Starred repositories
A repository for collaborative editing of omega tau episode preparations
centic9 / EveryTile
Forked from to-ko/EveryTileDataField App for garmin edge cycling computers
Open Android SVN - Functional SVN (Subversion) client for Android
A demo how to use makefile to build,run,package a ciq project
A list of Garmin application, both for Garmin devices and other tools
The Eclipse Memory Analyzer is a fast and feature-rich Java heap dump analyzer that helps you find memory leaks and reduce memory consumption.
Java Agent which validates that memory access with `sun.misc.Unsafe` is correct.
Fast and lightweight DNS proxy as ad-blocker for local network with many features
Use Jazzer to perform fuzzy testing of Apache Commons Configuration
A tool which reads GPX tracks and produces a world-map which displays covered "tiles", i.e. ~1.5km squares
Bringing phpMyAdmin to the command-line.
Docker file for a minimal effort OpenStreetMap tile server
Distribute and run LLMs with a single file.
GraalPy – A high-performance embeddable Python 3 runtime for Java
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/tm1638-library
Download market data from Yahoo! Finance's API
Simplified version of a common crawl fetcher
centic9 / ministocks
Forked from niteshpatel/ministocksAndroid Stocks Widget
Arduino TM16xx library for LED & KEY and LED Matrix modules based on TM1638, TM1637, TM1640 and similar chips. Simply use print() on 7-segment and use Adafruit GFX on matrix.
Deduplicating archiver with compression and authenticated encryption.
Educational documents on Git Internals
Apache Superset is a Data Visualization and Data Exploration Platform
Git sources with Debian/Ubuntu packaging for PPA created using git-buildpackage
centic9 / graphite-fabric
Forked from gingerlime/graphite-fabricfabric-graphite is a fabric script to install Graphite and all dependencies on a debian-based host (with optional vagrant support)
The Definitive Guide to Elasticsearch