermint --home $VAL_2_CHAIN_DIR show-node-id)
sed -i '' 's/persistent_peers = ""/persistent_peers = "'$VAL_2_NODE_ID'@'localhost':'$VAL_2_P2P_PORT'"/g' $VAL_1_CHAIN_DIR/config/config.toml
sed -i '' 's/persistent_peers = ""/persistent_peers = "'$VAL_1_NODE_ID'@'localhost':'$VAL_1_P2P_PORT'"/g' $VAL_2_CHAIN_DIR/config/config.toml
sed -i '' 's/unconditional_peer_ids = ""/unconditional_peer_ids = "'$VAL_1_NODE_ID'"/g' $VAL_2_CHAIN_DIR/config/config.toml
sed -i '' 's/unconditional_peer_ids = ""/unconditional_peer_ids = "'$VAL_2_NODE_ID'"/g' $VAL_1_CHAIN_DIR/config/config.toml
sed -i '' 's/pprof_laddr = "localhost:6060"/pprof_laddr = "localhost:'$VAL_2_PPROF_PORT'"/g' $VAL_2_CHAIN_DIR/config/config.toml
sed -i '' 's/addr_book_strict = true/addr_book_strict = false/g' $VAL_2_CHAIN_DIR/config/config.toml
sed -i '' 's/addr_book_strict = true/addr_book_strict = false/g' $VAL_1_CHAIN_DIR/config/config.toml
verify genesis hash after modification
cat genesis.json | shasum -a 256
# start validator nodes
export HOME1=./data/cosmoshub-4/val1
export HOME2=./data/cosmoshub-4/val2
# use terminal 1
$BINARY start --home $HOME1 --x-crisis-skip-assert-invariants
# use terminal 2
$BINARY start --home $HOME2 --x-crisis-skip-assert-invariants
# v4.2.1
gaiad version
# submit upgrade proposal
# make sure upgrade-height has enough time for the proposal to pass
gaiad tx gov submit-proposal software-upgrade Gravity-DEX \
--deposit 1000uatom \
--title Gravity-DEX \
--upgrade-height {your target height, ex) 6910000} \
--upgrade-info "v5.0.0-4760cf1f1266accec7a107f440d46d9724c6fd08" \
--description "This on-chain upgrade governance proposal is to adopt the Gravity DEX protocol on the Cosmos Hub. By voting YES to this proposal, you approve of adding the Gravity DEX protocol on the Cosmos Hub.\\n\\n### Background\\n\\nIn July 2020, the Iqlusion team developed ATOM 2021 to drive the direction of the Cosmos Hub after the completion of the Cosmos whitepaper and IBC. It became clear that providing liquidity to new IBC connected zones was core the Hub's mission. \\n\\nTendermint ([]( and B-Harvest ([]( joined forces to produce and develop a Liquidity Module ([]( In 2021 March, they submitted a signal governance proposal to ask the Atom delegator community about Gravity DEX (Liquidity Module) adoption on the Cosmos Hub. Prop38 was very well approved by the community ([](\\n\\nThis proposal completes the first leg of ATOM 2021 and achieves the goals of the signaling proposal by bringing an IBC compatible DEX to the Hub.\\n\\n### Ready for Production\\n\\nWith continuous quality improvement of the codebase, very wide test coverage, a codebase audit from Least Authority and Simply VC, and subsequent follow-up codebase strengthening, along with extensive simulation processes, we are now very confident to be ready for production utilization of the Gravity DEX (Liquidity Module) on the Cosmos Hub. The Gaia branch for the new release with Gravity DEX feature can be found [here]( Please also check out the [github repository]( for the launch testing of Gaia with Gravity DEX.\\n\\n### On-Chain Upgrade Process\\n\\nWhen the network reaches the halt height, the state machine program of the Cosmos Hub will be halted. And then, all validators and node operators have to substitute the existing state machine binary to the new binary with the Gravity DEX feature. Because it is an onchain upgrade process, the blockchain will be continued with all the accumulated history with continuous block height.\\n\\n### Potential Risk Factors\\n\\nAlthough Tendermint executed very extensive testing and simulation, and conducted in-depth audits, and followed up with the corresponding codebase improvement, there always still exists a risk that the Cosmos Hub might experience problems due to potential bugs or errors from the new Gravity DEX feature. In the case of serious problems, validators should stop operating the network immediately, and use the fixed state machine program provided by Tendermint." \
