This tool predicts transporter proteins.
Input: proteins sequences in Fasta format Output: the predicted location,1=membrane, 0=non-membrane
The training dataset can be found here
There are a number of folders that support the running of TooT-M and its outputs.
Contains the homology details needed to extract the features. Details of the psiBlast hits
for each sequence is found here.
intermediate_files/Compostions: Contains the extracted MSA_TPAAC
features of test set
Contains the database to be used when performing BLAST.
The scripts needed to use the tool.
- This tool requires that
be pre-installed - Usage:
Rscript src/TooT_M.R -query=<input> [-TooTM=<TooTMdir>] [-out=<outdir>] [-db=<path to db>][-topcons2=<TOPCONS2 results path>]
is your sequence input file in fasta format<out>
is the output directory where you want the predicted results, formatted as csv<TooTMdir>
is the directory where the base TooT-M files are located<path to db> is the directory where the database is stored
<TOPCONS2 results path> is the directory where TOPCONS2 results (.txt) is stored; results can be obtained by there available website [here]( or by downloading the tool as described [here](
- Pse-PSSM features (lambda in (0,1,...49) of each sequence in the test set is found under intermediate_files/Compositions/Testing/