--gas 400000 \
--from user1 \
--keyring-backend test \
--chain-id cosmoshub-4-upgrade-testnet-1001 \
--home data/cosmoshub-4/val2 \
--node tcp://localhost:36657
# vote yes for the proposal
# note that voting period, quorum, and threshold params are modified
gaiad tx gov vote 50 yes -y \
--from user1 \
--keyring-backend test \
--chain-id cosmoshub-4-upgrade-testnet-1001 \
--home data/cosmoshub-4/val2 \
--node tcp://
# query the proposal to check if it is passed
# the status should be PROPOSAL_STATUS_PASSED
gaiad query gov proposal 50 \
--chain-id cosmoshub-4-upgrade-testnet-1001 \
--home data/cosmoshub-4/val2 \
--node tcp://
// result of the proposal
'@type': /cosmos.upgrade.v1beta1.SoftwareUpgradeProposal
description: This on-chain upgrade governance proposal is to adopt the Gravity DEX
protocol on the Cosmos Hub. By voting YES to this proposal, you approve of adding
the Gravity DEX protocol on the Cosmos Hub.\n\n### Background\n\nIn July 2020,
the Iqlusion team developed ATOM 2021 to drive the direction of the Cosmos Hub
after the completion of the Cosmos whitepaper and IBC. It became clear that providing
liquidity to new IBC connected zones was core the Hub's mission. \n\nTendermint
([]( and B-Harvest ([]( joined
forces to produce and develop a Liquidity Module ([](
In 2021 March, they submitted a signal governance proposal to ask the Atom delegator
community about Gravity DEX (Liquidity Module) adoption on the Cosmos Hub. Prop38
was very well approved by the community ([](\n\nThis
proposal completes the first leg of ATOM 2021 and achieves the goals of the signaling
proposal by bringing an IBC compatible DEX to the Hub.\n\n### Ready for Production\n\nWith
continuous quality improvement of the codebase, very wide test coverage, a codebase
audit from Least Authority and Simply VC, and subsequent follow-up codebase strengthening,
along with extensive simulation processes, we are now very confident to be ready
for production utilization of the Gravity DEX (Liquidity Module) on the Cosmos
Hub. The Gaia branch for the new release with Gravity DEX feature can be found
[here]( Please also check
out the [github repository](
for the launch testing of Gaia with Gravity DEX.\n\n### On-Chain Upgrade Process\n\nWhen
the network reaches the halt height, the state machine program of the Cosmos Hub
will be halted. And then, all validators and node operators have to substitute
the existing state machine binary to the new binary with the Gravity DEX feature.
Because it is an onchain upgrade process, the blockchain will be continued with
all the accumulated history with continuous block height.\n\n### Potential Risk
Factors\n\nAlthough Tendermint executed very extensive testing and simulation,
and conducted in-depth audits, and followed up with the corresponding codebase
improvement, there always still exists a risk that the Cosmos Hub might experience
problems due to potential bugs or errors from the new Gravity DEX feature. In
the case of serious problems, validators should stop operating the network immediately,
and use the fixed state machine program provided by Tendermint.
height: "6659310"
info: v5.0.0-4760cf1f1266accec7a107f440d46d9724c6fd08
name: Gravity-DEX
time: "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
upgraded_client_state: null
title: Gravity-DEX
deposit_end_time: "2021-07-12T15:44:27.561917Z"
abstain: "0"
"no": "0"
no_with_veto: "0"
"yes": "72642221"
proposal_id: "50"
submit_time: "2021-06-28T15:44:27.561917Z"
- amount: "1000"
denom: uatom
voting_end_time: "2021-06-28T15:45:27.561917Z"
voting_start_time: "2021-06-28T15:44:27.561917Z"
The proposal has passed and it is all good to go. When upgrade-height
is reached, the node must be halted for upgrade.
ERR UPGRADE "Gravity-DEX" NEEDED at height: 6659975: v4.3.0-testhash ERR CONSENSUS FAILURE!!! err="UPGRADE "Gravity-DEX" NEEDED at height: 6659975: v4.3.0-testhash" module=consensus stack="goroutine 496414...
# gaia version that includes gravity-dex module
# latest add-liquidity-module-to-gaia branch
gaiad version
-> v5.0.0
gaiad start --home $HOME1 --x-crisis-skip-assert-invariants
gaiad start --home $HOME2 --x-crisis-skip-assert-invariants
# query liquidity parameters
gaiad query liquidity params \
--node tcp://
# create liquidity pool
gaiad tx liquidity create-pool 1 1000000ibc/1BE91D67775723D3230A9A5AC54BB29B92A5A51B4B8F20BBA37DF1CFA602297C,1000000uatom \
--from user2 --keyring-backend test \
--home data/cosmoshub-4/val2 \
--chain-id cosmoshub-4-upgrade-testnet-1001 \
--gas 300000 \
--node tcp://
# query liquidity pool
gaiad query liquidity pools \
--node tcp://
# swap request
gaiad tx liquidity swap 1 1 100000uatom ibc/1BE91D67775723D3230A9A5AC54BB29B92A5A51B4B8F20BBA37DF1CFA602297C 0.019 0.003 \
--from user2 --keyring-backend test \
--home data/cosmoshub-4/val2 \
--chain-id cosmoshub-4-upgrade-testnet-1001 \
--node tcp://
gaiad query auth account cosmos1w323u2q2f9h8nnhus0s9zmzfl4a3mft4xse2h6 \
--node tcp://
gaiad query auth account cosmos1wvvhhfm387xvfnqshmdaunnpujjrdxznr5d5x9 \
--node tcp://
# withdraw request
gaiad tx liquidity withdraw 1 1000pool024B000726712F1093C7D24EC329DE498EBB85B4B2D37C59D4F37BC542020151 \
--from user2 --keyring-backend test \
--home data/cosmoshub-4/val2 \
--chain-id cosmoshub-4-upgrade-testnet-1001 \
--node tcp://
# query balance after swap transacted
gaiad query bank balances cosmos1wvvhhfm387xvfnqshmdaunnpujjrdxznr5d5x9 \
--node tcp://
// result of liquidity module params
circuit_breaker_enabled: false
init_pool_coin_mint_amount: "1000000"
max_order_amount_ratio: "0.100000000000000000"
max_reserve_coin_amount: "0"
min_init_deposit_amount: "1000000"
- amount: "100000000"
denom: uatom
- description: ""
id: 1
max_reserve_coin_num: 2
min_reserve_coin_num: 2
name: DefaultPoolType
swap_fee_rate: "0.003000000000000000"
unit_batch_height: 1
withdraw_fee_rate: "0.003000000000000000"
// result of created liquidity pool
next_key: null
total: "1"
- id: "1"
pool_coin_denom: pool024B000726712F1093C7D24EC329DE498EBB85B4B2D37C59D4F37BC542020151
reserve_account_address: cosmos1qf9sqpexwyh3py786f8vx2w7fx8thpd5wz79sf
- ibc/1BE91D67775723D3230A9A5AC54BB29B92A5A51B4B8F20BBA37DF1CFA602297C
- uatom
type_id: 1
If you want to participate in the testnet as a validator, you can use the same account, validator key of the cosmoshub-4, or if you request an issue like this, we will send you some coins for the delegation manually.
was updated to cosmoshub-4-upgrade-testnet-1001
for fixing invariant errors
Download the genesis here: genesis.json.tar.bz2 of latest testnet:cosmoshub-4-upgrade-testnet-1001
tar xvzf genesis.json.tar.bz2
cat genesis.json | shasum -a 256
The testnet was started based on gaia v4.2.1 and upgraded to gaia v5.0.0 on 6659381
Height by SoftwareUpgradeProposal
So when you start to sync your node, you have to use the gaia v4.2.1, And when it stops at the 6659381
height with the below panic, you should restart using gaia v5.0.0.
ERR UPGRADE "Gravity-DEX" NEEDED at height: 6659381: v5.0.0-4760cf1f1266accec7a107f440d46d9724c6fd08
panic: UPGRADE "Gravity-DEX" NEEDED at height: 6659381: v5.0.0-4760cf1f1266accec7a107f440d46d9724c6fd08
[email protected]:26656
[email protected]:26656
min gas = 0
p2p peers = 200
diff exported_genesis_with_height_6659211_sorted_origin.json genesis.json -u
--- exported_genesis_with_height_6659211_sorted_origin.json 2021-06-21 18:15:44.000000000 +0900
+++ genesis.json 2021-07-06 11:13:39.000000000 +0900
@@ -194199,10 +194199,10 @@
"@type": "/cosmos.auth.v1beta1.BaseAccount",
"account_number": "27720",
- "address": "cosmos1z98eg2ztdp2glyla62629nrlvczg8s7f0tm3dx",
+ "address": "cosmos1wvvhhfm387xvfnqshmdaunnpujjrdxznr5d5x9",
"pub_key": {
"@type": "/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey",
- "key": "A6apc7iThbRkwboKqPy6eXxxQvTH+0lNkXZvugDM9V4g"
+ "key": "ApDOUyfcamDmnbEO7O4YKnKQQqQ93+gquLfGf7h5clX7"
"sequence": "203"
@@ -1223676,10 +1223676,10 @@
"@type": "/cosmos.auth.v1beta1.BaseAccount",
"account_number": "10668",
- "address": "cosmos1dnxfxad3ag26l298f9pfv6u43nlt0madl3qsgl",
+ "address": "cosmos1w323u2q2f9h8nnhus0s9zmzfl4a3mft4xse2h6",
"pub_key": {
"@type": "/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey",
- "key": "Am5HzAWtsyvoQy49DyM4Q1sZiZL6UvTgKSJW4ERAhCR8"
+ "key": "AsM0d7NDJ/oFn+/WkeQKO2QIWE3SNBccoRLkrCK14T/i"
"sequence": "15"
@@ -2999974,7 +2999974,7 @@
- "address": "cosmos1z98eg2ztdp2glyla62629nrlvczg8s7f0tm3dx",
+ "address": "cosmos1wvvhhfm387xvfnqshmdaunnpujjrdxznr5d5x9",
"coins": [
"amount": "10000000",
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